The human body is a mechanism of complex action, and all changes in it indicate a certain failure of the usual life processes. Sometimes there are symptoms that make it difficult to determine the nature of the pathology. Often, complaints of ear pain can be a direct hint of an illness that is associated with the ear canals. But sometimes it does not apply to the organs of hearing. Many do not realize that the bursting of bubbles in the ears can be associated with various disorders.
The reason may lie in the disruption of the vestibular apparatus or the cardiovascular system. If bubbles seem to burst in your ears, and you don’t know what it is, you should familiarize yourself with this phenomenon in the body in more detail. As a rule, the feeling that something is bursting in the ear causes otosclerosis or influenza otitis media. In any case, visiting a doctor is a must.

Feelings and actions
It is often difficult to explain sensations in the body, especially whenthe first time you encounter this or that phenomenon. Sometimes additional symptoms “join” the feeling of bursting bubbles in the ears: congestion of the ear canal, pain, noise of a different nature, clicking, ringing. But more serious manifestations are also possible: dizziness, hearing loss and impaired coordination of the body. All this can manifest itself with different intensity in individual situations: flying on an airplane, hiking in the mountains, with a sharp change in body position.
Everything is individual
Before you get rid of the problem, you should consult with a specialist. Situations are different, and perhaps not everything is as rosy as it might seem. If the bubbles seem to burst in the ears, then the treatment should be entrusted only to experienced specialists. Their task is to determine what the noise is associated with. If the cause is an infectious or inflammatory disease, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment that is aimed at the speedy recovery of the patient. If there is a connection with an allergic reaction, then you should pay attention to medications and diet, all of which can directly affect the internal disease.

The effect of the allergen
After identifying the allergen, it is necessary to exclude from the diet those foods or medicines that provoke a malfunction in the body for a certain period. If it is impossible to exclude medications, the doctor may prescribe a medicine that will have the same properties as the predecessor. If bubbles seem to burst in the ears, what is it and how to treat it, a doctor withThe first time I could not determine, you should not self-medicate. After all, the consequences for the human body can be irreversible. Introduction into the treatment process can cause complications not only in the ear canal, but throughout the body. You can not enter foreign objects into the ear and make any lotions, all this can only aggravate the problem. In this case, you need to seek help from an otolaryngologist, who will help to detect the problem and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

Ear plugs are to blame
As trite as it sounds, gurgling in the ears can come from regular ear plugs. In this case, hygiene is to blame. Few people know that cleaning the ears with a cotton swab is not recommended. In the depth of the ear canal, an obstacle is created when pushing deep into the wax. No matter how strange it may sound, but if the Eustachian tube is blocked, then it is worth doing certain exercises that normalize the internal processes in the body.
They are as follows: the lower jaw moves forward, and then the direction changes and the jaw moves to the right and left. Such a banal exercise helps to eliminate signs of congestion. You can also experiment with another exercise: close the nostrils with your fingers and take in air with your lungs, and then exhale it. This simple exercise will produce a slight "click" that will cause the stuffy ear to disappear.

Restoring spaces
Remember that extraneous sounds in the ears are not a separate disease, but only a symptom that is accompanied by a headache and weakness in the body. Always therapy depends on the cause of occurrence and nothing else. In each case, the treatment is individual, which is prescribed by an experienced specialist. If the course of therapy that the doctor prescribed for you did not give results, and bubbles seem to burst in your ears, and you don’t know how to treat, then you should pay attention to blood pressure. With its increase, it is worth limiting the use of s alty foods, strong tea and coffee. Perhaps the cause of extraneous sounds is iron deficiency anemia. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with the use of drugs that contain iron. If tinnitus causes inflammation of the auditory tube, then the doctor should prescribe therapy using antimicrobials.

Sources of extraneous noise
Among the reasons are:
- Hearing or vestibular damage.
- Injury to the brain or ear.
- Ear inflammation.
- Medicine poisoning.
- Sulfur plug.
- Vascular disease.
- Active work of the heart with additional physical activity.
There can be many possible causes of extraneous phenomena in the ear canal, and there are just as many treatment options. It is important not only the correct conclusion of the doctor, but also the appointment of the correct course of therapy. First of all, an experienced doctor should check the patient for inflammation of the ear, which may be associated with an infection or a cold.