Disability after a heart attack: registration procedure, documents, nuances

Disability after a heart attack: registration procedure, documents, nuances
Disability after a heart attack: registration procedure, documents, nuances

After a heart attack give disability? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail. An extensive infarction can lead to irreversible necrotic changes in cardiac tissues. Thus, some parts of the heart die and no longer continue to function normally. In this regard, patients are shown disability after a heart attack.

What is a disability?

Formally, any patient who has survived a heart attack is a disabled person. This is due to serious violations of the activities of the CCC. This means that the normal blood supply to any organ or system, as it was before a heart attack, is now absent. In this regard, people who have had a heart attack often have the question of whether they can become disabled after an attack?

disability after a heart attack
disability after a heart attack

Be that as it may, everyone should know that without exception, all patients with a diagnosis of "massive heart attack" are en titled to a four-month rehabilitation periodwith the obligatory preservation of all sick leave payments. The patient can apply for disability after a heart attack (temporary, permanent) only after the specified period of time.

It is important to note that about half of the people who have had a heart attack, within 4 months and even earlier, relatively recover and are able to return to their professional obligations and self-service their needs. Other patients, on the recommendation of a specialist or personal desire, can be examined by a special expert commission in order to receive a disability group.

What is the focus on?

As a rule, the commission pays attention to such characteristics of the condition of a person who has had a heart attack, such as:

  1. Qualification, speci alty.
  2. Ability to perform previous professional duties.
  3. The level of general physical condition (the body's adaptation to activities in other conditions).
  4. The ability to serve one's own needs without outside help.
disability after a heart attack
disability after a heart attack

The likelihood of getting a disability is higher if a person who has had a heart attack has other chronic diseases. It is also easier and faster for a pensioner to get disability after a heart attack.

Who can receive?

Officially, disability should be assigned to all patients without exception. However, given the reluctance of the state to pay for the maintenance of disabled citizens andbureaucratic delays, not everyone has a chance to get the necessary group. The full conditions and procedure for passing certification for disability after myocardial infarction has occurred are set out and commented on in Resolution No. 95, which was adopted by the Government on February 20, 2006. It is on this legislative document that one should rely on when registering a disability group.

In general, the following groups of people can get disability after a heart attack:

  1. People whose professional activities are associated with physical, psycho-emotional stress, increased concentration.
  2. Persons who work in conditions that involve changes in atmospheric pressure (stewardesses, pilots).
  3. Patients of retirement age.
  4. Persons who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery, stenting.
  5. Patients whose body functions are impaired after a heart attack (dumbness, paralysis).
  6. Persons who lost more than half their ability to work.
  7. Patients whose rehabilitation period is very long.
what disability after a heart attack
what disability after a heart attack

Here is the person most often given disability after a heart attack. However, according to government regulation, these conditions and categories are not the final and sufficient basis for obtaining a disability.

Disability groups after a heart attack

It should be understood that the main reason for applying for it and receiving certain pension accruals is not the diagnosis of MI itself, but the severity of the MI that arose against its backgroundcomplications.

The third group of disability after a heart attack can be assigned to a person if he has minor violations of the heart. The third group is assigned for 1 year. It is not indicated for patients who occupied positions before the onset of a heart attack that were not associated with increased attention and physical activity. It is generally accepted that a person who has held such a position can recover during the rehabilitation period and return to performing their activities.

The second group of disability can be assigned to a patient for 1 year if he has poor dynamics in the rehabilitation period. It is indicated for patients who have angina pectoris, tachycardia, and so on after myocardial infarction. Such patients are recommended to undergo regular rehabilitation therapy in a dispensary. A return to work is possible, but only if job responsibilities are drastically changed, and the proposed position is not on the list of prohibited after a heart attack.

How to apply for disability, we will tell below.

When is 1 group issued?

The first group of disability can be obtained for 2 years. It is assigned to patients who have a clear change in the functionality of the body, not for the better. Such patients often experience pain in the region of the heart, angina attacks. Such a patient is no longer able to work fully. It is now clear who is en titled to disability after a heart attack.

disability after a heart attack to a pensioner
disability after a heart attack to a pensioner

Procedure for registration

To obtain a disability, the patient will need to follow a certain algorithm of procedures that are provided for by law. First of all, you will need to collect the entire list of necessary documentation and visit all instances. So how do you get disabled after a heart attack?

