Problems with the respiratory organs always have a negative impact on the functioning of the brain, and hence all its other systems. Nasal polyposis is a disease that occurs in 1-5% of the total population of the globe. It is an overgrowth of the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus or labyrinth of the organ.
General Description

Nasal polyposis cannot be attributed to life-threatening pathologies, but it significantly impairs the quality of life, can deform the front of the skull, and constantly recur even after surgical removal. Outwardly, the shape of the neoplasm is similar to peas, mushrooms on a stalk or even grape bunches.

Under the influence of negative factors for a long time, the mucous membrane gradually loses its reserves and does not function as it should. The body starts a compensatory function and builds up the damaged layer.
The mucous membrane thickens and thickens. Neoplasms appear in the region of the nose and its sinuses, tending to increase. Nasal polyposis can developonly on the mucosal layer. It does not affect other fabrics.
Studies have shown that if the disease is not treated, the patient's life is reduced by about 6 years. The fact is that he has to constantly breathe through his mouth, which increases the risk of developing bronchial asthma, lung damage, and trachea.
Causes of disease development
The causes of the development of polyposis of the nose and paranasal sinuses are quite diverse. These include:
- Allergic reaction.
- Chronic pathologies of the nose of an infectious nature.
- Restructuring or failure in the functionality of the hormonal and endocrine systems.
- Injury to the nose.
- Genetic predisposition to abnormal development of the mucous layer.
- Curvature or damage to the nasal septum.
- Systemic pathology of connective tissues.
- Birth defect in the structure of the nose or paranasal sinuses.
- Cystic fibrosis.
- Asthma or chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.
- Autoimmune processes.
- Live in an ecologically disadvantaged region.
- Cyst in the nose or paranasal sinuses.
Only timely identification of the causes of the disease will allow you to get rid of the problem for a long time.
Classification of pathology
Polyposis of the nose or paranasal sinuses is different, so before starting treatment you need to determine its type:
- Ethmoidal. An outgrowth is formed from the mucous membrane of the lattice part of the organ. The nasal septum is affected on both sides. More often this typepathology is diagnosed in adult patients.
- Anthrochoanal. Here the maxillary sinuses are affected. The polyp appears only on one side of the septum. This disease is more common in childhood.
It is also important to consider the stages of development of nasal and paranasal sinus polyposis. At the first stages, the neoplasm closes only a small part of the lumen of the nasal passage. Respiratory function is not disturbed, but there is already a sensation of a foreign body. The second stage is characterized by the rapid growth of the polyp. It closes the nasal passage in half. Breathing becomes difficult.
At the last stage of development, the neoplasm completely covers the lumen. It becomes impossible to breathe through the nose.
Symptoms and signs

Treatment of nasal polyposis the patient begins only after he feels discomfort. He may have the following symptoms:
- Difficulty breathing through the nose.
- Purulent or other discharge.
- Sleep disturbance.
- Permanently open mouth.
- Frequent discharge from the nose, inflammation in the ear.
- Constant sneezing. With an increase in education, it irritates the mucous membrane and a protective reaction is activated.
- Headache. This symptom is a consequence of oxygen starvation of the brain.
- Tickling sensation in the nose, the presence of a foreign body.
- Development of tonsillitis, frequent involvement of the paranasal sinuses.
- A nasal voice, hearing loss.
- Problems with the sense of smell or its complete absence. Polypdisrupts the functionality of odor receptors.
- Mental disability.
- Formation of malocclusion in childhood.
With polyposis of the nose and paranasal sinuses, a person's well-being suffers significantly. In addition, constant breathing through the nose provokes a large number of complications. The patient has a constantly parted mouth, his nasolabial folds are smoothed out, facial features change.
Diagnosis of disease

