Narrowing of the vessels in the brain is a very serious pathological disorder. It fully depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and requires a special approach in the study of the causes and symptoms for the appointment of treatment.
Mechanism of occurrence
Cholesterol is considered a substance without which the normal functioning of all vital organs is impossible, which is involved in the construction of new tissues and metabolism, and is also the main source of antioxidants. Cholesterol is produced by the liver, but a significant part of this substance enters the body with food. Cholesterol is divided into high and low density lipoproteins.

The structure of lipoprotein, which has a high density, resembles wax and is a viscous and sticky substance that can settle on the walls of the inner surface of blood vessels. Gradually, calcium molecules join it, due to the properties of which the formed atherosclerotic plaque begins to harden.
Daily with intakelipoproteins on the cholesterol plaque settle more and more layers, as a result of which it gradually increases in size. The lumen of the vessel, in turn, begins to decrease, which leads to impaired blood circulation, thinning of its walls, loss of elasticity and mobility of the vessel.
Decrease in elasticity gradually leads to the formation of microcracks, and violation of blood flow - to the accumulation of blood components in the damage. Thus, a thrombus is formed, which is a blood clot, which, in addition to aggravating the developing pathology, also carries some additional danger, which lies in the fact that the thrombus can break away from the walls of the vessel. If it breaks off and enters the general circulation, it can clog any vital vessel. This phenomenon often causes death in patients suffering from atherosclerosis of the vascular system.
Causes of pathology
Narrowing of the vessels in the brain most often occurs in older people. The reason is a gradual decrease in the elasticity of the arterial walls and, as a result, a violation of blood circulation. A certain category of young people is also at high risk, whose lifestyle is accompanied by excessive overwork, high physical and psycho-emotional stress.
This disease has three main causes.
This pathological process is the first cause of vasoconstriction that feeds the brain. The disease is characterized by the formation of a large number of cholesterol plaques in the vessels of the brain. AtAtherosclerosis affects the largest arteries - the vertebral and internal carotid.

The main causes of atherosclerosis are:
- Uncontrolled intake of high-density cholesterol.
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Obesity.
- Inactivity.
- Drinking and tobacco addiction.
- Lack of certain plant fibers and seafood in the diet.
It is generally accepted that atherosclerosis is an age-related disease, but this is not so. Even children are affected to some extent. The appearance of the first symptoms in a child may appear by the age of ten, and by about fifteen, the formation of cholesterol plaques begins. The main causes are malnutrition, inactivity, as well as some chronic comorbidities.
Increase in blood pressure is also the cause of vasoconstriction of the brain. It is less common, but no less dangerous. Hypertension is characterized by constant jumps in blood pressure, which inevitably leads to thinning of the walls of the vessels of the brain and the loss of their elasticity. This creates a very favorable environment for the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques.
Cervical osteochondrosis
The area of the cervical spine is saturated with numerous blood vessels that are designed to supply blood to the brain. When signs of osteochondrosis of the neck occur, a gradual deformation of the intervertebral cartilaginous structures occurs, which compresses the main vessels - in this case, the vertebral arteries act as their role. Initially, there is a narrowing of the vessels in the cervical region, which disrupts the flow of blood to the cerebral cortex and inevitably leads to the loss of their functionality by these arteries.
What else can cause cerebral vasoconstriction?
Development anomalies
In some cases, there are malformations of the blood vessels of the brain, which are most often hereditary or congenital. Such disorders are treated exclusively by surgical methods and pose a serious threat to the patient from early childhood.
A pathological disorder in the form of vasoconstriction localized in the brain can occur for one of three reasons. In certain cases, there may be a complex development of several of these diseases at once. In such situations, the clinical picture is characterized by very serious complications that inevitably lead the patient to disability and have numerous cases of death. These factors suggest that it is necessary to treat each disease separately at the first signs that indicate the development of a serious disease.

