Why do the soles of the feet burn: causes, treatment and prevention methods

Why do the soles of the feet burn: causes, treatment and prevention methods
Why do the soles of the feet burn: causes, treatment and prevention methods

The sensation of burning feet can occur under a variety of conditions. And it is important to determine the cause so that they can receive treatment. Some of them, such as foot fungus and tight boots, are very easy to fix. But if the symptom returns, then you need to see a doctor. A specialist can diagnose and prescribe treatment. The article details why the soles of the feet burn.

Problem in brief

It will not be possible to deal with this problem in absentia. Burning sensation in the legs can be caused by nerve damage, this is called neuropathy. Among the possible causes may be diabetes, which is the most common factor. Most treatments aim to prevent further nerve damage and reduce pain. But self-administration of drugs is unacceptable. To understand why the soles of the feet are burning, only a doctor should. To give the reader a general idea of the problem, we will look at the root causes.

Diabetic neuropathy

Diagnosis is often made after age 60. Years of uncontrolled high blood sugar can gradually damage blood vessels and nerves. High sugar levels reduce the transmission of signals from the nerves. This can affect the sensation of various parts of the body, including the legs. High blood sugar also weakens the walls of the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the nerves. If a person goes to the doctor with a question about why the soles of the feet are burning, then most likely the specialist will first check this version.

According to the National Diabetes Institute, up to 70% of people with diabetes experience pain from some form of nerve damage or neuropathy. This risk increases if you:

  1. You are obese.
  2. Have high blood pressure.
  3. Smoking or drinking alcohol.

Nerve damage in the legs and feet is known as peripheral neuropathy. Additional symptoms are:

  1. Numbness and tingling in the legs.
  2. Feels like you're wearing tight shoes.
  3. Sharp, stabbing pains.
  4. Weakness and heaviness in the legs.
  5. Excessive sweating.

It is important to see a doctor if you notice any signs of neuropathy. Controlling blood sugar can prevent or slow down nerve damage.

causes of burning feet
causes of burning feet

Sensory Neuropathy

Let's continue to consider the reasons why the soles of the feet burn. For brevity, we willcall this disease SFSN. This is a painful neuropathy that often results in severe burning sensations in the legs. Other symptoms include loss of sensation and short bursts of pain. This happens because the myelin sheath that covers and protects the nerve fibers is destroyed. Although the exact cause cannot be determined, very often this disorder accompanies diabetes mellitus.

Alcohol abuse

We are not talking about chronic alcoholism now. But if you drink hard drinks more than twice a week, it can lead to nerve damage, which is called alcoholic neuropathy. In addition to burning feet, symptoms include:

  1. Muscle weakness, muscle spasms and loss of muscle function.
  2. Impaired urination and bowel activity.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Speech impairment.

Stopping drinking can help prevent worsening of symptoms. However, severe nerve damage may be irreversible. This is most pronounced in women. Why the soles of your feet are burning you need to deal with a doctor, but you should always control how many glasses of wine you drink a day.

why do the soles of my feet burn at night
why do the soles of my feet burn at night

Charcot's disease (CTS)

In most cases, this is a hereditary disease of the nerves. It mostly affects the endings that control the muscles. It is a progressive disease, that is, the symptoms worsen over time. One of its first symptoms is burning, or a sensation of pins and needles in the legs. Othersymptoms include clumsiness and muscle wasting. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, approximately 1 person in 2,000 people worldwide has STS.


This may be another reason why the soles of women's feet burn. Unpleasant sensation can be caused by malnutrition. It was more common in the past, but is still seen in disaster-affected areas.

During World War II, prisoners of war experienced burning feet syndrome caused by malnutrition. Today, most often this is associated with rigid, long-term diets. Nerve damage may be due to a lack of vitamin B12, B6, B9. It can also contribute to muscle coordination problems. Other symptoms of anemia include fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

why do the soles of my feet burn at night
why do the soles of my feet burn at night

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

To find out why a person's soles are burning, a doctor needs to take an anamnesis. Try to immediately remember all your injuries, operations. CBRS occurs in the extremities most often after such interventions. The causes are mechanical damage to the nerve, which affects the transmission of signals from the brain and spine. Symptoms include burning pain, swelling, and discoloration of the skin. This type of pathology may depend on genetics, in which case the disease affects the immune system.


