Health 2024, October

Liquid blood: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, he alth hazards, treatment

Liquid blood: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, he alth hazards, treatment

Liquid blood is a dangerous phenomenon that can be fatal. Even minor bleeding can cause a lot of blood loss. To prevent the development of complications, it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner

X-ray examinations: technique and proper preparation of patients

X-ray examinations: technique and proper preparation of patients

The article discusses the X-ray examination system, which is one of the most common diagnostic methods

Head injuries: classification. Head injury: symptoms, first aid and treatment

Head injuries: classification. Head injury: symptoms, first aid and treatment

Head trauma, the consequences of which can be quite different, is one of the most common causes of disability in middle and young age. About half of all cases are TBI. According to statistics, about 25-30% of all injuries are brain damage

Skull fractures: types, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Skull fractures: types, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Skull fractures are among the most severe injuries. Such violations of the integrity of the cranial bones occur after strong blows to the head and are often accompanied by brain damage. Therefore, such injuries are life-threatening. And even with a favorable outcome, they have serious consequences for the he alth of the patient. It is very important that first aid is provided in time for a traumatic brain injury. This will help prevent death

Why does a child's butt hurt? What to do if the butt hurts?

Why does a child's butt hurt? What to do if the butt hurts?

Time is running, year after year fly by unnoticed, the child is growing. As early as three years of age, children are able to express their wants and needs. And then suddenly a mother hears from her child: “My butt hurts”

Types of stomatitis in children and adults

Types of stomatitis in children and adults

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the mouth. Types of stomatitis are determined by the reasons that caused it. Among them, there are the same for both children and adults, and there are those that occur in people only at a certain age. It is very important to correctly differentiate the type of stomatitis, since for its treatment it is necessary to select drugs that can eliminate the pathogen. Otherwise, there will be no therapeutic effect, and stomatitis from an acute form will turn into a chronic one or give complications

The main signs of melanoma and the causes of its occurrence

The main signs of melanoma and the causes of its occurrence

One of the most common types of cancer is melanoma. This disease is often fatal. Therefore, it is important for every person to know the signs of melanoma and how to prevent this disease

What to do if moles become inflamed? Causes, treatments

What to do if moles become inflamed? Causes, treatments

Moles form as a result of the accumulation of melanocytes in the skin. Each of us has them. Basically, these neoplasms are benign and do not change during a person's life. If moles become inflamed or any changes occur in them, you need to be wary, as this may indicate the beginning of their rebirth

Astigmatism in a child: causes, symptoms and treatment

Astigmatism in a child: causes, symptoms and treatment

A condition of irregular curvature of the cornea or lens of the eye is known as astigmatism. In this condition, light cannot focus on the retina, resulting in blurred vision

Why do you see double? Causes and treatment

Why do you see double? Causes and treatment

Diplopia or "doubling of the picture" is a pathology of vision, most often caused by a violation or damage to the motor muscles of the eye, which provokes the projection of the image not to one point, but to different ones, as a result of which a person sees two copies of the same object . In some cases, the disease is caused by infectious diseases, in others - by head injuries, hereditary pathologies. What is important to know if you see double?

Gum cancer: description, causes, symptoms, stages and features of treatment

Gum cancer: description, causes, symptoms, stages and features of treatment

Tumors that develop in the oral cavity are malignant processes. They can be located not only on soft tissues, but also go to the jaw

Periodontal disease: features, causes, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Classification of periodontal diseases

Periodontal disease: features, causes, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Classification of periodontal diseases

The article discusses the classification of periodontal diseases, their features, as well as diagnosis and effective treatment

At what diseases does it catch your breath?

At what diseases does it catch your breath?

