Sensitive skin is characterized by an overreaction to the usual endogenous and exogenous factors. On the cover, irritation, redness, peeling, rashes are visible. Subjective sensations can be various tingling, tingling, burning, pain. To determine the cause of increased skin sensitivity, you should make an appointment with a dermatocosmetologist. Only an experienced specialist will tell you about the correct daily care for such skin, select the necessary salon procedures and cosmetics.

Although hyperesthesia is not an independent disease, its external symptoms are quite unpleasant and even dangerous. An excessive mental reaction to environmental stimuli, increased sensitivity of the skin or teeth integuments cause a lot of discomfort to the patient. The difficulty of dealing with pathology lies in the fact that in order to eliminate the symptoms, it is imperative to determine the causeits occurrence.
Psychological causes of occurrence
Hyperesthesia is a pathological increase in the limit of sensitivity, quite often appears due to the influence of psychological factors.
The patient feels an extreme increase in the acuity of perception of the surrounding reality and reacts very violently to all external stimuli (for example, the chirping of a cricket or the rustle of leaves). In most cases, such symptoms are noted at the initial stages of some types of clouding of consciousness (for example, with sleepwalking) and other acute mental disorders. Another reason for the excessive sensitivity of the psyche is an abnormal reaction of the human body or poisoning with drugs that are used in the treatment of mental illness and have a psychoactive effect.
Varieties of hyperesthesia and its clinical signs
There are several types of hyperesthesia, which is determined by the type of irritant to which the skin reaction manifests itself: paresthesia, hyperpathy, polyesthesia and thermal.

In the thermal form of hypersensitivity of the epidermal integument, the source of irritation becomes the influence of heat or cold. At the same time, low or high temperature at the point of contact causes severe pain that does not correspond to the applied force.
With polyesthesia, the epidermis responds to a single irritation (for example, a prick with a sharp thing) with a feeling of multiple influence (tingling in the area of impact, sensation"running goosebumps").
Hyperpathy is characterized by the fact that even a minimal touch to the skin causes severe pain or pressure.
In paresthesia, the skin feels unusual sensations without the influence of any significant irritating factor, for example, "crawling" in the presence of limb ischemia.
Varying degrees of manifestation
Symptomatics with very sensitive skin can be expressed in varying degrees: from minor to serious, then human life becomes much more complicated, and sometimes even disability is lost.
It happens that patients with hyperesthesia complain of violations of the trophism of skin tissues. They are concerned about epidermal peeling and severe dryness, the appearance of foci with reduced or increased pigmentation, a feeling of tightness and itching.
Often, patients with excessive skin sensitivity have pronounced dermographism - a white or red mark appears at the point of contact, which does not disappear for a long time.

Symptoms of mental hyperesthesia
Psychic hyperesthesia is common. This is a pathology in which manifestations such as emotional instability and excessive irritability are felt. The patient reacts too violently and inadequately to various external stimuli. It does not matter which receptors or sense organs are irritated: olfactory (weak odors), auditory (rustling, clock ticking), tactile (prick, light touch). The patient becomes unstable emotionally, easilyaroused, cannot control his own emotions adequately. In some cases, patients experience many unpleasant non-objective sensations that occur in different parts of the body and are not amenable to localization. Too frequent occurrence of symptoms indicates additional diseases that the patient has. That is why, before starting treatment, their presence should be denied or confirmed.
Diagnostic Methods
Determination of the causes of the disease, as in any other case, begins with an analysis of all the patient's complaints and the collection of a medical history, that is, information about the course of the disorder, living conditions, previous diseases, etc. This is followed by a neurological examination. The patient's olfactory functions and vision are checked, the reaction of the skin integuments is evaluated. An appeal to a psychiatrist or psychologist will help to establish the causes of the pathology and diagnose it, which will help assess the psycho-emotional state of a person.

Regarding instrumental methods, it must be said that the most effective among them is electroneuromyography. Through this procedure, the speed of passage of the nerve impulse to the brain from external receptors is monitored, and the level of damage to the nervous tissue is determined. Also, hyperesthesia can be due to a large amount of glucose, the presence of protein metabolism products and toxic substances. That is why laboratory tests of blood and urine are required.
Diagnosis of hyperesthesia is a neurological examination withperforming epidermal tests. The suspected area of skin hyperesthesia is slightly pricked with a sharp object, the skin is touched with different levels of pressure, test tubes with cold and warm water are applied to the affected area in turn.
If there is a suspicion of a central genesis of skin hypersensitivity, then a computer or magnetic resonance imaging, blood tests for the content of toxic components in it, as well as cerebrospinal fluid are required.

Hyperesthesia of the skin
This pathology is a fairly common type of skin hypersensitivity. This condition is a consequence of defects in the activity of specific nerve fibers that pass through the thickness of the skin. As a result, nerve receptors interact incorrectly with human organs, including the brain. Skin hyperesthesia can appear due to the influence of both strong external stimuli (wounds, lichen, injuries, burns) and internal ones. The latter include high neuronal excitability in the brain. Hyperesthesia of the skin is often diagnosed in patients suffering from mental disorders, neuroses and other similar diseases.

The violation we describe is characterized by unpleasant sensations and burning pains that resemble burns. The nature of their occurrence in this case differs from the area of localization. If you try to lift part of the skin cover, the patient developsalmost unbearable pain. Also, an additional sign of increased skin sensitivity is dermographism. When running a spatula or fingernail over he althy skin, there will be an imperceptible light pink mark on it, which quickly disappears. With pathology, a dark red stripe appears, which is pronounced and does not disappear for quite a long time. However, care must be taken with this diagnostic method in case of a disease, since dermographism can also indicate violations of the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain, etc. Hyperesthesia of the scalp is very common.
To diagnose pathology, you must definitely contact a specialist.
In the fight against pathology, the search and elimination of the factors that caused its occurrence are required. In acute situations, it is advisable to use painkillers (analgesics). In mild forms of the disease, physiotherapy and the patient's visit to the sanatorium become effective.
Thus, skin hyperesthesia is a painful condition accompanied by a large number of other pathologies. But the absence of the necessary medical intervention can lead the patient's body into a state of shock, and therefore, if you find such symptoms in yourself, it is advisable to go to the nearest institution so that they can provide the necessary assistance. Treatment of skin hyperesthesia should be comprehensive.

Prevention measures
Preventive measures forskin hyperesthesia can be reduced to the following recommendations:
- Resolving unpleasant conflict situations in a timely manner.
- Psychotherapeutic or psychological treatment for emotional disorders.
- He althy lifestyle.
- He althy sleep and sufficient rest (sleep at least 7-8 hours).
- Blood pressure control.
- Preventive medical examinations.
- Timely contacting a specialist if he alth problems arise.
We looked at the causes of skin hyperesthesia, methods of treatment and prevention of the disease.