Most people first check their body temperature when they feel unwell. According to the results of the procedure, it is usually judged whether a person is ill or not. Everyone remembers that a temperature of 36.6 ° C is considered normal. Usually, any deviation from the norm is already one of the main symptoms of a disease. Sometimes situations arise when, after measuring, the thermometer shows 35.5 ° C, that is, a lower body temperature. How to react to it? Often people think that the indicator is incorrect, but upon re-examination, it turns out that there is no error. So what is worse and more dangerous for he alth: low body temperature or high? How to treat this symptom in children and adults? Is it possible to cope with the disease with medication and at home? We will understand in this article.
Before we go directly to the topic, consider ways to measure temperature. There are no differences between adults and children, the same instruments are used, called thermometers. They are divided into two main types: mercury and electronic. The first option is more familiar, you just need to hold the thermometer in the armpit for fiveminutes. In the second case, you should wait for the sound signal. An electronic device is a little more difficult to operate. After checking the temperature, it must be held for another minute. The measurement ends if the indicator remains the same. Otherwise, the device needs to be held for a couple more minutes.

The main methods for checking body temperature include:
- Fixing a thermometer in the armpit is the most popular way. Although easy to use, this scheme is rather inaccurate. With this measurement, the average is considered to be 36.0 ° С.
- In the US and Europe, the most common method is to measure the temperature in the mouth. However, this technology is not recommended for children, because opening the mouth when checking the indicator is undesirable.
- Children are well suited for rectal measurement, that is, by introducing special drugs into the rectum. This technique is not very suitable for newborns, only for slightly older children.
- There is also thermometry in the ear, but the method is unpopular due to large errors.
Whatever method you choose, the result will be the same. Why is the temperature lowered? There are many reasons, which we will talk about in more detail a little later.
This is what medicine calls the phenomenon when the indicator is below the norm. This is not to say that such cases are rare, but not too often. Adults and children face the problem, we can say that no one is immune. There are quite a few reasons for low temperatures, each of them leads to consequences. As you know, the normal indicator is 36.6 ° C. But if your temperature fluctuates within 35.5-37 degrees during the day, then there are no deviations, this is absolutely normal.
Changes in the results of the test may indicate food intake, the cycle of menstruation or a banal change in mood. Hypothermia as an ailment begins with an indicator of 35 degrees and below. Then you need to think about the causes of low temperature and methods of treatment. It is not recommended to take measures on your own in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. It is better to entrust this matter to a specialist who, after diagnosing the problem, will prescribe therapy.
Signs of disease
It is worth noting that the low body temperature of a person directly indicates a violation of the functioning of the body. That is, in any case, there is a certain problem that needs to be identified. It is difficult to call hypothermia a full-fledged disease, more often doctors distinguish it as a symptom of any disease. But you can go the other way: consider the concept as a biological phenomenon in isolation from other processes occurring in the body.

Let's highlight a few signs that are often found along with hypothermia:
- headache and dizziness;
- circulatory problems resulting in arrhythmia;
- numbness of the fingers of the upper and lower extremities;
- chills, unpleasant sensation of cold;
- tremble bythroughout the body, accompanied by loss of appetite and general weakness;
- nausea and vomiting, symptoms of feeling unwell.
Among other things, you need to specify the main criterion. It is about what defines a low temperature as a pathology. The main sign is an indicator of 35 degrees, which is kept static throughout the day. If there are constant drops to the norm and back, you should look at how you feel. However, if the indicator remains unchanged for several days, it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible. It is better not to joke with a problem of this nature, you need to identify the cause of the low temperature and treat the disease. Hypothermia indicates serious disorders in the body. This may be associated with internal organs and cause additional diseases. Ignoring the symptoms only makes the situation worse.
The body temperature is lowered. Reasons
There are a lot of grounds for such a situation. To begin with, it is worth noting that banal overwork can act as a factor in an abnormal indicator. If you spend a lot of time at work, spend energy on work, have not been on vacation for a long time, then perhaps this is just fatigue. You need to understand that chronic lack of sleep, an abundance of stressful situations does not pass in vain, leaves its mark. The same can be said about excessive physical and mental stress. Naturally, the body tries its best to show you that there are problems, often due to changes in body temperature. the besta good rest will be the medicine here, taking motherwort tincture to calm the nerves will not hurt.
The causes of low temperature include anemia, which is a decline in strength as a result of a lack of iron. Such a diagnosis cannot be verified on its own, it is necessary to do a general blood test and find out the level of hemoglobin. This situation often occurs in the spring, as this seasonal period is marked by a lack of vitamins. There is no need to panic, as treatment usually proceeds without incident, and patients return to normal life.