There are several diseases that cause breathing problems. This prevents a person from fully living and leading a familiar lifestyle. To prevent the development of pathology, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner

Senile sclerosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Senile sclerosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Senile sclerosis of cerebral vessels is not yet a verdict. If the patient is prescribed high-quality and timely treatment, one can hope for a favorable prognosis. The use of drugs, as well as lifestyle changes, can slow down the progression of the disease

Injuries of the spine: classification, symptoms, treatment

Injuries of the spine: classification, symptoms, treatment

The spine performs an important function: it supports the trunk in an upright position and is a key link in the musculoskeletal system. Any injury to the spine and spinal cord can have serious consequences for the whole body

The main types of human diseases

The main types of human diseases

There are many types of human diseases, and in order to navigate this diversity, pathologies have been grouped. Thus, scientists divided ailments, taking into account various signs: the route of infection, pathogens, features of occurrence, affected organs and systems, type of pathology, etc

Leg ache: possible causes, methods and features of treatment

Leg ache: possible causes, methods and features of treatment

One of the symptoms of many diseases is leg ache, which is manifested by pain sensations of varying intensity, location and character that occur both during physical exertion and at rest. Pain in the lower extremities is currently a problem for many people. Patients complain to doctors that this condition occurs at night and begins unexpectedly

The most common knee diseases

The most common knee diseases

The knee is a large and complex joint of the human body, which bears a large load. Quite often he is injured and suffers from various diseases. Almost every person has experienced knee pain at least once in their life, so you can imagine how painful the feeling of limited mobility in the lower extremities is. Many diseases of the knees of the legs have similar symptoms, but the causes of occurrence are different for everyone

Ankle Pain: Possible Causes and Treatments

Ankle Pain: Possible Causes and Treatments

Why does ankle pain occur? Such discomfort can arise for various reasons. We will talk about them a little further

Endemic goiter: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Endemic goiter: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Endemic goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland, which is caused by an iodine deficiency in the body. The he althy volume of the gland, as a rule, in women does not exceed 20 cm3, and in men 25 cm3. In the presence of a goiter, it is larger than the given dimensions. According to statistics recently cited by the World He alth Organization, over seven hundred million people who live in iodine-deficient areas suffer from endemic goiter

Multinodular thyroid goiter: causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Multinodular thyroid goiter: causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Many people have an enlarged thyroid gland. In some cases, such a pathology does not pose any danger, but most often endocrinologists diagnose a multinodular goiter. It occurs due to poor ecology and insufficient intake of iodine in the body. The nodes are most often benign, but sometimes they can degenerate into a malignant tumor, which is removed surgically

Diagnosis of JVP: what is it, causes, symptoms, types of diagnosis, treatment and diet

Diagnosis of JVP: what is it, causes, symptoms, types of diagnosis, treatment and diet

If diagnosed with JVP - what is it, how is it manifested and how is it treated? These and many other questions concern patients. Bile duct dyskinesia occurs for a variety of reasons and is characterized by severe symptoms. That is why, when the first signs appear, you need to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment

Antifungal diet: menus, recipes

Antifungal diet: menus, recipes

What is an antifungal diet? When does a person need special nutrition? Why do fungal diseases develop and how to avoid them? This article will answer these questions

Yeast-like fungi in feces: symptoms and treatment

Yeast-like fungi in feces: symptoms and treatment

If a patient has yeast-like fungi in the stool, this indicates intestinal candidiasis. This disease refers to mycoses of internal organs. Its causative agent is the fungus Candida, which causes thrush of the genitourinary organs and oral cavity. Candidiasis is most often the result of severe dysbacteriosis. Uncontrolled growth of the pathogen is possible only if the balance of microflora in the digestive tract is disturbed. How to get rid of a fungal infection in the intestines?

Hypercalcemia: symptoms, causes and treatment of the disease

Hypercalcemia: symptoms, causes and treatment of the disease

In this article you will learn why an excess of calcium can occur in the blood, how it affects a person’s condition and how this disorder is treated

Hypomanic psychosis and its features

Hypomanic psychosis and its features

One of the pathologies accompanied by a violation of the emotional background is hypomanic psychosis. This disorder is characterized by increased mood and performance. Along with this, the symptoms of pathology are sleep disturbance, weight loss, the development of obsessions

The main signs of fainting: description and first aid

The main signs of fainting: description and first aid

Many people have experienced fainting. Sometimes they themselves experienced this phenomenon, sometimes - someone from those around them. It is precisely because of the prevalence and unexpected occurrence of this condition that it is important to know the main clinical signs of syncope. The ability to provide first aid in this situation can save a person's life. The article discusses the most common signs of fainting and methods of dealing with it

Pre-syncope. First aid for loss of consciousness

Pre-syncope. First aid for loss of consciousness

In classical literature, there is often a mention of how, as a result of squeezing a corset or excessive excitement, ladies faint. The sensual image of education and the elements of clothing that make it difficult to breathe are a thing of the past. But fainting still happens to people today. What is the reason for this phenomenon? How to recognize pre-fainting conditions in a timely manner? What measures should be taken?

