In medicine, the radicular syndrome of the cervical spine is a complex of unpleasant clinical signs that occur when the spinal nerve endings are compressed. Many experts also call this pathological process sciatica (pinching of nerve endings in most cases is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process).
The radicular syndrome of the cervical region is quite rare, which is directly related to the strength of the vertebrae of this zone compared to other parts of the spinal column. The intervertebral foramina in this area are small, which does not allow hernial protrusions to go beyond them.
Cervical sciatica is formed in most cases against the background of squeezing the radicular arteries. As a result, the development of oxygen starvation of the last element is observed. Why does radicular syndrome of the cervical spine occur?

Main causes of occurrence
Cervical radiculopathy can occur for various reasons, so absolutely no one is immune from the occurrence of this disease. Many patients believe that the disease appears mainly in old age. However, it is often diagnosed in younger patients.
There are some characteristic causes that provoke the development of cervical radicular syndrome:
- Hormonal disorders. During a hormonal failure, metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, resulting in a pinched nerve. For this reason, it is very important to promptly eliminate all emerging diseases associated with hormone imbalance.
- Congenital anomalies of the structure of the spine.
- Inactivity. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, he may experience various problems with the spine. That is why when sedentary work is necessary to take a walk or go to the gym.
- Hypercooling.
- Obesity. In the presence of excess weight, the load on the spinal column increases significantly, which leads to compression of nerve fibers and the development of radicular syndrome.
- Osteochondrosis.
- Age-related changes. In old age, people change the structure of cartilage and bone tissue. In this regard, osteochondrosis and radicular syndrome may develop.
- Intervertebral hernia, which significantly impairs well-being and leads to stiffness of movements. It can cause cervical osteochondrosis and radicular syndrome.
- Injuries. Spinal injuries are quite dangerous to he alth. If there is an injury to the cervical garment, and there is a displacement of the vertebrae, then pinching of the nerves and the development of radicular pain occurs in 90% of cases.

Anatomical features
Nerve roots originate in the spinal cord, which is located in the dural sac inside the spinal column. One pair of these roots - motor and sensory - forms a nerve process that passes through the openings of the spine and connects the spinal cord and brain. The path of the nerve processes in the neck is rather narrow. Joints, vertebrae, ligaments, arteries, muscles - all this is compressed in a narrow section of this part of the spine.

In such close quarters, each pathological neoplasm creates a problem - the development of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and radicular syndrome:
- Protrusions, osteophytes, hernias injure and squeeze all adjacent tissues, provoke their inflammation.
- Circulation processes are disturbed, edema appears - soreness during movements of the neck muscles is a signal to the brain about the pathology.
- Arteries squeezed by spasmodic and swollen muscles cannot provide the brain with enough nutrients. This can cause headaches and dizziness.
- Pain syndrome is most pronounced in the nerve processes. When, with careless movements of the head, they are infringed, the pain passes through the entire nerve andis given to the muscles of the head, face, shoulders and arms. Approximately 60% of all pinched nerves occur due to inflammation and spasms of adjacent tissues and vessels.
The most common cause of cervical radicular syndrome is the narrowing (stenosis) of the same-named artery that feeds the nerve. His oxygen deficiency - starvation, causes severe pain. And pain is a signal of inflammation of the tissues surrounding the spinal column, when degenerative processes develop in it. The cause of this degeneration lies in the lack of nutrition, which, in turn, causes dystrophy.
Symptoms of cervical radicular syndrome
Pain is not the only sign of the ailment being studied. He is often accompanied by:
- Limited and stiff head and hand movements, decreased muscle tone.
- Numbness of some parts of the body. The distribution and localization of these signs directly depends on the vertebra in which the nerve is pinched.
- С1 -С2 - damage to the nerve endings in these cervical vertebrae entails the occurrence of constant pain and numbness of the occipital region and the parietal zone of the head. This is characterized by sagging of the chin due to weakness of the muscles of this zone.
- C3 - the nerves that exit in the region of this vertebra are connected on both sides of the neck. The neck becomes numb and hurts on the side where the pinching is present. There may also be problems with tongue movements.
- C4 - nerve endings from this section go to the collarbones and shoulder blades. Numbness and soreness in these areas is oftengives to the heart. The symptoms of radicular syndrome of the cervical spine are quite unpleasant.
- С5 - nerves pass into the muscles of the arms. Painful sensations are observed from the inside of the limb, from the neck to the elbow.
- C6 - pinched nerve in this area spreads pain from the scapula to the entire inside of the hand to the thumb, which can become numb. There is limited movement in the hand.
- C7 - radicular pain from this vertebra is localized on the outside of the hand to the ring finger and little finger. It is difficult for the patient to bend the arm at the elbow or raise it.