The presented pathology requires differential diagnosis. This will allow timely detection of a malignant neoplasm. Diagnosis of nasal sinus polyposis involves the use of the following procedures:
- CT. This study is often done before surgery to accurately locate the location of the mass.
- Biopsy. Tissue analysis will determine the structure and size of cells.
- Serological blood test.
- Otoscopy and pharyngoscopy.
- Bacterial culture of biological fluids.
- Laryngoscopy.
- Endoscopic examination of the nasal and paranasal cavities.
In childhood, the diagnosis of polyposis of the nasal mucosa is difficult due to too narrow nasal passages. Parents should see a doctor for a thorough examination if their child:
- Often a runny nose, which does not go away for a long time.
- Stuffy nose.
- Irritability, capriciousness appeared.
- Deterioratedappetite.
All of these signs may indicate the appearance of a polyp that prevents the baby from breathing. In addition, schoolchildren may experience poor performance and lower grades.
Traditional treatment

Treatment of nasal polyposis involves the elimination of the causes of the development of pathology, the restoration of proper nasal breathing. It is also necessary to remove the neoplasm and prevent its re-growth. When choosing a treatment regimen, it is necessary to establish those factors that provoked the development of pathology.
Since it is necessary to treat nasal polyposis in a complex way, therapy includes the use of medications, surgery, and the use of additional funds to combat the problem. The patient is usually prescribed the following medications:
- Hormonal. They are injected into the formation itself. How many injections a person will have to do depends on the extent of the pathological process, the size of the polyp. After completing the full course of therapy, the formation dies and falls off. This procedure is indicated for those patients who have contraindications to surgery.
- Oral corticosteroids, such as Prednisolone. They are applied for 4-7 days. After that, the drug is gradually withdrawn from the treatment regimen.
- Nasal sprays containing hormones: Flixonaz, Nasonex. They help prevent the re-growth of the mucosa. And drugs of this type eliminate swelling, reducethe intensity of the inflammatory process. With large accumulations of polyps, such drugs are useless.
- Antihistamines: Tavegil, Claritin, Suprastin, Loratadin. They are necessary if the disease has developed against the background of an allergy. It is better to give preference to drugs that do not have a cardiotoxic or sedative effect.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Fenspiride. When using these types of medications, be aware that their aspirin content may aggravate the situation.
- Antibiotics: "Zinnat", "Summamed". They are necessary if a bacterial infection has joined the inflammatory process in a person. Before choosing a drug, you need to take tests to determine the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to it.
- Mast cell membrane stabilizers, such as Ketotfen.
- Antiseptics - "Protargol". The patient simply instills this medicine into the nose.
- Vasoconstrictive solutions - "Nazivin". When using them, it is necessary to take into account possible contraindications and the duration of therapy, it should not exceed 7 days.
- Immunostimulators - "Imudon".
Additionally, the patient will have to do saline inhalations, insert turundas soaked in medicinal compounds into the nasal passages. Laser therapy, massage, reflexology will help speed up recovery.
Need for surgery