After fixing the thermometer in the armpit for five minutes, you may find that the body temperature is lowered. The reasons may be hidden in the disruption of the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the body, including the immune system. Perhaps the patient has recently been ill with a serious illness and has given a lot of strength to fight it. There is a possibility that the patient tortured his body with diets and starvation, while incorrectly counting kilocalories. Then it is not surprising that the temperature is far from normal. Therapy in this case involves taking vitamins and switching to a properly balanced diet.
Speaking of useful organic compounds. A lack of vitamin C can lead to problems. This is probably the most innocuous factor, as it is easy to eliminate. Run to the store for oranges and tangerines - combine business with pleasure. Also make it a habit to drink tea with lemon, and then you will forever forget about the deficiency of this vitamin.
Why is my body temperature below normal?
Continuing the conversation about the causes of low temperature in an adult, one cannot fail to mention the use of medications. In other words, it is about self-healing. This is exactly the case when a person diagnoses himself and prescribes treatment. It is clear that this can lead to serious disorders in the body and unpleasant consequences. Taking medication causes intoxication, you can not joke with drugs. Maximum care for your he alth - do not self-medicate.
Another factor influencing the deviation from the norm is the exacerbation of chronic diseases. If you have them, do not relax and monitor the state of the body. If you experience symptoms, do not put off a visit to the doctor indefinitely.
There is a possibility of developing hypothyroidism when the body temperature in an adult is lowered. The reasons for the decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland must be sought in violation of the internal organs. Hypothyroidism, in fact, is not a full-fledged disease, it is a condition of the body caused by insufficient levels of hormones for a long time. The thyroid gland performs many functions, so you need to take this problem seriously.

Another reason for the appearance of hypothermia is a violation of the functioning of the adrenal glands. This situation cannot be ignored, try to drink plenty of water if there are no contraindications. In warm seasons, in summer and spring, the body especially needs abundantdrink, and do not need to limit it. Melons and watermelons will be a great addition to correct the situation.
Hypothermia in pregnancy
Often, women in position find themselves with a lower body temperature. The reason is hidden just in the state of pregnancy, so there is no strong cause for concern. However, ignoring the symptom is also unsafe, because it can lead to fainting of the expectant mother. A pregnant woman should carefully monitor her he alth, because the life of the baby depends on it.
Plus, hypothermia is accompanied by headaches, loss of appetite and numbness of the upper and lower extremities. Additional symptoms can significantly ruin the life of the expectant mother, so it is better to consult a doctor about this.
Low temperature in a child
Low numbers on the thermometer may indicate an incorrect measurement. The head of the thermometer should be clearly in the armpit, you need to hold it for at least three minutes. It is better for kids to sit on their knees and hold the handle tightly to the body. An instant drop in temperature may indicate intensive attempts to bring down the increased rate. Take antipyretic drugs strictly according to the instructions, do not change the dose.

