Dr. Komarovsky, worms in children: possible causes, symptoms, research, diagnosis and treatment

Dr. Komarovsky, worms in children: possible causes, symptoms, research, diagnosis and treatment
Dr. Komarovsky, worms in children: possible causes, symptoms, research, diagnosis and treatment

Helminthiasis is the most common type of parasitic infection in childhood. Infection with worms for a long time proceeds without the presence of certain symptoms, but as they develop and multiply, a rash, abdominal pain, and lack of appetite in the child may be observed. Symptoms and treatment of worms in a child Komarovsky suggests the following.

worms in children symptoms Komarovsky
worms in children symptoms Komarovsky

Causes of worms in children

The main factors contributing to the appearance of worms in a baby:

  1. Ingestion of parasite eggs through objects or toys of a child with helminthiasis.
  2. Violation of hygiene rules.
  3. In childhood, babies are eager to taste everything, which increases the risk of infection with parasites.
  4. Having pathological vaccinations: thumb sucking, nail biting.
  5. Poor cooking of fruits and vegetables before eating them.
  6. Violation of hygienic standards in the family: playing with toys that the child manipulates on the street,washing floors without the use of antibacterial and chlorine-containing products.
  7. Poor handling of hands after using the restroom and the street.
  8. Contact with pets that carry parasites.
  9. Weakening of the body's immune forces.
  10. Dirt under the child's nails.
worms in a child symptoms and treatment Komarovsky
worms in a child symptoms and treatment Komarovsky


Unfortunately, it is children who are most often affected by helminthiasis for a number of reasons: immunity is not fully formed, a large number of contacts with a potential risk (kindergarten, sandbox), it is difficult to follow hygiene rules.

The main symptoms of worms in children according to Komarovsky, which should cause parents concern and suspicion of helminthiasis, are:

1. Common symptoms of body toxicity, including:

  • temperature increase;
  • general weakness;
  • pain in muscles and joints (the so-called "ache");
  • nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • intestinal disorders (from diarrhea to constipation).

2. The child's behavior becomes restless, irritable, sleep is disturbed, and increased salivation may occur.

3. The so-called "sick child syndrome" may indicate the defeat of the body by some type of helminth.

4. The classic symptom of a child with worms is itching around the anal folds.

5. Also, creaking is considered an indirect symptom of the presence of a helminth in the body.teeth (especially at night).

If any of the above signs are found, parents should contact a specialist for help in conducting a special laboratory test for the presence of worms in a child.

Dr. Komarovsky worms in children
Dr. Komarovsky worms in children


It is not always possible to determine the presence of worms in a child by external signs. Therefore, there are certain laboratory diagnostic methods, the purpose of which is to determine how infected the child's body is, what type of helminths is present, as well as the stage of the disease.

The following types of studies are used in laboratory conditions:

  1. Examination of the child's feces for the presence of helminth larvae. In this case, feces for analysis are given, as a rule, three times with an interval of 3-4 days. There is no need to wash the baby before collecting feces.
  2. Scraping with a special adhesive tape or a spatula of the anal fold area helps to determine the presence of helminth larvae.
  3. A blood test for the presence of worms is used if the stool test gave a negative result with clear suspicion of helminthiasis. The requirements before donating blood for helminths do not differ from the usual ones (do not eat before taking blood, do not drink sparkling water, exclude high-fat foods for a week, if possible, do not take medication).
  4. In case of severe damage to the child's body with worms, an ultrasound, endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract is performed to determine the location of the worms.
Dr. Komarovsky worms in children
Dr. Komarovsky worms in children


How to treat worms in children? Komarovsky offers several methods. Treatment in children can be started only after the cause has been identified and the baby has been diagnosed. In order to completely get rid of helminths, it is recommended to carry out wet cleaning in the house in parallel with the treatment. It is advisable to iron the baby’s things well every day and limit access to pets. Treatment is carried out in many ways.


Special diet. If a specialist detects worms in a child, he advises adhering to a special diet. Every day it is recommended to eat food that will help to quickly get rid of helminths. It is desirable to have in the diet:

  • Bow.
  • Garlic.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Carrot.
  • Cabbage.
  • Melon.
  • Dried fruit compote.
  • Porridge.
  • Butter and vegetable oil.
  • Dairy products.
signs of worms in a child Komarovsky
signs of worms in a child Komarovsky


The diet must include fiber, which is found in almost all fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread. It is also worth making sure that the child consumes foods containing vitamins B, C, A. These include:

  • Rosehip.
  • Yolk.
  • Peas.
  • Walnuts.
  • Black currant.
  • Liver.

