Enlarged, inflamed and loose tonsils (what this means will be described below) are quite common, especially in young children. You can find this at a doctor's appointment, as well as during an independent home examination.
What is this?
We are talking about specific nasopharyngeal and palatine tonsils located in the nasopharynx. They are small collections of lymphoid tissue. Their functionality in the human body is not fully understood. But one thing is known: tonsils are designed to protect against viruses and bacteria. They are a kind of barrier to pathogenic microbes that try to enter the body by airborne droplets. The second name of the palatine tonsils is tonsils. Thanks to them, the infection cannot go further and seriously damage the airways.

A disease in which the tonsils become inflamed is tonsillitis. How to treat loose tonsils, we will understand in this article.
Description of disease symptoms
Chronic tonsillitis is referred to asloose tonsils, or loose throats.
This is not a medical term, it is an indicator of the inflammatory process in this organ. With the growth of lymphoid tissue, the appearance of a loose throat is created. Also, this tissue is often covered with follicles, as a result of which the throat begins to resemble a sponge. This is what enlarged, loose tonsils look like.
Functions of the tonsils
The main function of lymphoid tissue is protective, therefore, when an infection enters, it grows intensified, which creates the so-called loose throat.
This is how the mechanism of protection and fight against pathogenic microorganisms is launched in the body. Loose tonsils report an infection. The tonsils themselves become inflamed and can no longer perform a protective function. They themselves are the source of inflammation. At this time, the body is most susceptible to various serious diseases.
Removing the tonsils is most often impractical, they do it now in rare cases, since it is undesirable to deprive a person of the first barrier to infection. Doctors decide on an operation to remove the tonsils only when the harm to the body from their inflammation is very great, that is, more than the possible benefits of their functioning. Therefore, if loose tonsils form in a child, treatment should be timely.
Key Features
As already mentioned, tonsils become loose with inflammation. But this is not a disease. Therefore, there are no specific symptoms, there can only be concomitant signs. So, the inflammatory process in the tonsils is characterized by:
Disgustingmouth odor. Why does he appear? The fact is that food in small quantities lingers on enlarged and loose tonsils. Then it decomposes, hence the unpleasant smell. Constant gargling is recommended to disinfect and flush out decayed food particles. Otherwise, the inflammatory process will go to the larynx and the person will get sick with laryngitis

- A sore throat. These unpleasant sensations are most often manifested when swallowing, they are provoked by the inflammatory process.
- Increase in body temperature. But it doesn't have to be too high. Sometimes it is within the normal range, sometimes it is subfebrile. A sharp increase in temperature indicates the development of angina.
- Headache. Headache causes swelling of the mucosa, shortness of breath, general weakness of the body.
- Weakness, lethargy. Due to infection, the body becomes weakened. With severe nasal congestion, breathing can be difficult, then the person eats poorly and sleeps little. This leads to lethargy, fatigue, weakness. Children often act up.
- Swollen lymph nodes. With the growth of lymphoid tissue, an increase and inflammation occurs in the nearest lymph nodes. If you palpate, they are better palpated, they become much larger in size and painful.
- Special appearance. If you look into a he althy throat of a person, you can see tonsils with a smooth, even and pinkish surface. And if you look at the sore throat with loosetonsils, it can be noted that the throat has become red, and the surface of the larynx is uneven. The tonsils are covered with tubercles of red or yellowish color, these are places of suppuration. They are covered with a white-yellow coating.
All of these symptoms that relate to loose tonsils do not have to appear at the same time. As a rule, one or two is enough to understand that inflammation has begun.
If there is a suspicion of tonsil disease, body temperature rises, there is a sore throat when swallowing, and plaque is also noticed, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible for help. He will prescribe immediate treatment.

What causes loose tonsils?
This condition, in which the tonsils become loose, is not life-threatening. Therefore, the panic should be stopped. But this at the same time indicates the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the body. If, in addition to the friability of the throat, no other signs of the disease have been identified, then it is necessary to take the medicines prescribed by the doctor and gargle. This is done if loose tonsils constantly torment a person.
The special reaction mechanism of the tonsils to infection will be the main factor in their friability. When pathogenic microorganisms enter the throat by airborne droplets, increased production of lymphocytes occurs. Their active production causes redness of the throat, loose tonsils, inflammation of the palate and larynx.
This happens with certain diseases, reduced immune defenses, hypothermia. Laterthe time when treatment has already begun, the sore throat subsides, but the tonsils are still loose. In the absence of temperature, purulent plaque, no additional therapy is required.
Cold diseases
This is often the case with colds. If the following diseases occur and loose tonsils appear (the photo can be seen below), then a more serious approach to treatment is needed:

- With angina. The first sign of this particular sore throat is a high body temperature. Manifested by fever, chills. From about the second day, my throat hurts badly. If there are purulent rashes on the tonsils, then this is purulent tonsillitis. Often the patient cannot eat because of painful sensations when swallowing. Perhaps the manifestation of streptococcal tonsillitis or tonsillitis, then there is a strong cough.
- With pharyngitis. A severe inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, as well as lymphoid tissue, begins. This is an independent disease most often, but it can also be due to another disease. There is a constant sore throat, perspiration, excruciating dry cough. If you carefully examine the sore throat, you can easily see redness, the presence of sores and pus on the mucosa.
- With SARS. This is the most common type of infection, exacerbation begins in autumn and winter. In this case, severe pain in the throat may not be. But if the treatment is not carried out, then there will be a complication in the form of pharyngitis or tonsillitis. Therefore, it is not recommended to start this inflammatory process. So, how to treat loose tonsils? More on that later.
Treatment methods
As already mentioned, the choice of treatment method depends entirely on what caused this pathology. Also, the general condition of the patient plays an important role, his age, the presence of other diseases. Self-medication is not necessary. You should definitely visit a doctor.
The specialist will prescribe special tests - you need to take scrapings from the tonsils for laboratory research. This will help determine the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to antibacterial drugs. Then you can choose a therapy.

If there is no pain?
In the absence of pain when swallowing, perspiration, cough, fever, general weakness and malaise, and the tonsils are loose, regular prophylaxis is needed. The room must be well and regularly ventilated, maintain a certain humidity in the room.
The mucosa of the mouth and nose must be moistened in order to kill bacteria. Also, overdried shells are more susceptible to infection. It is better to visit crowded places less often, especially with a small child, this will help reduce the risk of a virus entering the body.
In case of infection
If a bacterial infection is found that has provoked inflammation of the tonsils, you will need to undergo antibiotic treatment. Here are some more tips on how to cure loose tonsils.
Washing removes the inflammatory process well. Unfortunately, you can’t do it yourself, this manipulation is carried out by a nurse. So well purulent plaque is washed off the tonsils,recovery comes faster.

What will relieve inflammation?
Let's look at the following treatments that have a beneficial effect on loose tonsils, help to reduce inflammation faster:
- Tonsils are treated with ultrasound, laser, magnetotherapy, phytotherapy, inhalations, and other physiotherapy. Pass their course, which lasts for two weeks. The infection is destroyed, the suppuration is removed, the person recovers much faster.
- A new method is used for loose tonsils - vacuuming. Now it is very popular and effective. Lymphoid tissue recovers faster after pus is pulled from the inflamed surface with the help of a vacuum. This helps to reduce the size of the tonsils and smooth them.
- Apply antibacterial sprays to relieve inflammation. Use only as directed by a doctor. Allergy sufferers need to be careful, especially with sensitivity to honey, because almost all sprays contain propolis. The dosage should not be exceeded, if the slightest allergic reaction occurs, it is urgent to stop using the drug and consult a doctor.
In cases where the swelling on the tonsils does not fall off for a long time, the throat constantly hurts, sleep is difficult due to heavy breathing and oxygen starvation, surgical removal of the tonsils is prescribed. We examined in which cases there are loose tonsils, what to do to treat them.
Preventive measures
Those who have a weakened immune system, there arefrequent colds, and there is a tendency to inflammatory processes in the tonsils, special prevention is needed. Vitamin complexes and hardening procedures can help promote he alth.
It also makes sense to gargle regularly. You need to do this in courses, systematically. For these purposes, furatsilin or decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, sage are suitable. For a whole month, every day, the throat is rinsed with solutions, then a break is made. After that, the course must be repeated.
The doctor should examine the tonsils regularly. It also makes sense to wash them in a medical office. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to see a doctor. It is necessary to be protected from getting into the body of infection, because it is she who is the cause of the enlargement of the tonsils. If there is an epidemic, you need to take care of yourself and try not to visit crowds. If a person is sick in the house, you need to protect him from other family members. Oxolinic ointment in the nose helps well during colds.

Hardening should be started gradually, preferably in the summer. Sport and physical activity play an important role in strengthening the immune system. You need to walk in the fresh air, do exercises, run, play outdoor games.
To harden your throat, it is good to gargle with cold water, but it is better to start with cool water. Contrasting rinses are perfect. You can dissolve the ice cube over time.
Teeth should be brushed thoroughly twice a day to help kill bacteria in the mouth. Then loose tonsils will not appear,no treatment required.