It is impossible to independently determine this disease in yourself, since the symptoms of cervical radicular syndrome are similar to those that occur when the heart is disturbed or a number of neurological diseases. The diagnosis should be made by a specialist. For examination, hardware techniques are involved, for example, X-ray, CT or MRI. They help to get a complete clinical picture of the disease and the degree of damage.
In the process of diagnostic measures, the patient's history is clarified, and it is recommended to donate blood and urine for laboratory tests. An important instrumental diagnostic method is ultrasound of the vertebral arteries, which can be compressed by displaced vertebrae in the cervical region.
Treatment methods
How to treat cervical osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome? After the diagnosis, the doctor, taking into account the results of the researchand the patient's condition, prescribes him complex therapy. It includes drug treatment, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, massage, magnetic or manual therapy. All these procedures are aimed at improving the processes of blood transfer through the vessels of the affected area, as well as at normalizing neuronal transmission.
Complex treatment is an important condition in getting rid of the signs of radicular syndrome in the cervical region. Taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers, as a rule, is not a solution to the problem, but only temporarily eliminates the pathological symptoms of the underlying disease. Over time, the lack of competent therapy can lead to disability or other serious consequences.

Drug therapy for disease
The treatment of cervical radicular syndrome begins with the selection of suitable medications. They are appointed, as a rule, by a narrow-profile specialist - an orthopedist or a neurologist. The specialist takes into account the nature of the pathological process, the cause of its development, the age of the patient and the severity of symptoms. To achieve maximum effect, the following groups of medicines are used:
- Painkillers ("Diklak", "Diclofenac", "Ibuprofen", "Analgin"). They are most often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the action of which is aimed at stopping the pain syndrome. Such drugs do not cure the disease, but only eliminate the symptoms.
- Miorelaxants ("Vera-Pipekuronium", "Arduan", "RocuroniumKabi", "Mydocalm"). The muscles of the damaged cervical regions are in constant tone, which negatively affects the patient's condition. It is this category of medical products that helps relieve stress.
- Vitamin complexes ("Cytoflavin", "Trigamma", "Mexi B6", "Combilipen"). Group vitamins have a positive effect on the state of nerve endings, so their intake is necessary in the treatment of radicular syndrome.
- Antidepressants ("Azafen", "Adepress", "Amitriptyline"). Pathology is often manifested by a variety of mental disorders, depression and neuroses. Medicines from this group will help to cope with these conditions.
- Local funds ("Indometracin", "Diklovit", "Kapsicam", "Dolobene"). To provide a local effect on the problem area, various gels, ointments and creams are used. The effect of their use is lower than that of those drugs that are used in the form of injections and tablets, but they have a milder effect on the body. Some medicines in this category help to quickly restore blood circulation in the affected area and relieve pain.
Treatment of radicular syndrome of the cervical spine lasts long enough. The duration of the course of taking the selected medications is determined individually. However, the use of medications alone will not achieve a lasting positive effect. To do this, along with drugs, other methods of restoring the normal state are prescribed.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment of radicular syndromecervical region
Manual therapy and physiotherapy help to establish metabolic processes and eliminate pain in the area under study. Today, there are many ways to eliminate the radicular syndrome, and each of them is distinguished by the effectiveness and characteristics of the impact and. Most commonly used:
- Massage that will relieve muscle tone and tension, improve blood flow, relax the problem area. It is carried out only by qualified specialists, or a chiropractor.
- Acupuncture. With the help of acupressure, blood circulation in the cervical region improves, nerve fibers are irritated and tension is relieved due to this.
- Manual therapy. The doctor, using special proven techniques, easily puts the displaced cervical vertebrae in place and acts on individual areas to relieve pain and normalize well-being in general.
- Warming up. This is one of the most effective and popular methods. The problem area is affected by light or heat waves. It should be remembered that it is impossible to carry out such procedures during an exacerbation of the radicular syndrome of the cervicothoracic region.
Therapeutic exercise
In order to normalize blood circulation in the cervical area, patients are recommended to perform some exercises daily. They are quite simple and do not cause significant discomfort, but with constant adherence to the regimen, they help to improve the condition and get rid of the radicular syndrome. The treatment complex consists of the following groups of exercises:
- neck warm-up;
- muscle relaxation;
- head turns;
- warm-up and warm-up of the shoulder area.

Prevention measures
Any pathology is easier to prevent than to treat it for a long time. Therefore, doctors recommend that everyone who wants to protect themselves from the occurrence of spinal diseases, lead a proper lifestyle, do complex exercises every morning and monitor their diet.
Exclude the occurrence of radicular syndrome in the neck help periodic sessions of wellness massage, mandatory warm-ups during work, especially if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle.
Eating vitamins and minerals is a must for keeping your spine he althy. This is due to the fact that bone and cartilage tissue are prone to rapid destruction as a result of a lack of nutrients in the body.
Special attention should be paid to the condition of the spine in childhood, so that in adult life you will not encounter similar problems. This responsibility lies primarily with parents and pediatricians.
Spa treatment
Procedures at home or in the hospital do not have the same effect that can be obtained in a sanatorium. Typically, such medical institutions are equipped with high-quality devices for carrying out all modern physiotherapy procedures that help restore the full functioning of all structures of the spine. Follows the procedures herecompetent staff who monitor the well-being and changes in the patient's condition. The sanatoriums have everything to strengthen the body and normalize the psycho-emotional background. This is fresh air, and peace, and walks in beautiful natural places. Some institutions of this type are focused on the treatment of osteochondrosis and related pathologies, others - on the general improvement of the body.
We looked at the symptoms and treatment of cervical radicular syndrome. We hope the information provided will help you stay he althy.