Health 2024, October

Boil in an intimate place. What to do?

Boil in an intimate place. What to do?

Often in a person's life there is such a disease as a boil in an intimate place. The scientific name for this ailment is "furuncle"

Not everyone knows how to treat the thyroid gland

Not everyone knows how to treat the thyroid gland

There is a lot of information in the media on the topic: "How to treat the thyroid gland with folk remedies." Everyone wants to cope with their illness without surgery. And make it possible

Not everyone knows how to cure a runny nose in one day

Not everyone knows how to cure a runny nose in one day

Everyone wants a miracle to happen, read about how to cure a runny nose in one day. You need to understand that for a speedy cure, you need to make a lot of effort

Searching for and eliminating the causes of heavy sweating

Searching for and eliminating the causes of heavy sweating

If you are worried about increased sweating, you should pay attention to your he alth. Perhaps sweat is a signal of malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs. And even if everything is more or less in order, you need to treat sweating

Displacement of the vertebrae: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Displacement of the vertebrae: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Pain in the back is familiar to many, they can be associated not only with intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis, pain often occurs when the vertebrae are displaced. In medicine, traumatologists face this problem every day. The prevalence of pathology is determined by the appearance of degeneration in the spine, even in young people

Sinus bradycardia. This is dangerous?

Sinus bradycardia. This is dangerous?

Bradycardia is a type of cardiac arrhythmia, which is expressed in a drop in the heart rate below 55 beats per minute. In some cases, a decrease in frequency is not a pathology, but serves as a natural reaction of the body to the processes taking place in it

About how to treat a burn with boiling water

About how to treat a burn with boiling water

Any adult and even a teenager must know how to treat a burn with boiling water, so you should always keep suitable remedies in your first-aid kit

If the ear is blocked, what should I do?

If the ear is blocked, what should I do?

Probably, each of us has experienced discomfort due to the fact that the stuffy ear. Causes can be both physiological and pathological

Why do you always want to drink?

Why do you always want to drink?

Most illnesses begin with seemingly minor symptoms that we sometimes don't attach much importance to or don't consider as a wake-up call. If we are thirsty, we just drink, but we are in no hurry to see a doctor. This may go on for quite some time. And yet, there comes a time when we begin to think more and more often about why we are constantly thirsty

Why does the knee hurt when bending: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prescribed treatment, recovery period and doctor's advice

Why does the knee hurt when bending: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prescribed treatment, recovery period and doctor's advice

Painful sensations in the knee joint that occur when the knee is flexed or extended may indicate inflammatory processes localized in it that require therapy. During movement, significant work is assigned to the knee joints, so they are constantly subjected to a variety of intense loads

Feeling full in the stomach: causes, symptoms and treatment

Feeling full in the stomach: causes, symptoms and treatment

Everyone at least once in their life experienced a feeling of fullness in the stomach. As a rule, this unpleasant sensation is accompanied by symptoms such as pain and flatulence. In some cases, the cause of a feeling of fullness is a banal overeating. However, if discomfort occurs regularly, this may indicate the progression of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Migraine: symptoms, causes and treatment

Migraine: symptoms, causes and treatment

Migraine is a neurological disease. Translated from Greek, the word "migraine" means "half of the head." Basically, people who suffer from migraines feel pain in one specific part of the head. The basis of this disease is the dependence of blood vessels on the presence of nervous disorders. There are many reasons for migraine attacks. But mostly women suffer from migraine symptoms, moreover, quite often it is inherited by people

If a child's stomach hurts, what can be given at home?

If a child's stomach hurts, what can be given at home?

