Rapid heartbeat is a common symptom, and without the presence of other accompanying signs, it is quite difficult to determine what exactly is the reason for such a response of the heart muscle to external and internal stimuli.
Frequent heartbeat is characterized by the fact that the human heart is reduced 90 times per minute. In some cases, this condition is considered a completely normal mechanism required by the body. In other situations, doctors talk about the course of the pathology. There are many causes and symptoms of this condition, on which the well-being of a person largely depends.
Feature of tachycardia
Many patients wonder what palpitations are called and what exactly this condition is. If the heart beats too strongly and often, then this is tachycardia, it is necessary to consult a doctor to correct the condition.

Normally, a person does not even notice the contraction of the heart muscle, and any deviation becomes quite obvious. Rapid heartbeat may be accompanieda feeling of throbbing in the neck, fingertips, or temples. In addition, there are signs such as tinnitus, pain in the heart area, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing.
Such signs may indicate the course of the pathology of the heart muscle, but in most cases, heart damage is not detected.
What types can there be
When conducting an examination, the doctor initially finds out what kind of tachycardia is observed in the patient. She can be:
- chronic;
- paroxysmal;
- sinus;
- paroxysmal.
The chronic form is characterized by the fact that the signs are permanent or recur periodically, at regular intervals. Paroxysmal appearance is generally considered one of the signs of arrhythmia.
Sinus form can appear only at the beginning and at the end of an attack. Treatment is carried out by eliminating the main provoking factors and lifestyle changes. The paroxysmal type can only be detected during a severe attack using electrocardiography.
Main reasons
Causes of rapid heartbeat can be very different. First of all, it is worth noting that even slight anxiety and excitement can provoke such a state. This is a completely normal reaction of the body. If a person experiences stress daily, then tachycardia begins to develop. This state may continue for several days.
In addition to the stress factor, among the reasons for frequentheartbeats can be distinguished such as:
- state of the endocrine system;
- poisoning the body;
- menopause;
- acute infectious diseases;
- significant physical activity;
- stimulant abuse;
- obesity;
- overwork;
- anemia;
- pregnancy;
- dehydration;
- malignant neoplasms.
Frequently, palpitations are caused by high blood pressure, old age, and being overweight. In addition, among the main causes, one can single out myocarditis, coronary heart disease, as well as various malformations of its development. Frequent heartbeat can be with renal colic, blood loss, neurosis.
The development of vegetative-vascular dystonia is of great importance. In this case, there may be concomitant symptoms, in particular, such as shortness of breath, dizziness, nervous breakdowns, headache, fear of death. The causes of palpitations in women may be related to pregnancy. In this case, it increases by 10 beats per minute plus the norm.
Physiological causes
The reasons for the rapid contraction of the heart can be quite logical and justified. Frequent palpitations can be observed during the course of the inflammatory process, accompanied by an increase in temperature. This is due to the fact that the body requires additional energy and faster oxygen delivery.

Besides this, a violation may occur under conditions of increasedphysical activity. Also, frequent strong heartbeat can be triggered by factors such as:
- get out of bed abruptly;
- pain;
- consumption of certain medications;
- stay in a hot climate.
In this case, the blows should be uniform and follow one after the other, and after a while, after the elimination of the provocative factor, pass.
Pathological causes
Frequent strong heartbeat can occur as a result of pathologies of the heart muscle, as well as diseases of other organs and systems. Such provoking factors should include such as:
- severe angina;
- heart attack;
- cardiosclerosis;
- heart defects;
- pericarditis;
- myocarditis;
- anemia;
- thyrotoxicosis.
Severe angina pectoris manifests itself in the form of pain behind the sternum and occurs mainly after significant physical exertion. Myocardial infarction mainly occurs against the background of already existing signs of angina pectoris, but it can form quite suddenly. Despite the fact that pain is considered the main symptom, the pathology can occur without pain.
Thyrotoxicosis is a condition in which the thyroid gland begins to produce an excessive amount of hormones. In this case, attacks of rapid heartbeat occur quite often, and increased pressure may additionally be observed.
Frequent heartbeat at normal blood pressure canoccur during the course of various pathologies in the body. In particular, such as:
- cardiomyopathy;
- cardiosclerosis;
- mitral valve prolapse;
- endocarditis;
- heart defects.
It is imperative to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Frequent heartbeat at normal pressure is also characteristic of pathologies accompanied by intoxication of the body, in particular, such as tonsillitis, purulent-inflammatory processes, pneumonia.
Main symptoms
Symptoms of frequent heartbeat can be very different, it all depends on the underlying cause that triggered the attack. Among the additional signs, one can distinguish such as:
- chest pounding;
- noise gives to the head, ears;
- anxiety arises.

In addition, rapid breathing and palpitations may occur, accompanied by a lack of air, as well as changes in blood pressure.
Tachycardia in children and the elderly
It is very important to know exactly why palpitations occur in children. Such a condition can be triggered by physical and emotional overstrain, rhythm disturbance and conduction of the cardiovascular system. Paroxysmal tachycardia, ventricular arrhythmia require special attention. In adolescence, an increase in contractions of the heart muscle may be of an organic nature, a similar condition develops against the background of hormonal changes in the body.
In the elderlypeople quite often can experience high blood pressure and rapid heartbeat. Among the most common causes of this condition, one can single out the presence of cardiovascular diseases, as well as the intake of certain medications, especially cardiac glycosides. In general, no special treatment is required. In the elderly, atrial fibrillation or sinus tachycardia may be the only manifestation of thyrotoxicosis. An additional sign may be the sparkle in the eyes.
Tachycardia during pregnancy
If a frequent heartbeat is observed during pregnancy, what to do, you definitely need to know in order to prevent the development of complications, as they can be dangerous for a woman and a child. Increased heart rate during childbearing is quite common.

