Unfortunately, tumors are no longer uncommon, and in many people the internal organs are affected. At the same time, formations may differ in structure and etiology of origin. Liver polyps are most common in women who are 30-50 years old, as well as in those who are overweight and have chronic diseases.

Polyps - what are they?
Polyps are benign tumors that occur on the mucous membrane. If not treated in time, they can become malignant. This process is also influenced by the state of he alth and age.
It happens that the disease progresses too quickly and many polyps form in the liver. What to do in this case? Doctors recommend completely removing the affected area or organ so as not to aggravate the course of the disease and not worsen the patient's condition.
Polyps are classified according to some features, dividing them into 4 types.
Cholesterol polyps
To suchinclude benign tumors. The reason for their appearance is considered to be a violation of lipid metabolism. Due to the disease, a plaque affects the organ, which grows if there is no appropriate treatment.
Inflammatory polyps
Another type of polyp, which is a benign tumor. It is located on the mucous membrane, since it is here that favorable conditions are found for the growth of the granuloma.
Such polyps are malignant. The reasons for their formation have not been found to this day, therefore, the treatment is carried out in a radical way.
On a leg
If a patient has pedunculated polyps in the liver, then he needs to be regularly observed by a doctor for about 2 years to monitor the condition of the tumor. If no changes are noted during this period, then it is enough to go to a specialist once a year for an examination.
Causes of polyps
The main causes of polyps are considered to be genetic disposition, an abnormal structure of the liver, as well as the use of foods containing a lot of cholesterol.
In addition, doctors call inflammatory processes in the organ that affect metabolism as the causes of polyps in the liver. This contributes to the stagnation of bile, and as a result, the tissues begin to change, tumors appear.
Inflammation of the liver can occur with pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and so on. Most often, polyps form in women, so the formation of tumors can also be associated with hormonal disorders. Pregnancycan also cause tumors in the liver.
More exact reasons have not been identified to date.
After the appearance of polyps in the liver, they do not manifest themselves for a long time. Unless an unpleasant sensation may appear in the place of the organ. Discomfort appears after the patient eats a s alty, spicy or fried dish. Since the digestive system removes this food from the body over time, the discomfort does not last long. Accordingly, a person does not pay attention and goes to the doctor only after cramps and colic begin to appear.
When the pain syndrome becomes more active, the patient may experience tremor, weakness, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. As soon as such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Tumor growth sometimes goes away without any symptoms. But you need to understand that a benign formation can become malignant, so it is better to prevent this process.

Before a doctor can determine how to treat liver polyps, he must conduct an examination. Ultrasound diagnostics is considered the most accurate and effective method. It allows you to determine the number of polyps and where exactly they are located. Also, during such an examination, you can find out if the formations are associated with the gallbladder and if there is an acoustic shadow.
Another excellent diagnostic method is endoscopic ultrasonography. She isis the use of a flexible shaped endoscope, at the end of which there is an ultrasonic-type transducer. For examination, the device is swallowed, after which it enters the duodenum, next to which there is a gallbladder.
This diagnosis is better, since the sensor emits frequencies that have high power. It is twice as large as with a conventional ultrasound examination. Thanks to this, the doctor receives layered frames in good quality.
If the patient wishes, you can do a tomography: computer or magnetic resonance. Thanks to it, you can find out where the polyps are located in the liver, what shape they are, what tissue they consist of, what size.
The patient is sent for a biochemical blood test and a hepatitis test to rule out side diseases.

Medication treatment
After the diagnosis, it becomes known how dangerous the polyps are, which allows the doctor to make the right treatment plan.
Drugs are prescribed only if the cause of the disease is high cholesterol. Medicines are prescribed to dissolve the plaques.
Sometimes anti-inflammatory drugs can alleviate the condition of patients and even reduce the size of the polyps themselves.

Many patients wonder: are liver polyps dangerous? This is decided only by the doctor. And if he prescribes surgery, then there is a risk to he alth. An operation is necessary ifthere is no effect when taking medicines.
In addition, the intervention is carried out if the tumor is more than 1 centimeter, the polyp grows, and there are painful sensations.
Experts advise to constantly be examined by a doctor to control the size of polyps. If during the year the formation has increased by 2 or more centimeters, then an operation is necessary.
In order for the doctor to have correct data on polyps and their condition, the patient needs to conduct an ultrasound examination every month in the first six months after their discovery.
The operation is called "polypectomy". The procedure consists in inserting a camera and a coagulator into the hole in the abdomen, made in preparation for the operation. The tumor is burned out and removed.
If the polyp progresses, then cholecystectomy is performed. In this case, the liver is removed completely. For this, the laparoscopic method is used.
Diet plays an important role in the treatment of polyps. Patients should eat those meals that have a lot of carbohydrates and fats. Seasonings, fiber and cholesterol products should be excluded from the diet.
There should be 5 meals a day, portions are small. Food should be moderately warm. You also need to monitor how much the patient drinks water. You need to consume at least 1.5 liters.
The diet must be followed for the rest of your life. There is no guarantee that even after surgical removal of the tumor, it will not reappear.

Not Recommendedto treat polyps in the liver with folk remedies. This is due to the fact that when a problem is detected, if the formations are benign, you need to act quickly. If the polyp becomes cancerous, surgery will be required to remove it.
Most often the prognosis is favorable, but only in cases where the polyps are benign and do not increase in size. Thanks to this, the treatment will be as effective as possible and the doctor will be able to control the pathology for a long time.
We advise you to be examined regularly so as not to miss the early stage of the development of the disease.
Folk remedy: celandine
It is highly recommended not to self-medicate. Before using the described remedy, consult your doctor.
Can be used to improve the condition of the sick celandine. It must be poured into a thermos (take no more than 1 tablespoon), pour a liter of boiling water. The decoction should be infused for at least a few hours. You need to drink in the morning, before lunch and dinner, 100 grams each. The course lasts a month. Then they take a break for 10 days and repeat the course again. It is advisable to drink the remedy for at least 90 days.
Polyp Prevention
It is necessary to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in a timely manner, do not drink a lot of alcohol, do not eat fatty, s alty and spicy foods in large quantities, walk more, monitor your weight. In addition, you do not need to eat dry food and take too long breaks between meals. Then the risk of polyps will be small.

Hemangioma of the liver
What is it - hemangioma of the liver- and how is it different from polyps? The most important difference between these pathologies is that the first is only a benign formation. It is located in the parenchyma of the organ and affects either one or both lobes. This tumor does not become malignant. It can develop even during the embryonic stage of human life and in most cases does not bother the patient. The disease proceeds in most cases without any symptoms. They can appear if the hemangioma reaches a huge size or severe complications appear against its background.
Diagnosis of the disease and symptoms are the same as in the case of polyps.
Treatment is not carried out if the tumor is less than 5 cm in size. Neither conservative treatment nor surgery is prescribed. If hemangiomas have been identified, it is recommended to undergo another examination three months after the first examination. This will allow you to understand how the tumor behaves and whether it is necessary to intervene. If everything is normal, then it is recommended to conduct an examination every six months or a year. In the event that the hemangioma grows larger than 5 cm, it is immediately removed surgically.
This tumor does not affect the functioning of the organ and its structure.

The article describes that it is a hemangioma of the liver and polyps localized in it. If you have any symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor. Do not waste time and do not self-medicate.