Bacterial tonsillitis in children: symptoms and diagnosis, methods of treatment and prevention of the disease

Bacterial tonsillitis in children: symptoms and diagnosis, methods of treatment and prevention of the disease
Bacterial tonsillitis in children: symptoms and diagnosis, methods of treatment and prevention of the disease

Pathogenic bacteria spread and multiply very quickly, especially if the patient has weakened immunity. So, bacterial tonsillitis usually occurs in children, since their immune system is not fully developed. Angina of this type is transmitted during contact with a sick person or through common items of use. Photographs of bacterial tonsillitis in children are not included for ethical reasons.

bacterial tonsillitis in children symptoms
bacterial tonsillitis in children symptoms


Causes of bacterial sore throat:

  • presence of systemic diseases;
  • hypothermia (local or general);
  • overwork, stress;
  • misuse of antibiotics;
  • deficiency of trace elements and vitamins;
  • breathing disorder;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • caries, stomatitis;
  • trauma of the mucous membrane of the larynx;
  • chemotherapy;
  • use of immunosuppressants, cytostatics, immunosuppressants, systemicglucocorticosteroids;
  • chronic pathologies: sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis or sinusitis.

What causes illness?

Bacterial tonsillitis in a child aged 2 years and older can also be caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, gonococcus, corynebacterium, or even a whole association of microbes. This disease can be caused by mycoplasmas and chlamydia. Infection usually occurs by a droplet infection, in addition, exposure to a draft, cold, in rooms with dry and dusty air contributes to the occurrence of bacterial tonsillitis.

viral bacterial tonsillitis in a child
viral bacterial tonsillitis in a child


Symptoms of bacterial tonsillitis in children indicate the onset of inflammation in the tonsils:

  • sore throat;
  • redness, swelling of the palatine tonsils and laryngeal mucosa;
  • temperature above 39°C;
  • increased cervical and submandibular lymph nodes;
  • appearance of a putrid odor from the mouth;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • dry cough;
  • feeling of a foreign object in the throat;
  • bacterial plaque that covers the tonsils and tongue;
  • general weakness, body aches and chills;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • densification of lymph nodes.
bacterial tonsillitis in children symptoms and treatment
bacterial tonsillitis in children symptoms and treatment

If not recognized in time

If bacterial tonsillitis does not develop further, then with the help of medical preparations the body quickly recovers, while otherwiseangina can turn into purulent:

  • with the development of follicular tonsillitis, inflammation is more pronounced, the foci are visible as "islands" and cover the tonsils;
  • with lacunar angina, the inflamed areas are connected, a mesh structure is formed;
  • with the development of the ulcerative-necrotic stage, destructive processes may occur, the tissues that were affected die off.

At high temperature and acute sore throat, the patient may increase intoxication of the body, develop dyspeptic disorders and vomiting. Also, children may experience convulsions and impaired consciousness, burning and pain when swallowing food.

bacterial tonsillitis in children photo
bacterial tonsillitis in children photo


After identifying any symptoms of a sore throat in a child, you need to consult a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist. Children's tonsillitis is very easy to confuse with other diseases, especially often bacterial tonsillitis is confused with viral tonsillitis, infectious mononucleosis and diphtheria.

The doctor should first perform a physical examination to analyze the condition of the lymph nodes, then a pharyngoscopy to check the mouth and tonsils. In rare cases, laryngoscopy is also done.


To accurately identify the diagnosis and not confuse it with another disease, laboratory tests are carried out, which include several stages:

  • general blood count - ESR norms;
  • microbiological examination of blood - detection of antibodies to streptococci, the presence of M antibodies;
  • urinalysis;
  • pharyngeal swab analysis – availabilitybacteria and detection of their sensitivity to drugs and to exclude diphtheria;
  • serological diagnostics - detection of antibodies to mycoplasma, viruses and bacteria;
  • computed tomography;
  • electrocardiography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys - very often angina leads to complications and inflammation of the urinary system.
bacterial tonsillitis in children treatment
bacterial tonsillitis in children treatment

The difference between viral and bacterial tonsillitis in children

Bacterial angina and viral have the following differences.

  1. Incubation Period - Viral infections have a short incubation period of one to five days (usually enough time for the virus to multiply).
  2. Duration – Viral infections last much longer than bacterial infections: 1 to 3 weeks.
  3. Bacterial tonsillitis resolves normally in a week.
  4. Mucoid discharge - a viral infection produces a clear and liquid discharge. Green is a sign of a bacterial disease.
  5. Body Temperature – With a bacterial infection, body temperature can reach 39 degrees.
  6. Viral disease is also accompanied by fever, but disappears after 3-4 days.
  7. Seasonal nature - viral diseases occur during a period of weakened immunity, during the spread of epidemics.
  8. Locality - bacterial angina has a local inflammation that affects the tonsils, throat and palate. Viral infections affectwhole body.

Only a specialist can determine the type of sore throat. He will prescribe drugs that will help you quickly get rid of the disease.