Before you include them in the diet for the baby, you should make sure that he does not haveallergic reaction.


Treatment with drugs. Experts advise to cleanse the body of worms with complex therapy. It is desirable that several drugs be used simultaneously with short breaks. Most medications are suitable for infants as well.

Recently, a special therapy has been created that helps to get rid of helminths in children. This therapy consists of several steps. To begin with, anthelmintic therapy is carried out. It includes a suspension of "Pirantel". It is allowed to apply to children from 6 months of age. There are several inexpensive analogues to the remedy: Helmintox and Nemocide.

You can also take medicines for parasites, such as Mebendazole. It is not recommended to take it until the age of two.

Komarovsky about worms in children
Komarovsky about worms in children

Analogues: "Vormil", "Vermoks", "Termoks", "Mebeks". Therapy is carried out depending on the drug taken. Basically it lasts 3-5 days.


Then appoint enterosorbents. They remove most of the toxic substances from the body through the feces. This therapy includes "Smecta", "Entegnin" and activated charcoal. Such therapy lasts no more than a week. Further, enzyme preparations are included to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The list includes Creon, Mezim and Pancreatin. Treatment lasts no more than two weeks.

Replace therapy with biologics. They contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora. These include Linex and Bifidumbacterin.

In the last step, it is desirable to take complexes of vitamins and minerals to restore the body. Most people treat with homeopathy. These drugs include:

  • "Silicon".
  • "Grenade".
  • "Qinu".
  • "Natrum Phosphoricum".
  • "Calcarea".
  • "Spigelia".

Treatment with traditional medicine. This method is popular among many people. It includes candles, decoctions, tinctures, enemas based on useful medicinal plants.

Pumpkin seeds. In this way, the grandmothers of their children were also treated. Seeds should be peeled and placed in a cup. Next, it is recommended to finely chop and add honey. The proportion should be 3 to 1. This mass is eaten on an empty stomach for several hours. It is desirable that there be no more than 200 grams. After such a procedure, you should drink any laxative medicine and make an enema.

Tansy. Three small spoons of grass pour a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse in a dark place for an hour. This decoction should be strained and taken in a tablespoon up to 5 times a day.

Garlic and milk. Boil a large head in a glass of milk. It is desirable that the garlic becomes soft. Then it is recommended to strain the resulting solution and leave it to brew in an enema all night. enough for a childhalf a glass of garlic milk.

Chamomile. Pour a tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water. Leave until it turns yellow. This tea is recommended to be used instead of regular tea.

Doctor Komarovsky's advice

No one is immune from parasitic diseases, but children are a special risk group. Toddlers drag everything into their mouths, they study the world at their tactile level in this way. Older children love to mess with animals, which, in turn, are carriers of various kinds of parasites. Yes, and the usual non-compliance with the rules of hygiene lead to illness.

How to understand that the baby is sick with parasitic diseases?

Signs of worms in a child (Komarovsky emphasizes that there is no single symptom and it is necessary to look at the condition of the baby in the complex) almost every mother knows:

  • Child grinding teeth while sleeping.
  • Child refuses favorite foods.
  • There is a decrease in body weight.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Gastrointestinal disorder, nausea, vomiting.
  • In rare cases, allergic reactions.
signs of worms in a child Komarovsky
signs of worms in a child Komarovsky

How to help your baby

First of all, you just need to come to the doctor's office, take tests (smear from the buttocks), everything is done quickly and painlessly. As soon as the analysis shows the presence of parasites in the child's body, the doctor will prescribe medication for the baby. The most commonly used drugs to treat parasitic diseases are:

  • "Pirantel".
  • "Vermakar".
  • "Levomizol".

Dr. Komarovsky about worms in children says that as a preventive measure, without consulting a doctor, it is undesirable to give these medicines.

There are also home treatments for the disease, but they are not as effective. And besides, they can cause allergies and indigestion. So all treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

The main measure for the prevention of diseases associated with parasites is hygiene:

  1. You must wash your hands before preparing and eating food.
  2. Rinse vegetables and fruits well, carry out high-quality heat treatment of meat and dairy products.
  3. Keep animals out of food preparation and eating areas.

Compliance with these simple rules will protect you and your loved ones from unpleasant diseases.
