Health 2024, October

Sphincter spasm: causes and treatments

Sphincter spasm: causes and treatments

When pain occurs in the anus, it is necessary to understand how to recognize a spasm of the sphincter. This pathology is characterized by involuntary contractions of smooth muscles located in the anus. Today we will talk about the symptoms and treatment of this disease

Manual techniques and drugs to lower blood pressure

Manual techniques and drugs to lower blood pressure

There are many options, methods, medications and procedures to get your blood pressure (BP) levels under control. True, you need to be careful - if under their influence there is too sharp a decrease in blood pressure, a person feels bad. When the indicators fall to critical, there is a possibility of serious complications. But the methods of soft correction of the parameters of the circulatory system to the norm achievable by safe methods are useful information for any person

Prevention of fungal diseases: methods and means

Prevention of fungal diseases: methods and means

Fungal diseases can significantly worsen the quality of human life, causing complexes and dissatisfaction with their own appearance. That is why it is very important to know about measures to prevent fungal skin diseases and use them regularly

High blood sugar: causes and symptoms. Disease treatment and diet

High blood sugar: causes and symptoms. Disease treatment and diet

The body constantly maintains the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream in balance. In the event that this cannot be done, a failure occurs in its operation. When contacting the clinic, a person takes a blood test for sugar. It is the values of this indicator that serve as the main determinant of the patient's he alth status. With an initial increase in blood sugar, an individual may not pay attention to them, but at the same time, changes are already beginning in the body

Trapezius muscle hurts: causes and treatment

Trapezius muscle hurts: causes and treatment

Drawing and aching pain in the neck and back, burning, feeling of stiffness and a constant desire to relax and straighten the shoulders - almost every adult is familiar with these unpleasant sensations. It hurts the trapezius muscle, which occupies the upper back and back of the neck

Prostatic hypertrophy: causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment, reviews

Prostatic hypertrophy: causes, symptoms and diagnosis, treatment, reviews

Prostate hypertrophy is not purely compensatory in nature, but has in its genesis neurohumoral shifts resulting from an increase in the body's need to strengthen the function of the prostate gland. The development of pathology depends on the state of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenals system. Prostate hypertrophy is observed mainly in middle-aged and elderly men

Basic periods of illness

Basic periods of illness

Disease is a state of the body in which normal vital activity and the ability to maintain self-regulation are disturbed, life expectancy decreases, which is caused by a limitation of functional and energy capabilities in their opposition to pathogenic causes

Cephalgia - what is this disease? What to do if you have been diagnosed with cephalalgia?

Cephalgia - what is this disease? What to do if you have been diagnosed with cephalalgia?

Cephalgia is a headache. It occurs for various reasons and manifests itself in different ways. To get rid of it, one tablet of an analgesic is enough. But sometimes cephalgia is a symptom of a life-threatening disease that requires surgery to treat

Impaired thermoregulation of the body: causes and symptoms

Impaired thermoregulation of the body: causes and symptoms

Violation of thermoregulation in the body can lead to serious consequences, even death. There are a lot of reasons for this pathology, from weather conditions to malfunctions of the hypothalamus and vegetative-vascular dystonia. What symptoms indicate that thermoregulation is impaired? Why is it dangerous? What are the methods of treatment and prevention?

Crack on the nail: causes and methods of treatment. Means for strengthening nails

Crack on the nail: causes and methods of treatment. Means for strengthening nails

If a crack appears on the nail plate, you need to see a doctor, as such a sign may indicate that a fungal disease is developing. It is possible to carry out therapy not only with the help of drugs, but also with the use of a folk remedy. Before starting treatment, you need to visit a doctor

Psychosomatics of VVD: causes, methods of treatment

Psychosomatics of VVD: causes, methods of treatment

The term psychosomatics combines such categories as soul and body. It indicates the relationship of the patient's psychological state with physical he alth. Vegetovascular dystonia is one of the most striking examples of this connection. Often, a complete cure for the negative impact of this disease is impossible without the use of a psychotherapeutic approach

Bronchitis: psychosomatics in children and adults

Bronchitis: psychosomatics in children and adults

Bronchitis is the most common disease worldwide. They hurt both children and adults. This pathology occurs due to inflammatory processes in the bronchi. Since these organs are a link and allow oxygen to be delivered to the lungs, their role in the human body is very large

Vitiligo: psychosomatics of the disease, the first signs and methods of treatment