This is mainly due to disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle, as it must provide full access to blood to the uterus. In addition, the violation can provoke anemia. Other factors include asthma, overweight, allergies, thyroid disease, physical overexertion and stress.
Seizure help
In order to prevent complications after an attack of tachycardia, it is very important to competently provide first aid before the doctor arrives and minimize the risk of damage to weak areas of the myocardium, as well as the occurrence of a heart attack. Be sure to call an ambulance. After that you need:
- put a person with an attack so thatthe body was lower than the head;
- provide oxygen access;
- apply a wet cool compress to the forehead;
- free from clothing that interferes with normal breathing;
- give a sedative.
Besides this, you need to do breathing exercises, drink tea from chamomile or lemon balm. Massage has a good effect, as it helps to relax and calm down. It is very important that during an attack a person is conscious, which is why it is necessary to use means to reduce the heart rate. It is important to ensure that you drink enough, drink cold water in small sips, and also do acupressure.
Treatment largely depends on the cause of the rapid heartbeat. What to do, only the attending doctor can determine, but for this you need to first conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. History and physical examination play an important role. You can confirm the diagnosis using laboratory and instrumental methods.
Initially, the patient is asked to describe the existing symptoms, specify the duration and accompanying sensations. After that, the doctor asks to tap the heart rate to determine exactly how it happens during a heartbeat.
With ischemia, there are painful sensations in the sternum, with neurosis, heart failure and stenosis - lack of air. In severe life-threatening disorders, fainting and dizziness are observed.
The most informative will be a physical examination conducted duringincreased heart rate, but this is not always possible. The most important stage of the examination will be the study of the heart rhythm. The doctor pays attention to the sparkle in the eyes, the pulsation of the veins in the neck, the increase in pressure. In the presence of anemia, the palms become pale, and in thyrotoxicosis, they become moist and warm.
To diagnose arrhythmia or tachycardia, you can use such studies as:
- blood test;
- determining the level of thyroid hormones;
- biochemical and serological testing;
- chest x-ray;
- electrocardiogram;
- electrophysiological study.
After a comprehensive diagnosis, you can make the correct diagnosis and determine exactly how to treat.
Features of treatment
If there is a frequent heartbeat, it is very important to know what to do, since the right therapy will help you quickly normalize your he alth and prevent the development of dangerous complications. If you have any complaints, be sure to contact your therapist. He will conduct an examination, and if necessary, refer to a cardiologist and other specialists. The tactic of therapy implies:
- eliminate the root cause of the arrhythmia;
- limiting the consumption of coffee, alcohol and tonic drinks;
- giving up bad habits;
- medication use.

If the use of a conservative method of therapy does not bring the desired result, thensurgical intervention. Folk remedies have a good effect. In addition, it is advisable to follow a special diet, while consuming a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as foods rich in he althy vitamins and minerals.
Drug therapy
During therapy, the doctor may prescribe pills for frequent heartbeat, aimed at eliminating the attack. With a sharp attack, you must definitely take Valocordin, which will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and reduce feelings of anxiety.
When conducting drug therapy, you can use sedative tablets for frequent heartbeats, which may be of plant origin. Also, antiarrhythmic drugs have a good effect. It is worth remembering that at the initial stages of the course of the pathology, a cure for frequent heartbeat is not prescribed, since it is quite possible to get rid of the existing problem with the help of folk remedies, as well as by adjusting lifestyle and nutrition.
Folk techniques
With frequent heartbeat, treatment with folk remedies has a very good result. It is necessary to replace coffee or tea with a healing drink made from hawthorn or rose hips. In addition, you can consume green tea, tincture of motherwort leaves. You can regulate your heart rate with a tincture of cornflower flowers.
Useful in the course of such a pathology will be juice from green oats, which should be taken 50 ml 3 times a day. This remedy will be most effective if heart palpitationsseen in hypertension. For a month, you can consume tea made from lemon balm or mint. In this case, tachycardia attacks will become much less frequent and will be much easier to tolerate. It is worth noting that men should not consume such drinks often, as they somewhat reduce sexual desire.

Tincture of adonis, hawthorn, adonis has good properties. You need to take these funds daily for a quick normalization of well-being. What to take with a frequent heartbeat from folk remedies, only a doctor can determine, this requires a comprehensive examination of the patient to identify possible contraindications.
Possible Complications
Tachycardia is a rather dangerous pathology that can provoke the subsequent development of complex diseases and complications. Among the main violations are the following:
- heart failure;
- convulsions;
- pulmonary edema;
- loss of consciousness;
- heart attack, stroke;
- thrombosis;
- sudden death.
It is dangerous if the attack occurs very abruptly and there is no one who can help. That is why, at the slightest fear of the development of a pathological condition, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner.
If during the examination no serious disorders and diseases were revealed, then to stabilize the heart contractions, it is necessary to carry out breathing exercises, yoga classes. In addition, in order to preventit is necessary to give up bad habits, normalize lifestyle and daily routine. It is advisable to engage in moderate physical activity, take time to sleep and rest, and normalize your diet.
People suffering from tachycardia should switch to a dairy-vegetarian diet. It is useful to additionally take vitamin complexes, in particular, magnesium has a good effect, as it is responsible for relaxing and contracting the heart muscle.

Moderate exercise will help increase the body's resistance to the formation of tachycardia. However, it must be taken into account that excessive overvoltage should not be allowed. To normalize the heart rate, it is advisable to go swimming, take soothing baths, take walks before going to bed.
From alternative methods, acupressure, reflexology, the use of bee products have a good effect.