The most dangerous thing for the body is a decrease in immunity. As soon as the protective forces weaken, the viral infection freely penetrates inside. Rhinitis also occurs when pathological reactions occur, indicating a decline in immune activity. Classification of rhinitis according to ICD-10: J30.0 - J30.4.

The causes of rhinitis can be many. Most often it is:
- Incorrect or incompletely treated inflammation of the nasal mucosa. In this case, the danger is that the disease can flow into a severe stage, that is, into purulent rhinitis.
- Ingestion of a viral infection. The discharge has a clear, watery consistency.
- Bacteria. In this case, the discharge becomes greenish or white-yellow.
- Congenital or acquired defects. For example, a deviated nasal septum. The reason for the development of rhinitis can also be pathologies in the maxillary sinuses or an increase in the third tonsil.
- Hormonal failure. Oftenoccurs during the restructuring of the body or after taking certain medications.
- Unfavorable external factors. Due to numerous diseases, smoking, place of work or living in a polluted atmosphere, changes in the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses occur. This type of rhinitis is called "hypertrophic" in medicine.
- Allergic reaction, especially if there is a predisposition to allergies.

Rhinitis symptoms are pronounced. But the different kind of this disease has its own differences.
Signs of illness appear like this:
- If it is a viral infection, it is accompanied by swelling and redness of the nose. The throat may become inflamed and conjunctivitis may appear. The temperature rises. Because of the swelling of the mucosa, breathing becomes difficult. Discharge from the nose at the beginning of the disease is transparent and watery. After a while they become slimy.
- Bacteria cause nasal congestion, discharge yellow-white and greenish. There may be sneezing, pershit throat. There is a constant malaise and severe weakness, headaches often begin.
- Allergic reactions are distinguished not only by swelling inside the nose, shortness of breath, but also by conjunctivitis. Lachrymation begins, and the eyes often become red. Nasal discharge is runny, nose and eyes are very itchy.
- In chronic rhinitis, discharge is constant, as is weakness, chronic fatigue. Respiratory tract infections are often observed. If sputum has acquiredgreen color means a purulent form of the disease is developing.
- If there are birth defects, the discharge is purulent and constant. Therefore, the perception of odors is reduced, breathing is heavy.
- With hypertrophic rhinitis, pathologies associated with the growth of the nasal mucosa begin, an unpleasant odor may occur. Constant dryness in the throat.

Allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis, the classification of which assumes an acute and chronic form of pathology, is provoked by certain allergens. It can be quite difficult to determine the allergen, since it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person, but among the most common causes are:
- pollen of trees and bushes;
- mold;
- dust mites;
- chemicals;
- pet hair.

Nonallergic rhinitis
Non-allergic rhinitis is nasal irritation caused by various non-allergenic factors. Although there is no allergic reaction, the symptoms may resemble an allergy. This type of rhinitis occurs due to contact with irritants:
- smoke;
- dust;
- certain chemicals;
- dramatic change in weather conditions.

Chronic rhinitis
Chronic rhinitis can last for several months. In this case, there is inflammationand sometimes just irritation of the mucous membrane. The cause of this type of rhinitis is:
- drugs;
- allergens;
- physiological problems;
- irritants.
Exacerbation can begin at any time of the year, and the symptoms are similar to year-round rhinitis.

Perennial rhinitis
Perennial rhinitis is a disease that occurs as a result of constant contact with allergens. They can be:
- pincers;
- mushrooms;
- insects;
- animal wool.
Symptoms are similar to allergic rhinitis, but different treatment is provided, so this type is isolated as a separate disease.
"Taste" rhinitis
"Taste" rhinitis - occurs as a reaction to too hot or spicy foods. The taste buds are irritated, but the symptoms disappear within a few hours. Usually appears for a short time and does not appear twice.
Medicated hypertrophic rhinitis
Medicated rhinitis occurs with prolonged use of drugs that constrict blood vessels. More often it occurs in people who neglect the instructions for the use of drugs for the common cold and use them longer than the prescribed period.
Hypertrophic rhinitis develops due to hypertrophy of the tissues of the nose. The cause of the disease is a metabolic disorder in the nasal mucosa and its constant injury. This type of rhinitis usually affects people who work in a chemical plant, in a dusty building, orsuffering from cardiovascular, endocrine and allergic diseases.
Atrophic rhinitis
Atrophic rhinitis is chronic and occurs due to the constant inhalation of dust, which provokes thinning of the nasal mucosa. The patient has a viscous and persistent runny nose.
Classification of rhinitis according to Piskunov
This classification is based on etiology, symptoms and morphological picture. Types of rhinitis are divided into two groups: acute and chronic.
Classification of acute rhinitis:
- Traumatic.
- Allergic (seasonal only).
- Infectious.
Classification of chronic rhinitis:
- Catarrhal.
- Infectious.
- Allergic (whole year).
- Atrophic.
- Vasomotor rhinitis, the classification of which is as follows: vasodilatory, hypersecretory, edematous, polypous, mixed.

Rhinitis treatment
Treatment of acute rhinitis should be determined by the staging of the course and the pathogenesis of acute inflammation. At the beginning of the first stage of this disease, the main task is to eliminate the invasion of the virus in the epithelium of the nose, as well as its replication. Here, measures are taken to improve local protection and drugs with antiviral action are used. Antivirals:
- Recombinant interferons ("Laferon", "Viferon", "Reoferon").
- Antiviral immunoglobulins.
- Natural interferons.
- Interferon inductors ("Aitksin", "Neovir", "Methylglucamine gel", "Levomax", "Kagocel", "Tiloron").
- "Rimantadine".
- Aminocaproic acid disrupts the effects of a viral infection on the body.
- "Aciclovir" for the inhibition of influenza A.
To influence reflex and nervous reactions, a warm bath, hot drink is prescribed, and mustard plasters are applied to the calves of the legs. These measures have the greatest effect both in the first and partially in the next stage of an acute illness.
The second stage of rhinitis should be accompanied by treatment, which will help reduce inflammation and quickly restore nasal function. For this, the use of vasoconstrictors is shown, which eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa and restores breathing. They also prevent sinus stenosis and sinusitis from developing.
The active substance phenylephrine has a mild vasoconstrictor effect, does not reduce blood flow and does not provoke the appearance of the rebound syndrome. Drugs with oxymetazoline have a more stable effect. A2-adrenergic agonists are characterized by a long-term effect, which is explained by their slow elimination by reducing blood flow. For ease of use, decongestants are prescribed in the form of sprays to evenly distribute the drug and reduce its maximum dose.
Currently, cocaine hydrochloride and epinephrine hydrochloride are practically not used. For the treatment of rhinitis of the third stage is shownuse of antibiotics:
- "Framicetin" in the form of a spray.
- "Mupiracin" - antibiotic ointment.
- A nasal spray that will contain phenylephrine hydrochloride, polymexin B and dexamethasone.
- Washing the sinuses and nasal passages with saline, which can be supplemented with antiseptics such as:
- "Miramistin";
- "Protargol";
- "Chlorhexidine";
- "Octenisept";
- "Ectericide";
- "Decamethoxin";
- "Dioxidine".
Complication of rhinitis
Rhinitis or, more simply, a runny nose is considered one of the most common diseases of human ENT organs. The reasons for the development of this disease are quite diverse, they include various hazards and allergens, and it also develops under the influence of infections.
In general, a runny nose does not pose a strong threat to human life if it was treated on time and correctly. But if the treatment was completely absent or was not brought to an end, then this can lead to serious complications, some of which a person endures quite hard.