Non-systemic dizziness: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Non-systemic dizziness: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Dizziness significantly complicates a person's life. Many people are familiar with this unpleasant feeling of loss of balance and instability, when the ground seems to be slipping from under their feet. Often this leads to falls and various injuries. In medicine, this symptom is called the term vertigo. In most cases, doctors diagnose patients with non-systemic dizziness. What it is? And how to get rid of this type of vertigo?

Diseases accompanied by asthenic syndrome

Diseases accompanied by asthenic syndrome

Permanent feeling of fatigue, lack of strength and appetite… It seems that everything around has become gray, I don't want anything, nothing makes me happy. We try to cheer ourselves up with coffee. Relatives accuse us of laziness, and we completely agree with them. In fact, many dangerous somatic and mental diseases can be accompanied by asthenic syndrome

Obliterating atherosclerosis: photo, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Obliterating atherosclerosis: photo, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Under the influence of various adverse factors, atherosclerotic plaques are formed on the inner side of the walls of the vessels of the lower extremities. Against the background of this condition, the patency of the arteries worsens, due to which the degree of blood supply to the legs significantly worsens

Destrophic degenerative changes in the spine: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Destrophic degenerative changes in the spine: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are currently among the most common problems among the adult population. Most often, degenerative changes in the spine are diagnosed, which with age can lead to disability or even disability

Stomach ache and nausea: causes and treatment

Stomach ache and nausea: causes and treatment

Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are dangerous symptoms. Self-medication with the development of such signs is absolutely impossible to engage in. In the first hours it is necessary to seek qualified medical help. The doctor will find out the exact causes of the patient's condition and prescribe the appropriate therapy

Gases do not leave the intestines: what to do?

Gases do not leave the intestines: what to do?

The problem of increased gas formation is the most popular ailment among modern mankind. Any person, as well as women during pregnancy, can face it, not only newborn babies, but also older children suffer from it. Gas formation is a natural process of our body, but there are a number of factors that provoke its activation

DOA of the shoulder joint: the main symptoms of the disease, severity and methods of treatment

DOA of the shoulder joint: the main symptoms of the disease, severity and methods of treatment

Osteoarthritis deformans (DOA) of the shoulder is a chronic degenerative cartilage disease that causes pain and stiffness during movement. It is important that the doctor establishes the true causes of pain and discomfort at the diagnostic stage, because the treatment of this pathology has its own characteristics

Postpartum thyroiditis: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Postpartum thyroiditis: symptoms, causes and treatment features

The birth of a child is a happy event in the life of every woman. But it is during this period that various serious diseases can appear. Postpartum thyroiditis is common

Yellowing nails: reasons, what to do?

Yellowing nails: reasons, what to do?

Causes of yellowing of the nail plate, symptoms of lesions and possible diseases that develop in the human body. Diagnosis of the lesion and the preparation of an effective and comprehensive treatment to eliminate the root cause

Subungual melanoma: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Subungual melanoma: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Melanoma of the nail or subungual melanoma (Latin "melanoma", from the ancient Greek "μέλας" - "black" + "-ομα" - "tumor") is a malignant disease that develops from specialized skin cells (melanocytes) that produce melanin. It occurs not only on the inside of the hand and the sole of the foot, but also on the nails (the nail of the thumb or toe is most often affected, but other nails and fingers can be affected)

Hypertensive crisis: classification and first aid

Hypertensive crisis: classification and first aid

Various pathologies of the cardiovascular system occupy a leading position in the modern world. Meteorological dependence, obesity, regular stress - all these factors sooner or later force many people to turn to a cardiologist with complaints of high blood pressure

Ischemic crisis: causes, symptoms, emergency care and treatment

Ischemic crisis: causes, symptoms, emergency care and treatment

Ischemic crisis - a condition in which blood circulation in the brain and heart muscle is disturbed. This is one of the options for cerebral hypertensive crisis. This condition is based on hypertensive pathology, or arterial hypertension. At risk are people in whom high blood pressure does not cause discomfort. A crisis can occur already when blood pressure rises to 140/100