The term "aneurysm" refers to a pathological process, the course of which is characterized by a change in the state of the walls of blood vessels. They stretch, forming an additional cavity, which is filled with liquid connective tissue. There are true and false aneurysms. In the first case, it is customary to talk about mechanical damage to the veins and arteries, in which the formed cavity consists of all layers of the vascular wall. A false aneurysm is a defect that is limited to connective tissue. In this case, communication with the vessel occurs through the place of violation of the integrity of the tissues.
The basis of the mechanism of development of a false aneurysm is the formation of a hematoma that has arisen after trauma to the wall of a blood vessel. Over time, the cavity increases in size and is filled with liquid connective tissue. This neoplasm communicates with the vessel at the sitedamage.
As mentioned above, the difference between a false aneurysm and a true one is that the walls of the cavity are represented by connective tissue.

The formation of a pathological neoplasm is considered the result of a pulsating hematoma. A false aneurysm is always the result of a violation of the integrity of the vascular wall. In other words, the disease is always traumatic.
Causes of pathology:
- Puncture of an artery during medical procedures. For example, in the process of angiography (X-ray examination of blood vessels), the doctor injects a contrast agent into the vessel through a catheter. In this case, any careless movement leads to a puncture of the vessel with a needle.
- Inflammatory process of a purulent nature, developing in the tissues located directly near the arterial trunk. The walls of blood vessels literally melt, a natural consequence of which is hemorrhage and the formation of a hematoma.
- Complications after surgery.
- Violation of the integrity of the walls of the vessel, which is the result of damage to soft tissues from the outside.
According to statistics, the most common false aneurysm (especially of the femoral artery) occurs after improper medical manipulations for diagnostic purposes. In particular, a pathological cavity is often formed after catheterization.
False aneurysm can also occur in place of the true one. itoccurs against the background of thinning of elastic and muscle fibers, as a result of which they are replaced by connective tissue.
As a rule, the formation of an aneurysm occurs 2 weeks after the injury. Most often they are formed in deeply located vessels.

Clinical manifestations
In most cases, a false aneurysm does not provoke the development of profuse external bleeding. In this regard, damage to the vessel often goes unnoticed. The main sign of the presence of an aneurysm is the noise that comes to light in the process of auscultation. It also increases with pulsation.
Clinical manifestations and their severity directly depend on the location of the pathological cavity. For example, a false aortic aneurysm is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Rapid heartbeat.
- Dizzy.
- Short of breath.
- Painful sensations in the region of the heart.
- Short-term loss of consciousness.
Small aneurysms are not accompanied by pronounced symptoms. Severe discomfort appears when the cavity squeezes nearby organs. A neoplasm localized on the right ventricle also has the above symptoms. It is worth noting that in this case, ignoring the pathology leads to death.
Symptoms of a false aneurysm of the left ventricle:
- Shortness of breath, worse when lying down.
- Easy breathing.
- Obsessive dry cough. Sometimes it is wet and accompaniedfoaming sputum.
- Cyanosis of the skin.
- Swelling of the lower extremities.
- Ascites.
False aneurysm of the femoral artery is also often diagnosed. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Painful sensations, aggravated by physical exertion. Often they radiate to the groin area.
- Pulsating tissue in the thigh.
- Numbness in limbs.
- Uncontrollable muscle twitches.
- Stop blueness.
Thus, the clinical manifestations depend on the location of the aneurysm. But in absolutely all cases, patients feel pulsation and pain. In addition, there is a change in the shade of the skin.

If you experience warning signs, it is recommended that you first contact a therapist. This is a generalist who can establish the nature of the disease.
Diagnosis of a false aneurysm consists of an examination that includes:
- Doppler ultrasound.
- CT and MR angiography.
- Blood test.
Based on the results of the diagnosis, the therapist will refer the patient to a surgeon, cardiologist, neurologist or neurosurgeon.

Conservative treatment
Currently, there is no drug that could save the patient from a false aneurysm. If the neoplasm is small and its localization is relatively safe, doctors prescribecompressive compression of the vessel. Or, a drug is introduced into the expanded cavity, the active components of which have a thrombotic effect. As a result, the movement of blood through the vessel is blocked.

Surgical treatment
Most patients are scheduled for surgery right away. This is due to the fact that conservative therapy is most often ineffective.
There are 2 methods of surgical treatment of false aneurysms:
- Open.
- Closed.
The choice of technique is carried out by the doctor based on the medical history and diagnostic results.
Surgical treatment of true and false aneurysms by open method involves clipping. The doctor dissects soft tissues, finds a pathological cavity and puts a clip on its neck. This is a special medical device that prevents blood from entering the aneurysm.
Closed technique is less traumatic. It involves the removal of an aneurysm by an intravascular method.
If the cavity was completely excised during the operation, the surgical intervention is considered successful, and the patient is completely cured.

The outcome of the disease depends on the timeliness of the visit to the doctor. If an aneurysm is diagnosed early, the prognosis is good.
Ignoring the pathology leads to the development of numerous complications. Most Likely Consequences:
- Cavity rupture. In this case, there is a risk of extensivehemorrhages.
- Lamination of cavity walls.
- Accession of an infectious agent. In this case, the process of development of inflammation starts. The infection can also penetrate the walls of the vessel.
- Formation of a fistula. This term refers to the formation of a message with adjacent organs.
- The formation of blood clots in the pathological cavity and their subsequent entry into the bloodstream.
In order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible when the first signs of illness appear.

In closing
Aneurysm is a pathological cavity formed on a blood vessel. However, she has a message with him. An aneurysm can be true or false. In the first case, its walls are represented by all three layers of the vessel. A false aneurysm is a cavity consisting of connective tissue. The main reason for the development of neoplasms is trauma. They can be either open or closed.
Often a damaged vessel goes unnoticed for a long time. But when the first signs of illness occur, you should consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that a false aneurysm poses a serious he alth hazard. Pathology is most often treated surgically (open or closed).