Vitiligo: psychosomatics of the disease, the first signs and methods of treatment

Vitiligo today is a little-studied dermatological disease. Pathology delivers a lot of psychological and aesthetic problems to a patient living in a modern fearful and little tolerant society. Violation of melanin synthesis is rare. Many simply do not know that the disease is not contagious, so they avoid and in every way infringe on a person with white spots on the skin

Thigh muscle pain: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Thigh muscle pain: causes, diagnosis and treatment

People of all ages experience pain in their legs. Strengthening of the problem occurs with age, when degenerative-dystrophic diseases occur. A common symptom is pain in the thigh muscles. But there are many reasons for this phenomenon, and the treatment in each case is individual

What is autism: causes, symptoms and development of the disease

What is autism: causes, symptoms and development of the disease

Autism - what is this disease? Not only scientists and psychiatrists are interested in this issue, but also teachers of schools, preschool organizations and psychologists. It is worth noting that the signs of autistic disorders are typical of other mental illnesses (schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder). But in this case, autism is considered as a syndrome on the background of another mental disorder

Thick blood: symptoms, causes and treatment

Thick blood: symptoms, causes and treatment

In the body, the circulatory system is needed in order to transport oxygen and other nutrients. They enter tissues and cells. That is why, if any pathological processes develop, the work of all internal systems is disrupted

The main symptoms of kidney failure, causes, features of treatment and consequences

The main symptoms of kidney failure, causes, features of treatment and consequences

Why does kidney failure occur? Symptoms and consequences, as well as the causes of this pathology will be presented below

Rough tongue: causes, possible diseases, treatments and reviews

Rough tongue: causes, possible diseases, treatments and reviews

At home, you can independently conduct a quick he alth diagnosis. All that is needed for this is to examine the tongue with a mirror. A lot will tell about the work of internal organs, changing its color and shape. This simple method should not be neglected. With its help, you can prevent the development of dangerous pathologies in time. Some of them are indicated by a rough tongue

Decubituses and their types

Decubituses and their types

Presence of bedsores is the biggest problem for people who have limited movement. The tissues between the skeleton and the bed are subjected to constant pressure, shifting and shifting

Ting Hiafen has the largest natural breasts in the world

Ting Hiafen has the largest natural breasts in the world

Young Chinese woman Ting Hiafen has set the record for having the largest natural breasts in the world. Her breasts kept getting bigger and bigger until she had surgery. Find out what difficulties the girl has to face and how she feels now

Throat hurts - it doesn't matter if you know the reason

Throat hurts - it doesn't matter if you know the reason

Perhaps, there is not a single person who has not experienced a lot of discomfort when the throat hurts. We are used to the fact that soreness is a sign of SARS, in fact, there can be many reasons. Sore throat can be infectious or non-infectious

Cutting pain in the throat: causes, possible diseases

Cutting pain in the throat: causes, possible diseases

Sore throat is a very common symptom in a variety of pathologies, which can only be identified by a doctor. There are a lot of nociceptors on the mucous membranes of the ENT organs (they are activated only by a painful stimulus). In this case, pain occurs and the nervous system sends a signal about the appearance of an inflammatory reaction

Pain in the nasopharynx: symptoms, causes, doctor's advice, treatment and prevention

Pain in the nasopharynx: symptoms, causes, doctor's advice, treatment and prevention

Pain in the nasopharynx usually indicates inflammatory processes caused by infection of the respiratory system, hearing and oral cavity. The nasopharynx passes through itself more than 10 thousand liters of air daily, it is warmed, cleansed, moistened and disinfected in it. Most of the harmful microorganisms die, but some of them enter the body and lead to disease

Snot in a child does not go away for a long time: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and advice from pediatricians

Snot in a child does not go away for a long time: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and advice from pediatricians

In children and adults, a runny nose is a characteristic symptom of acute respiratory diseases that are seasonal. In autumn and spring, with a decrease in immunity, susceptibility to various infections increases. The risk group are children attending educational institutions. In the first days after infection, liquid and transparent discharge from the nose begins. If the necessary measures are not taken immediately, then all conditions are created for the development of bacterial microflora

Muscular dystrophy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Muscular dystrophy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Muscular dystrophy, or, as it is also called by doctors, myopathy is a disease of a genetic nature. In rare cases, it develops for external reasons. Most often, this is a hereditary disease, which is characterized by muscle weakness, muscle degeneration, a decrease in the diameter of skeletal muscle fibers, and in especially severe cases, muscle fibers of internal organs