When a child complains of pain in the abdomen, the first thing parents think about is how to save him from suffering. If the problem is in the malnutrition of the baby, you need to carefully review his diet

Temperature with dysbacteriosis: symptoms, causes, first aid and medical advice

Temperature with dysbacteriosis: symptoms, causes, first aid and medical advice

Dysbacteriosis is a common condition that involves indigestion and absorption of valuable components. Part of the products that are not able to be digested in the intestine irritates the mucous membrane. Whether there can be a temperature at a dysbacteriosis? This phenomenon is considered common. The features and treatment of this problem are described in the article

Nails exfoliate and break - what to do? Strengthening baths for nails

Nails exfoliate and break - what to do? Strengthening baths for nails

If the nails exfoliate and break, what should I do? This question is relevant for most of the fairer sex. But before answering it, it should be explained why this problem often occurs in people

How contagious is a sore throat? How do you get angina? Preparations for the prevention of angina

How contagious is a sore throat? How do you get angina? Preparations for the prevention of angina

What is a sore throat, how it gets sick and how contagious it is. Effective drugs for prevention and treatment. Practical recommendations and effective folk remedies. Features of the disease in children and adults

Bursitis of the knee: how to treat, causes, symptoms and prevention

Bursitis of the knee: how to treat, causes, symptoms and prevention

Bursitis of the knee joint is not a very common disease, but it is necessary to know about it for those people who are at risk of leg injury. Knee bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa. That is the synovial bag. In this article, you can get acquainted with how to treat bursitis of the knee joint, what symptoms it is accompanied by. In addition, you can learn about the possible causes of the development of this disease

Spastic constipation: symptoms and treatment, reviews

Spastic constipation: symptoms and treatment, reviews

In this article we will figure out how to treat spastic constipation. Bowel function for emptying can be disturbed for a variety of reasons. This is usually associated with such a pathological condition, which is spastic constipation or atony

Acute pyelonephritis in children: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Acute pyelonephritis in children: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Acute pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the tissue of the kidney and pyelocaliceal system. In terms of distribution, pyelonephritis ranks fourth among childhood diseases after infectious diseases, diseases of the respiratory and food apparatus

Loose stools in adults and children: causes and treatment

Loose stools in adults and children: causes and treatment

Loose stools often worries adults and children. And if the temperature rises in parallel, chills begin, spotting appears? Is it possible to cope with such symptoms at home or do I need to urgently call an ambulance?

Degrees of alcoholism and their signs

Degrees of alcoholism and their signs

Alcoholic beverages are a hidden threat to the he alth of all those who prefer to use them at the festive table or in the evening as a means of relieving stress. All this can lead to the development of alcoholism, which can hardly be called a weakness or a bad habit of a person. After all, such a condition is considered a rather serious disease, which is of a chronic nature

How to quickly remove alcohol intoxication at home?

How to quickly remove alcohol intoxication at home?

Physical and mental dependence on ethyl alcohol appears with alcoholism. Its action is aimed at suppressing the central nervous system, which causes neurological disorders and those in relation to the psyche. The blood of a sober person contains about 0.4 ppm of alcohol. Anything that exceeds this value is considered alcohol intoxication of the body

Intestinal fistulas: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Intestinal fistulas: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Intestinal fistula is a pathological hole in the wall that communicates the cavity with a hollow organ or body surface. Intestinal fistulas are internal and external. In the first case, they rarely manifest themselves as characteristic symptoms. As for the external ones, they are diagnosed if there is a channel on the skin through which feces and gases pass. In addition, the patient drastically loses weight, he has a syndrome of multiple organ failure

Discomfort and pain in the feet: the most common causes of discomfort

Discomfort and pain in the feet: the most common causes of discomfort

Frequent and severe pain in the feet may indicate various diseases. Some of them are extremely serious, others are not, but in any case, it is better to get rid of such symptoms as soon as possible. After all, not every person wants to live with discomfort and pain in the lower extremities

Dry eye syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatments

Dry eye syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatments

As practice shows, in recent years, dry eye syndrome has become more common. Almost half of the ophthalmologist's patients, dealing with various complaints, receive such a diagnosis. The disease is caused by a decrease in the quality of the fluid produced by the lacrimal glands, as well as a lack of volume of the produced substance

How are hernias treated in different parts of the body?

How are hernias treated in different parts of the body?

Hernias are treated in many ways. The choice of method depends entirely on where exactly this formation is located in you. Indeed, today there are different types of this disease, which require immediate medical intervention

Why is my finger numb?

Why is my finger numb?