Medicated treatment

In order to effectively cure a sore throat, doctors prescribe antibiotics, which must be taken under their control. But that doesn't mean you have to go to the hospital. You can take the drug at home, referring to the recommendations of the doctor. Do not self-medicate.

To treat a sore throat is not so easy. You can skip another disease that is similar in symptoms to a sore throat. A mistake made in the course of treatment can lead to complications. After determining the symptoms of bacterial tonsillitis in children, treatment is usually given as follows.

how to treat bacterial tonsillitis in children
how to treat bacterial tonsillitis in children

In the event of a disease, "Ampicillin", "Erythromycin" and "Penicillin", as well as other drugs created on the basis of the above substances, will become effective.

For example, a doctor may prescribe the following remedies.

- "Amoxiclav", a remedy that effectively fights bacteria. The drug is produced in the form of tablets, injections, powder for solution and suspensions. Suitable for children of any age. Can be used for newborns. The price of the drug is from 120 rubles.

- "Augmentin". The drug has a wide range of actions. This means that it is effective not only for angina, but also for other diseases with similar symptoms. Effectively fights microbes. Produced in the form of tablets, injections, syrup, powder and suspensions. Like the previous drug,suitable for children of any age. Price from 150 rubles.

The drugs listed above are based on penicillin. If the child does not tolerate this substance well, products based on macroliths will do.

- "Sumamed". A high concentration antibiotic that has a bactericidal effect. Available in capsule, tablet and powder form. Suitable for children of any age. Price - from 350 rubles.

difference between viral and bacterial tonsillitis in children
difference between viral and bacterial tonsillitis in children

- Azitrox. Broad spectrum antibiotic. Effectively fights microbes. It exists only in the form of capsules. Allowed only for children over 12 years old. The price of the drug is from 180 rubles.

If the antibiotics listed above do not have a positive effect, the doctor prescribes cephalosporins. But such cases are quite rare.

Among such tools are the following.

- "Cephalexin". Synthetic drug. Fights bacteria. Very effective against streptococci and staphylococci (bacteria that cause sore throats). The price of the drug is from 100 rubles.

- "Cefuroxime". Second generation antibiotic. Unlike the previous drug, it is resistant to b-lactamases of gram-negative bacteria. The price may exceed 1500 rubles.

Children younger than a year old are most often prescribed injections, since the pills can harm the intestinal microflora. Suspensions are suitable for children under 5 years old. Children over 6 years of age are prescribed tablets. Remember: the drugs listed above can be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor. You cannot self-medicate. Viewthe drug will be selected individually, depending on the child's body.

Folk treatment

There are many recipes that will tell you how to treat bacterial sore throat in children. We offer the most common ones.

Propolis is one of the best remedies for sore throats. Bee glue is used to treat colds and skin. Most often, propolis is given to children as an aqueous suspension and alcohol-based tincture (no more than 10 percent). Thanks to such treatment, immunity increases, and diseases recede. Treatment takes place as an inhalation or rinse. For the latter, we prepare a tincture, and for inhalation, simply add propolis to the water. You can also give your baby milk with a few drops of propolis.

Honey is the perfect remedy for sore throats. Linden honey is well suited for the treatment of colds, acacia contains fewer allergens, therefore it is suitable for babies. The composition of the product includes minerals, active compounds and trace elements. Honey is allowed to be eaten by children over two years old. The initial dose is half a teaspoon. Over time, it will increase to two tablespoons per day. There is only one contraindication - individual intolerance: honey is a strong allergen and can cause an allergic reaction.

Honey is especially effective for sore throats, as it destroys germs and heals damaged areas. Honey can be mixed with lemon and nuts and given to a child as a meal. Compresses are also made on the basis of honey. You can also use honey for rinsing by mixing it with chamomile and boiling water.

Other ways

With sore throats, foot baths, rinses and compresses also help. But they do not rid the body of microbes, therefore they do not cure the disease, but only eliminate the symptoms.


Gargling is necessary to relieve sore throats, and it also allows you to get rid of plaque. Suitable only for children over three years old who already know how to gargle on their own. You can't swallow liquid. The following solutions are suitable for rinsing.

- A teaspoon of soda in a glass of water. Rinse three times a day.

- Herbal preparations based on oak bark, chamomile, mint and marshmallow root. Herbs are poured with boiling water and insist. Gargle up to 5 times a day.

Beet juice. In a glass of freshly squeezed juice, add a spoonful of honey and apple cider vinegar. We caress up to 5 times a day.


Compresses can only be done a few days after the onset of the disease. Do not make vodka compresses.

Cold wrapping of the neck works well with this disease. We take a wet flannel napkin and put it on the throat.

Applying a cabbage leaf has a beneficial effect. Often honey is put inside it.

Beet juice compresses also help relieve symptoms.

All of the above folk remedies (except honey) are used to increase immunity and reduce symptoms of the disease. To completely get rid of the source of the disease, namely germs, antibiotics will be needed.

The main thing parents should do is to recognize the illness and take the child away immediatelyto the doctor. He will establish the type of angina, conduct a complete examination and prescribe the necessary treatment for bacterial angina. Drugs should be taken exactly at the rate.