Treatment for cerebral vasoconstriction depends on the cause and stage.
Stages of the disease and their characteristic symptoms
Different two basic shapesdiseases:
- Acute form, in which there is a sharp narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, which often causes a stroke. Basically, chronic forms of some pathological processes occurring in the vascular system of the body lead to such diseases. In this case, the patient needs urgent medical care, without which a rapid death is possible. But the symptoms of vasoconstriction of the brain can be mild. What does this mean?
- Chronic form, characterized by a prolonged course of the disease, the symptoms of which the patient gradually adapts and does not experience much discomfort. Such a course leads to the fact that people seek medical help only at the last, already complicated stages, when the symptoms significantly reduce their quality of life. Consider the symptoms of cerebral vasoconstriction in more detail.
First stage narrowing
The pathological process begins with some minor disorders, the symptoms of which in most cases are perceived as the influence of magnetic storms, overwork, excessive workload or the consequences of a stressful situation. Over time, the body adapts to many manifestations and gradually ceases to adequately respond to them.
During this period of the process, there is a sharp decrease in memory, loss of emotional stability and the appearance of periodic headaches. If the resulting violation is not treated, the pathological process begins to move to the next stage.
Symptoms of constrictioncerebral vessels in the second stage are somewhat different.
Second stage narrowing
This stage is characterized by a significant deterioration in the general condition of a person and already more pronounced symptoms. At this stage, the patient is accompanied by migraines, sudden changes in mood, which often turn into acute depressive states. The lack of normal blood supply to the brain provokes changes in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, which often leads to impaired coordination of movements, the main symptom of which is a shuffling and unsteady gait.
In addition, there is a violation of the functions of the urinary system, which manifests itself in the form of false urge to urinate. This leads to a significant decrease in mood and performance.
Symptoms of vasoconstriction should not go unnoticed.

Third stage of narrowing
At this stage, there are serious violations in coordination, the patient may constantly lose balance. He is practically unable to do without people accompanying him. In some cases, there is complete atrophy of the musculoskeletal system. The functions of the organs located in the small pelvis are also violated, urination is out of control. A person suffers from memory lapses, his speech becomes incoherent, there is a constant distortion of words, which is often regarded as a sign of dementia.
In most cases, the last stage of this disease is no longer amenable to therapy, and many changes in brain structures becomeirreversible.
Parents of children who have suffered a birth injury, vasculitis, with congenital insufficiency of the cardiovascular system and kidney disease, it is necessary to carefully monitor the state of the child's brain vessels. Very common symptoms of vasoconstriction in children are dizziness, nausea and frequent headaches. Visit a specialist and start vascular treatment as soon as possible, otherwise fatal consequences of physical and mental development in a child may develop.
If symptoms of vasoconstriction are present, treatment should be prompt.

For diagnosing a disease, in some cases, external symptoms and anamnesis based on a detailed survey of the patient are sufficient. For a more accurate diagnosis, a comprehensive examination can be prescribed, which will accurately determine the affected area, as well as identify the cause of the pathology and prescribe treatment. Moreover, the patient's he alth status should be under the close attention of the attending physician.
The complex of diagnostic measures includes the following:
- Analysis of reflexes, checking the functionality of the vestibular apparatus and assessing mental performance. Additionally, a conversation can be held with the patient's relatives, which will help to give a full assessment of his behavior in everyday life.
- Dopplerography, which is an ultrasound method of research using a special apparatus. At the same time, a three-dimensional picture of the anatomic althe structure of the brain vessels, the localization of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques is accurately determined, the patency of the vessels and the speed of blood flow in them are assessed.
- Computer angiography. Using this method, you can visualize detailed images of the layers of the brain, which allows you to most fully examine all the arteries that supply blood to the brain.
Treatment of pathology
After determining the diagnosis of vasoconstriction in the brain, therapy is prescribed depending on the cause of the disease. Comprehensive treatment is prescribed by a therapist, neurologist and cardiologist and depends on individual clinical symptoms.

Drug therapy
The main methods of treating cerebral vasoconstriction are to eliminate the cause - the formation of cholesterol plaques, reduce pressure or eliminate cervical osteochondrosis.
The main drugs here are:
- Statins - means of this group reduce the production of cholesterol and destroy atherosclerotic plaques. Medicines such as Mefakor, Aktalipid, Mevacor and others are used.
- Fibrates, which are characterized by the fact that they are able to break down cholesterol and reduce the level of its formation. The most popular drugs in this case are Clofibrate and Atromid. What else is used in the treatment of vasoconstriction?
- Vasodilatory medications that reduce the tone of blood vessels, which increasestheir lumen and normalization of blood flow. The most commonly prescribed vasodilators are Eufillin and Papaverine.
- If the cause of the pathology is hypertension, then the main treatment is a set of measures to regulate pressure.
- In osteochondrosis, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors are used. The treatment of constriction of the head vessels is supplemented with manual therapy and acupuncture.

At the same time, symptomatic therapy is carried out, which includes the elimination of migraine pain, taking antidepressants to relieve nervousness, prescribing iodine-containing drugs, as well as vitamin complexes.
Surgical treatment
Surgical therapy is used in the absence of effect after medication or in severe cases, when the violation threatens a person's life. Surgery also fights congenital anomalies in the development of brain vessels.