To form a group, the patient will need to provide the following documents to the federal or main ITU office:

  1. Passport and its copy.
  2. Referral from a social welfare agency or physician for an examination.
  3. A statement expressing the desire to undergo a medical and sanitary examination. Such a statement is written to the head of the bureau. You will need not only the original, but also a copy of it.
  4. Outpatient card, all available medical documents that will confirm the patient's diagnosis, as well as his state of he alth (original, copies).
  5. Copy of the work book, which contains the seal of the enterprise where the citizen is employed.
  6. Characteristic obtained at the place of work and describing in detail the working conditions of a citizen and the duties that he performs.
  7. SNILS.
  8. If the patient at the time of disability is a schoolchild, a student, then you will need to provide a detailed description from the place of study.

Which group of disability after a heart attack to assign to a patient is decided by a special commission.

Instances to visit

It should be understood that the main and very first instance that receivesthe decision on the need to refer the patient for a medical and sanitary examination is the attending physician, who conducts an initial assessment of the final state of he alth of a person who has survived a heart attack, at the end of the rehabilitation period. The important thing here is that the attending physician may consider the patient's condition satisfactory (that is, the patient is able to serve himself and work) and simply close the sick leave.

disability group after a heart attack
disability group after a heart attack

Along with the attending physician, the first instance for a citizen is a service that provides social protection. The collection of all documents should begin with the receipt of form 088 / y at the district outpatient clinic. It is she who represents the direction to the ITU.

ITU Bureau

The next authority on the way to disability registration is the ITU Bureau. The patient will need to write a statement and attach to it all the previously collected documentation (copies, originals). It is in the bureau that the patient, after submitting the documents, will be informed of the date when the certification will be carried out. Based on the results of the examination, the members of the commission will make a decision, taking into account the majority of votes. The patient will be informed about the decision taken orally and the result of the examination will be confirmed with the necessary documentation.

The commission implementing the ITU has the legal and full right to send a citizen for additional medical research, as well as to invite other narrow specialists for consultation who can clarify the situation regarding the state of he alth of a patient claiming a disability. The applicant, in turn, has the right to independentlyinvite narrowly qualified specialists, but only at their own expense.

Legitimate Reasons for Disability Denial

It is worth remembering that the bureau may have valid and legitimate reasons for refusing to file a disability. These reasons include:

  1. Competently and successfully carried out rehabilitation, which guarantees the impossibility of relapses.
  2. A profession that is not associated with increased attention, does not require a change in the type of activity, position (librarian, janitor and other professions).
  3. Maintaining full labor ability, full self-service ability.
how to apply for disability after a heart attack
how to apply for disability after a heart attack

Prohibition on return to previous position

A citizen is prohibited from returning to his previous position after suffering a heart attack if he:

  1. Airline employee (flight mechanic, dispatcher, pilot, stewardess).
  2. Courier, postal worker, salesperson, or any other position that involves standing or walking for a long time.
  3. Employee whose activities require increased attention in the performance of work duties (operator of complex equipment, driver, crane operator).
  4. Works on a rotational basis, or if the place of main work is significantly removed from medical aid points.
  5. Performs labor activity by the day, in shifts, on the night shift.
  6. Works in harmful environments (chemical production, toxic waste, metallurgy, heavy industry).


The process of obtaining a disability group must be approached with all responsibility. Before contacting the ITU bureau, you should collect as many medical certificates and documents as possible that can confirm the failure of rehabilitation and the patient's unsatisfactory state of he alth. If the commission refuses to receive a group for an interested person, then you can ask for a re-examination. The procedure and grounds for doing so remain the same. In case of repeated refusal, the patient has the full and legally confirmed right to apply with a package of collected documents to the federal division of the ITU.

what group of disability after a heart attack
what group of disability after a heart attack

A positive decision

If the examination is positive, the patient will be assigned a disability of a certain group. Moreover, disability can be obtained indefinitely (if the commission, on the basis of the documents provided, considers that in the future the patient will not be able to regain full working capacity), or for a period of 1-2 years (depending on the group). In this case, a citizen should remember that he has the right to undergo a commission every year in order to confirm his disability, and each time during the examination, you can try not only to extend the disability, but to make it indefinite.

We looked at what kind of disability after a heart attack happens and how to apply for it.