"The finger of the hand becomes very numb" - quite often patients turn to their doctors with such complaints. However, even the most experienced specialist will not be able to determine the true cause of this deviation after a routine examination and questioning

Head diseases: names and symptoms

Head diseases: names and symptoms

Headache is considered to be a symptom that is known to every person. This symptom accompanies many pathological conditions. One example is the intoxication syndrome, in which there is a headache. Based on this, this symptom can accompany any inflammatory pathology. However, there are certain head diseases

Neck pain when turning head: what are the causes?

Neck pain when turning head: what are the causes?

Having once felt pain in the neck when turning the head, a person is in no hurry to see a doctor, preferring to consider this a manifestation of osteochondrosis, which is very common even in young people. In fact, many diseases can be caused by neck pain. How to get rid of this disease?

Cervical vertebra pinching: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical supervision and treatment

Cervical vertebra pinching: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical supervision and treatment

A pinched nerve appears when the nerve roots extending from the dorsal brain are squeezed by neighboring vertebrae, intervertebral discs, muscles and various painful formations. Pinching of the nerves by the cervical vertebrae is called cervical radiculopathy, pinching of the occipital nerve is called occipital neuralgia

Shoulohumeral periarthritis: Popov's set of exercises, therapeutic exercises

Shoulohumeral periarthritis: Popov's set of exercises, therapeutic exercises

Therapeutic exercise for humeroscapular periarthritis is aimed at eliminating even slight pain in inflamed tissues as quickly as possible, relaxing the muscles around the shoulder joint and scapula and thereby increasing the mobility of the diseased joint

Arrhythmia treatment at home. Folk remedies in the treatment of arrhythmias

Arrhythmia treatment at home. Folk remedies in the treatment of arrhythmias

Cardiac arrhythmia is a heart disease that occurs in both adults and children and adolescents. There are various methods of treating the disease in a hospital, but arrhythmia can be treated at home

Inflated belly: causes and methods of getting rid

Inflated belly: causes and methods of getting rid

An inflated belly can not only look unaesthetic, but also create a lot of problems in the process of life. There are very few reasons why this phenomenon occurs

Olfactory nerve: symptoms and signs

Olfactory nerve: symptoms and signs

The olfactory nerve, as its name suggests, is responsible for the perception of smells. Damage to it can lead to taste perversion, impaired salivation, and even hallucinations

Clostridium botulinum. The causative agent of botulism

Clostridium botulinum. The causative agent of botulism

This article will discuss microorganisms such as clostridium botulinum. All the most important information about this bacterium can be found in the text below

Symptoms of polyarthritis: how to recognize the disease?

Symptoms of polyarthritis: how to recognize the disease?

Polyarthritis is a chronic joint disease characterized by inflammation in the surrounding tissues. This is an ailment that can affect both several joints at once, and sequentially. There are many causes, so the symptoms and course of the disease vary from person to person

When Obsessions Become a Mental Disorder

When Obsessions Become a Mental Disorder

If you almost every day return to the same idea that frightens you, moreover, you come up with a “ritual” that should help relieve tension from the fears that haunt you, we are talking about a mental disorder that is called obsessive-compulsive neurosis

Why does my forehead hurt between my eyebrows?

Why does my forehead hurt between my eyebrows?

Why does my forehead hurt? There are several explanations for this. The most common reason why the forehead hurts is a cold. Such sensations usually do not cause any signs of anxiety in people

Why does my head hurt at night: causes, types of pain, possible problems and treatments

Why does my head hurt at night: causes, types of pain, possible problems and treatments

Almost always, frequent headaches at night are symptoms of a serious problem, such as a heart attack. Therefore, urgent and effective treatment is needed. It is required to consult a neurologist, and not to self-medicate. Why does my head hurt at night, described in the article

Head often hurts: causes, nature of pain, which doctor to contact

Head often hurts: causes, nature of pain, which doctor to contact

Almost all the inhabitants of our planet face daily headaches. For most, it is short-term, arising from overwork, lack of sleep. Other people suffer from this symptom regularly. If you often have a headache, what could be the reasons?