In the modern world, there are quite a lot of diseases that overtake not only adults, but also children. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to contact a qualified doctor at the first symptoms. Enuresis is a pathological disorder of the functioning of the body, in which a person experiences involuntary urination. In most cases, this happens during sleep, however, it happens when people have dysuric disorders that make themselves felt when coughing or sneezing, as well as laughing. It also happens that the output of urine occurs after a short period of time after visiting the toilet. At the same time, both men and women are susceptible to enuresis, regardless of age.
Violation of the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system brings many inconveniences to a person's daily life. Many people, faced with a similar problem, prefer to hide the pathology because of a sense of shame. However, there is nothing wrong withthis is not the case, and the disorder itself is treatable. Let's try to understand why a person has involuntary urination, what clinical manifestations it is accompanied by, and what therapies are used in modern medicine to combat the disorder.

If all the internal organs and systems in the body work correctly, then the excretion of waste products occurs correctly. However, due to certain abnormalities or diseases, as well as due to various negative factors, involuntary urination develops. The center of the brain that controls the operation of the entire system begins to function incorrectly. At the same time, pathology can take many forms and manifest itself in completely different ways.
Modern medicine distinguishes the following forms of disorders of the urinary organs:
- Enuresis is the inability of a person to control the process of urination. Most often seen in young children and the elderly.
- Stranguria - frequent and uncontrollable urge to urinate, accompanied by severe pain. In this case, the allocation occurs in a small amount.
- Pollakiuria - too frequent urination, the cause of which is inflammation of the urinary canals.
- Ishuria is a pathology in which it becomes impossible to go to the toilet on your own. To remove urine, special devices are used, the most common of which arecatheters.
- Dysuria - difficult involuntary urination in men and women, the cause of which is blockage, spasms and compression of the excretory tract.
- Polyuria - excessive formation of waste products, resulting in a person much more likely to want to go to the toilet. In some cases, people accumulate up to three liters of water per day. As a rule, this is associated with excessive fluid intake, however, in some cases, the pathology can be associated with serious he alth problems.
- Oliguria is insufficient urine production, which can occur due to fluid retention in the body, internal bleeding, or an upset digestive system.
- Nycturia - involuntary urination in women, men and children, which occurs at night during rest. In most cases, the disease is caused by damage to the ANS or chronic renal failure.
- Anuria is the complete absence of urine. Pathology of this kind is diagnosed in patients very rarely, but it can be associated with a large number of problems of a different nature.
Each variety of dysuric disorders has its own specific characteristics, and also requires complex treatment from a specialized specialist.
Causes of enuresis

Let's take a closer look at this. A very common problem these days is involuntary urination in men. The reasons may be very different, since the processexcretion of waste products is associated with the work of many organs and systems, as well as the muscles of some groups. The somatic and autonomic nervous systems are responsible for the collection, retention and excretion of renal feces, which must function in close relationship. They control the work of the muscles of the bladder and the sphincters of the urethra. If there are any problems in the functioning of these systems, then it is difficult for a person to remove fluid from the body. In addition, pathology can develop due to the malfunction of some other internal organs, harmful microorganisms, genetic abnormalities and various infectious diseases.
Very common causes of involuntary urination in women and men, regardless of age, are as follows:
- Severe physical or psychological strain.
- Long stay in the cold.
- Intoxication of the body.
- Alcohol abuse.
- Taking various medications.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Malignant tumors.
- Appendicitis.
- Injuries to the head and spine.
- Neurological disorders.
- Promiscuous sex.
- Congenital pathologies and disorders in the development of the urinary system.
In addition to all of the above, involuntary urination in men may be associated with the physiological characteristics of their body. Pathology can be provoked by diseases such as inflammation orbenign prostatic hyperplasia, genital prolapse, prostate adenoma and narrowing of the foreskin. Only a qualified specialist can determine the exact cause of the problem after a comprehensive examination of the patient, so it is best to go to the hospital.
Involuntary urination in women is often the result of PMS, cystitis, endometriosis, cancer, pregnancy, uterine prolapse or prolapse, reflex ischuria, and various pathologies of the external genitalia.
Clinical manifestations
What are they? The most common causes of involuntary urination were discussed above, so now we need to talk about the symptoms of this pathological disorder.
They can be as follows:
- Pain during bowel movements.
- Black urine.
- Weak jet.
- Prolonged flow of urine with interruptions.
- Discomfort in the perineum.
- Severe pain in the lower abdomen.
- White discharge from the urethra.
If you have these symptoms, as well as intermittent or persistent involuntary urination after urination, then you need to seek help from a doctor. Self-treatment can only slightly alleviate the clinical manifestations and make you feel better for a short time. However, without proper treatment, the problem will not go away and will constantly make itself felt.
What is the danger of the lack of therapy for enuresis?
This issue should be given special attention. At firststages of the disease, the pathological disorder responds well to treatment, however, if nothing is done, various serious complications can develop.
According to medical staff, the consequences can be as follows:
- Acute kidney failure.
- Acute pyelonephritis.
- Macrohematuria.
- Irritation of the epidermis of the genital organs.
- Severe intoxication that can lead to death of the patient.
It is worth noting that it is not so much involuntary urination that is scary, but the consequences that this pathology can lead to. Therefore, at the first signs of an illness, it is necessary to start treating it as soon as possible, since any disease is much easier to defeat in the early stages.
Enuresis in children