Treatment of the vocal cords

Treatment of the vocal cords

Elastic muscle and connective tissues in the center of the pharynx, in the middle of which there is a gap of the vocal cords, protect the lungs from the penetration of everything foreign into them. Simultaneously with the function of breathing, the human voice is also formed. If the throat is cold, inflammation of the vocal cords must also be treated

Crohn's disease: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Crohn's disease: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Crohn's disease is a chronic disease that is accompanied by non-specific inflammation of the mucous and submucosal tissues of the digestive tube. Most often, the pathological process affects areas of the small or large intestine. The exact mechanisms of the development of this disease remain unknown to date

Ankylosing spondylitis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Ankylosing spondylitis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Bechterew's disease is an inflammatory process that affects the intervertebral joint, which leads to the formation of ankylosis. As a result of the development of the disease, the patient's spine is enclosed in a rigid corset of bones, which significantly limits mobility

Treatment of human papillomavirus type 16

Treatment of human papillomavirus type 16

Human papillomavirus type 16 in women and men is oncogenic. There are many reasons for the appearance of such a disease, and before carrying out therapy with folk or medicinal preparations, all of them must be eliminated

How to increase the pressure?

How to increase the pressure?

Often constant weakness, dizziness, headaches are accompanying symptoms of hypotension. People of all ages are trying to increase the pressure, from teenagers to pensioners. In this article, we look at the causes, symptoms, and treatment of low blood pressure

Methods of treating viral warts

Methods of treating viral warts

Warts are neoplasms of a viral nature that form on any part of the skin. Most often they are formed on the hands, soles of the feet, neck, face. It has been found that they occur due to HPV (human papillomavirus), of which there are more than 100 species, some of which are capable of causing malignant neoplasms

Signs of pneumonia, diagnosis and treatment. How to identify pneumonia

Signs of pneumonia, diagnosis and treatment. How to identify pneumonia

Signs of pneumonia: how to understand that inflammation has begun in the body? What causes the disease? How to cure pneumonia? What examination should be done to determine the nature and type of the disease? How to protect the body from inflammation?

Urethral stricture: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Urethral stricture: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Urethral stricture (ICD 10 N 35) is a narrowing of the urethra, which does not depend on any cause and leads to a violation of the normal outflow of urine from the bladder. Read more about the symptoms and treatment of the disease

Atopic asthma: symptoms and treatment

Atopic asthma: symptoms and treatment

Atopic asthma is an allergic form of a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the upper respiratory tract. Its course is accompanied by attacks of suffocation, which can occur in adults and children, and in the latter it is much more difficult

Acne treatment - skin cleansing first

Acne treatment - skin cleansing first

Skin problems such as acne and pimples are caused by hormonal changes and are therefore most common in teenagers. But older women also suffer from acne. What can be done to prevent acne treatment from dragging on for many months?

Acne on the face. Causes, treatments, drugs

Acne on the face. Causes, treatments, drugs

Acne (acne) is a common skin disease that occurs due to inflammation of the hair follicles. Such a disease does not pose a danger to life, but it causes a lot of trouble to a person

Exudative pleurisy: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Exudative pleurisy: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Exudative pleurisy is a lesion of the respiratory system caused by a tumor process or infection. It is accompanied by persistent cough, shortness of breath and fever. Untimely treatment leads to the accumulation of fluid in the respiratory organs and the deterioration of their function

Depletion of the body. Symptoms

Depletion of the body. Symptoms

Depletion of the body is expressed in a decrease in its vital functions. The causes of pathology can be excessive loads or the direct influence of factors leading to an imbalance in the intake of nutrients and their required amount for a person. The limit value of the body mass index, indicating that the body is depleted, is equal to the value of twenty kilograms per square meter

Dizziness and weakness can be harbingers of a serious illness

Dizziness and weakness can be harbingers of a serious illness

The appearance of dizziness and weakness, the emergence of feelings of anxiety and a visit to the doctor. Only with such a sequence of actions can the most severe consequences of very dangerous diseases that can take a person's life be avoided

Urinary incontinence: causes and treatment

Urinary incontinence: causes and treatment

Urinary incontinence is a very common and extremely delicate problem faced by millions of people regardless of gender and age. Unfortunately, very often patients do not seek help from a doctor, trying to cope with the disease on their own