Drugs for the treatment of nasal polyposis do not always provide the desired result, and the disease recurs again. In some cases, drugs are contraindicated for the patient. In this case, an operation is required. With nasal polyposis, the indication for surgical intervention is:
- Frequent asthma attacks.
- Heavy snoring.
- Violation or complete absence of smell.
- Permanent nasal congestion that can't be relieved by medication.
- Frequent bleeding.
- Deviated septum.
Before surgery, you need to try to be less worried and not panic. The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia. Modern methods of dealing with polyps have a lot of advantages: a long recovery period is not required, complications are minimized. There are several types of operations that are prescribed for polyposis:
- Laser removal. This procedure is considered the safest and slightly injures the mucous layer. However, it is used only to combat small neoplasms. And the laser will not be able to eliminate multiple growths, as well as the polyposis tissue itself.
- Polypotomy. With nasal polyposis, such an operation is performed in a hospital. For it, a cutting loop is used. This procedure maintains a high risk of recurrence.
- Removal of a polyp with a shaver. Education is crushed, and its remains are absorbed. In this case, the risk of developing recurrent nasal polyposis is reduced.
Surgery requires a mandatory recovery period, in which it is better to follow the recommendations of specialists. Treatment does not stop after removal of stitches, because improper wound care can lead to recurrence.
After the operation, the patient will have to use hormonal nasal sprays. Periodic inspections are also required. If you listen to the doctor, then you can forget about the pathology for a long time or even forever.
Other Therapies
Recurrent polyposis of the nose and paranasal sinuses causes a lot of problems. To avoid this, the patient can use other therapies, such as folk remedies. But you need to coordinate their use with your doctor:
- Celandine juice. This is a natural antitumor agent, the juice of which is poisonous. It must be used carefully. If you apply the liquid in small doses, then the division of the cells of the mucous membrane is normalized. You need to prepare the remedy correctly. It is necessary to collect juice in May. Then he wanders for a week. It is better to store it in the refrigerator. Before use, the juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. It is necessary to bury 2 drops in each nostril in the morning. This course of therapy lasts a week. Then a break is made for 10 days, after which the treatment is repeated. There are 5 courses in total.
- Infusion of horsetail. For cooking, you need 20 g of dry grass, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Infuse the liquid for 40 minutes. Further, the liquid is drawn in by each nostril. The procedure is repeated up to 7 times a day. Therapy should be continued for 20 days.
- Decoctionsuccession herbs. For cooking, you need 20 g of grass and 400 ml of boiling water. The mixture is additionally boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. After cooling, the broth is filtered. In each nostril, 5 drops of the drug should be instilled twice a day. It is necessary to be treated for 20 days.
- Anise drops. You can buy them at the pharmacy or prepare them yourself. To do this, 20 g of grass is poured with 100 ml of alcohol. It is necessary to insist the mixture for 10 days in a dark place. Before use, the liquid is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. Instill into the nasal passage 10 drops 2-3 times a day. The course of therapy is 2 weeks.
- Honey. It is enough for them to lubricate the affected areas twice a day. Buckwheat or linden honey is suitable for the procedure. It should be liquid.
- Mixture of Propolis (15g), Butter (25g) and Vaseline (10g). All components must first be melted in a water bath. The result should be a homogeneous gruel. Next, turundas are formed, moistened in the resulting composition and inserted into the nasal passage for half an hour. The prepared remedy must be kept in the refrigerator.
- Thuja oil. You can buy it in pharmacies. It is enough to lubricate the affected tissues with the product several times a day.
Folk recipes can be combined with each other. It is better to choose those funds that are suitable for a particular patient.

If symptoms of nasal polyposis appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, as seriouscomplications. Among them are the following:
- With constant mouth breathing, the air cannot be cleaned and warmed up, which leads to the development of tracheitis, bronchitis. In some cases, this situation can provoke bronchial asthma.
- If the nasal and paranasal cavities do not connect with each other, then the patient often develops sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis.
- Slowdown of local blood circulation due to squeezing of blood vessels, because the mucous membrane increases in size.
- Polyposis in children leads to abnormal formation of the facial part of the skull.
- Malignant degeneration of a neoplasm.
Often, complications of the disease worsen the prognosis of polyposis, as you have to deal with several pathologies at once.
Prevention and prognosis
Prevention is better than cure. To do this, follow these recommendations of experts:
- Pay increased attention to the occurrence of asthmatic attacks, allergic reactions.
- Remove all irritating factors that negatively affect the nasal mucosa.
- Make sure that the air in the house is sufficiently humidified. Drying of the mucous membrane can also give impetus to the development of polyposis.
- Regulate your diet.
- Use saline solutions for washing in case of a runny nose, other nasal diseases, and also for the prevention of pathologies.
- Always follow the rules of personal hygiene. It is advisable to regularly moisten the nasal cavity, rinse with iodine-s alt solution. In the presence of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, inhalations with decoctions of herbs can be carried out. As a preventive measure, you can treat the mucous membrane with almond and peach oil.
Polyposis of the nose or paranasal sinuses is an unpleasant disease that requires an integrated approach to treatment. It is not always possible to get rid of it completely, but proper prevention and periodic examination will keep the disease under control.