The endocrine glands have a great influence on the work of our entire body. The largest thyroid gland is involvedin almost all biochemical processes. Lack of iodine and other reasons lead to the fact that it begins to produce less or more hormones. This changes their balance in the body, which can cause swelling that puts pressure on our nerve endings. In addition to burning, symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, and dry skin.

why does the sole of the feet burn treatment
why does the sole of the feet burn treatment

Pedia Tenia

The disease is also called "athlete's foot". But in fact, it is found not only in the world of big sport. This is a fairly common reason why the soles of the feet burn. The disease is a contagious fungal infection that can also affect the condition of the nails. The most common symptoms are a burning, tingling or itching sensation between the toes and on the soles of the feet. You may be disturbed by:

  1. Itchy blisters on legs.
  2. Cracks and peeling of the legs.
  3. Dry skin on the sides and soles of the feet.
  4. Raw skin on legs.
  5. Toenails that separate from the nail bed or look discolored, thick.
why does the sole of the feet burn and what to do
why does the sole of the feet burn and what to do

Peripheral Arterial Disease

This pathology suggests narrowing of the arteries that carry blood to the feet. Symptoms may be similar to those of peripheral neuropathy, including burning of the legs and feet. It is also most commonly caused by walking or exercise. If you start this disease, it can lead to complete disability. Therefore, it is important not to self-medicate, butsee a specialist.

Tunnel Syndrome

This pathology causes the nerves from the ankle to the foot to be compressed due to swelling or injury. This leads to more intense burning of the leg. In this case, discomfort extends not only to the foot, but also up the leg. It is important to diagnose and start treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise, nerve damage may become irreversible. Then the person will be forced to constantly take painkillers to alleviate their condition.


There may be other reasons, so be sure to see a doctor. The specialist must conduct a medical examination. The following parameters are checked first:

  1. Structural problems in the legs.
  2. Fungal infections.
  3. Flushed or pale skin.
  4. Reflexes.
  5. The presence or absence of sensations.

To understand why the soles of your feet are burning and what to do, your doctor will definitely ask about your medical history, including any medications you are taking. Try to remember when your symptoms started and how long they last. The doctor will test for diabetes and also want to know if you suffer from excessive drinking.

Finally, the specialist will order blood tests for thyroid hormones, kidney function, vitamin deficiencies, HIV and other infections. Get ready to show off your shoes and the way you walk. Your shoes may not fit well.

why do the soles of the feet burn
why do the soles of the feet burn


Most often, doctors have to figure out why the soles of the feet burn in the elderly. By old age, nerve endings can be damaged for a variety of reasons. Therefore, treatment will depend on the diagnosis. In some cases, it can be quite simple. The patient will only need antifungal agents, comfortable shoes, a corrective shoe insert, vitamin B2 tablets or thyroid hormone. But any of these prescriptions only work when the doctor knows what to treat.

Why the sole of the feet burns with diabetes, we have already considered above. In this case, among other things, you will need to change your diet and take medication. Your doctor may also prescribe medications to help with nerve pain.

Help with severe pain

Sometimes a person cannot fall asleep because their feet seem to be in a bag of needles. Intense nerve pain can be relieved by special stimulation, for example:

  1. Electrical stimulation.
  2. Magnetic therapy.
  3. Laser therapy.
  4. Light therapy.

Research continues for other pain treatments. Alternative therapies such as acupuncture may also help some patients.

Home remedies

why do the soles of the feet burn in the elderly
why do the soles of the feet burn in the elderly

To understand why the soles of the feet burn and how to treat, you need to undergo an examination. But there are methods that can help temporarily alleviate the condition. They belong to traditional medicine:

  1. Put your feet ina bowl of cold water for a few minutes. This method is not recommended for some forms of pathology, as it can damage the skin.
  2. Soak your feet in a bowl of apple cider vinegar solution (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). If you have diabetes, please consult your doctor before trying this remedy.
  3. Dietary supplement with turmeric. The curcumin in this spice will help relieve nerve pain. It is known to have protective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial effects. It is also believed to help relieve neurological symptoms.
  4. Use creams that contain lidocaine. The lidocaine patch is also very effective for pain relief.
  5. Massage your foot to improve circulation and blood supply.

Further prospects

There are diseases that can be completely forgotten after treatment. Others, on the contrary, require constant attention, additional examination, timely treatment. They are called chronic. Understanding why the soles of the feet burn at night, people want to know if the symptom will go away forever. The pain may be mild and appear from time to time. But it can be chronic and very strong. Therefore, it is important to identify and treat the cause. If it is a nerve injury, in some cases treatment may be permanent to prevent further damage.

Instead of a conclusion

In a brief review, we managed to touch on not all the reasons why the soles of the feet burn at night. Yes, with each of these diseases, the worst thing for the patient is when he lies down inbed. Most people are not inclined to go to the hospital with such complaints. They don't seem to be serious. Well, think about it, the feet are on fire. In this case, try to buy the most comfortable shoes for the next season, preferably in a special salon. If work involves long walks, try to cover part of the route by car or bus. If the symptoms do not appear less often, then you need to go to the hospital. Nerve damage is very serious.