Low temperature for a relatively long time observed in children during the period of growth. Adolescents often experience a sharp decline in the indicator, which directly indicates excessive emotionality. As a rule, this does not harm the growingbody.
Parents should be especially sensitive to the condition of babies up to a year old. Deviation of the indicator from the norm is observed in the following cases:
- if the baby was born prematurely, there is a low temperature for some time;
- if the climate changes, it gets a little colder, an unformed child's body may respond by lowering the temperature level.
With malnutrition, a mismatch between the balance of nutrients and energy expended, hypothermia develops in children. It is necessary to make a complete diet, excluding the consumption of harmful products. Excessive physical activity and severe fatigue have a negative effect on the body, and it gives a defensive reaction. We should also not forget about chronic and oncological diseases, because their presence causes hypothermia.
Possible diseases
Reduced body temperature in an adult also does not bode well. If there are no obvious signs of a deviation from the norm, then this is an occasion to think about your he alth. The fact is that this situation indicates the presence of a chronic disease that is in the process of development.
It is necessary to undergo a medical examination to identify the cause of hypothermia and identify the disease. The question arises: which doctor to contact? To get started, make an appointment with a therapist. In the future, the doctor will refer you to the right specialist.
So, what ailments are often found at a low temperature in an adult? Let's take a closer look:
- Oncology. It is worth noting that most situations are associated with diseases of this kind. The growth of the tumor in the body leads to functional disorders, manifested, among other things, in the development of hypothermia. Often, a decrease in the temperature level indicates pathologies of the endocrine system, poisoning and anorexia.
- Flu. Temperature fluctuations are also observed with influenza. The immune system of the body seeks to create unfavorable conditions for the reproduction of the virus. The disease is severe, accompanied by additional symptoms in the form of a runny nose and sore throat. Ignoring the signs is unacceptable, at the first manifestations it is necessary to consult a doctor for quality treatment.
- Cold. Oddly enough, hypothermia can develop in the presence of this disease. In most cases, of course, the patient has a body temperature above 37 °C. The decrease in the indicator is due to the fact that the disease arose on the basis of an untreated disease. The fight against the virus is in full swing, and therefore immunity can be depleted. For this reason, you may experience symptoms such as chills and sweating with hypothermia. The task of the patient is to monitor the dynamics of the development of the disease together with the attending physician and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.
- Arterial hypotension. The problem of low blood pressure often occurs in tandem with hypothermia. It turns out that the blood flow is greatly slowed down, as a result, biochemical processes proceed much more slowly. In other words, the body saves energy by going intoenergy saving mode. Pathology is detected in hot weather, because the blood vessels expand. This is a natural way to lower the temperature level.

Fight the problem
What to do when it is discovered that an adult has low body temperature? Of course, consult a specialist. Hypothermia is, first of all, a symptom of a disease, so without a diagnosis it will be very difficult to engage in effective treatment.
And yet there are several ways to help eliminate the sign of a decrease in the temperature level:
- Rest for a few days. As we have already noted, the problem can be caused by overwork, so proper rest is necessary.
- Include liver, chicken broths, red meat in the diet. Also eat more chocolate, peanuts and fresh juices.
- Follow your diet.
- If you get cold, focus on drinking plenty of hot drinks and taking a bath.
- The doctor prescribes immunostimulating drugs, such as Pantocrine and Normoxan, to combat the symptom.
How to raise the temperature at home?
You can also raise the temperature to the required level at home. If the indicator has not dropped to a critical level, you should not take medications. You can achieve the goal in other ways:
- eat a few spoonfuls of dry instant coffee;
- bring blood circulation back to normal with the help of physicalexercise.
The above methods are quite risky and should be used with extreme caution. Only in cases of extreme necessity, these methods are justified.

In order to never face the problem of low temperature, you must adhere to the following rules:
- in case of rain you need to dress warmly, be sure to have an umbrella or a hat;
- good rest in the form of good sleep, as well as proper balanced nutrition;
- quit bad habits like drinking alcohol, drugs and smoking cigarettes, which have a negative effect on the immune system.
If you notice this symptom in a close relative, try to spend more time with him and monitor his condition. Hypothermia can flare up at any time and require immediate medical attention.