Involuntary urination in a child is a very common problem. This situation is especially pronounced at night. At the same time, up to five years of age, incontinence is quite common, since the child has not yet developed neural connections in the brain well enough, and he simply does not understand when he wants to go to the toilet. If cases of urination are isolated, then there is no reason for worrying up to 7 years. But if the condition does not go away as they grow older, then the baby has some he alth problems.
It is worth sounding the alarm and going to the hospital if the baby wets the bed twice a month or more. The doctor will examine the child, prescribe certain tests and, if necessary, referconsultation with specialized specialists. If no pathologies in the body and developmental abnormalities are detected, then no procedures will be prescribed.
It is worth noting that if children have involuntary urination in their sleep and at the same time they are tormented by nightmares, then this is also considered normal. In this case, you should take a wait-and-see position and watch the baby. Very often, as the brain grows and develops, the problem disappears on its own.
Pathological disorders in pregnant women

Involuntary urination when coughing is something that every woman who carries a baby in her tummy faces. This is due to the fact that the growing uterus begins to create pressure on other internal organs, including the bladder. Since the problem here is not related to deviations in the functioning of the systems, no treatment is required. After childbirth and recovery of the body, incontinence goes away on its own.
Diagnosis of enuresis
Treatment of involuntary urination in men and women is selected on an individual basis, depending on the cause that served as the development of the disorder.
To determine it, doctors conduct a comprehensive examination of patients, and also prescribe the following studies:
- Urine analysis.
- Palpation of the lower part of the abdominal region.
- Bacteriological culture.
- STD test.
- Ultrasound of all internal organs responsible for urine excretion.
- General analysisblood.
All of the above methods of research are standard and are prescribed by urologists to all patients who complain of involuntary urination. In addition, in some cases, narrow specialists can send patients for excretory urography, computed tomography, MRI and cytoscopy. Also, depending on the etiology of the disease, consultation with specialists such as a neurologist, therapist, nephrologist may be required, and it is not out of place for women to see a gynecologist.
Basic Therapies

When the doctor determines the cause of the pathological disorder, he will be able to choose the optimal and most effective treatment for involuntary urination in women and men. Medications and procedures are selected based on the clinical picture observed in the patient. In most cases, a set of measures is selected to strengthen muscles, fight infections, improve the functioning of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system, as well as normalize hormonal levels.
Patients suffering from disorders of the functioning of the urinary system are recommended to perform a set of special physical exercises aimed at implementing a huge number of functions, among which the main ones are the following:
- Improve circulation.
- Normalization of metabolic processes.
- Promote normal urine output.
- Activation of all processes in the body.
- Strengthening the muscle departments involved in the processwork of internal organs.
- Regularization of lung function.
Patients are advised to do breathing exercises, cycling and swimming, improve stretching, skiing, walking and running as much as possible.
Drug therapy
Drugs are prescribed if urinary incontinence is caused by infectious or viral diseases. As a rule, they make themselves felt from the first days, but after 2-4 days the symptoms subside. Medicines are selected based on laboratory tests after an accurate diagnosis.
Most often, doctors prescribe the following remedies:
- "Trimethoprim".
- "Amoxicillin".
- "Ciprofloxacin".
- "Fluconazole".
- "Furadonin".
- "Aciclovir".
- "Cycloferon".
Depending on the disease, treatment can be carried out both inpatient and outpatient. The duration of therapy can vary from 10 days to several weeks.
It is worth noting that when taking pills, you must strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations, since some drugs are incompatible with each other. In addition, it is very important to observe bed and drinking regimen. To improve blood circulation and speed up the healing process, you can warm up the abdominal area with a heating pad. Throughout the course of therapy, you should stop drinking tea and coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol.
If physical therapy and drug treatment fail, then the doctor may prescribe surgery.
Her main goals are:
- Creation of an artificial channel for excretion of waste products.
- Sphincter enlargement by injection of fibrillar protein or adipose tissue.
- Elimination of congenital malformations.
- Removal of malignant tumors, if present.
- Implantation of an implant into the walls of the bladder, which will promote normal muscle contraction.
Surgical intervention refers to radical methods of therapy, which are prescribed only in the most difficult situations. In most cases, physical exercise and medication are enough for the recovery of patients.
Alternative medicine

It is very difficult and long to treat urinary incontinence solely with the help of folk remedies, however, they will be an excellent addition to the main therapy program. With their help, you can muffle the symptoms and improve well-being.
For enuresis, the following is effective:
- alcohol tincture based on tea rose;
- walnuts;
- a decoction made from birch leaves;
- vodka infused with crushed rose hips.
It is worth noting that before you start taking any folk remedies, it is recommended that you first consult with your doctordoctor to avoid various negative consequences during drug therapy.
Prevention measures
Incontinence can be cured, but prevention is best.
To do this, do the following:
- Periodically undergo a comprehensive examination in the hospital.
- Treat STDs promptly.
- Avoid casual sex.
- Eat a he althy diet.
- Do sports to keep your muscles in good shape.
- Keep a he althy lifestyle.
- Ensure yourself a good rest and he althy sleep.
- Perform hardening of the body.
- Observe basic hygiene rules.
- Do not overexpose kidney secretions in the bladder.

Following these simple tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of bedwetting. However, it cannot be completely ruled out, so if you have any symptoms of the disorder, you should go to the hospital.