In our time, a spleen cyst is an ailment that is diagnosed in almost 1% of the population. It is a pathological formation in the internal organ with a cavity filled with fluid. Anyone can be affected by the disease, but it is more common in the fair sex aged 35-55 years. But why it develops and what methods of treatment can be used, we will consider in more detail.

Features of the clinical manifestations of the disease
The clinical manifestations of this disease are completely dependent on such characteristics of the neoplasm as localization, nature and size. Small cavities, the diameter of which does not exceed 2 cm, develop without symptoms. The patient does not even know about the existing he alth problem, and when this ailment is detected during a routine examination, there is no limit to bewilderment.
The insidiousness of the disease is also manifested in the fact that visible symptoms in some cases may be absent even with a large size of abdominal formations. But more often, the spleen cyst still shows symptoms, but their nature does not cause much concern for the patient, so they are often simply ignored. People don't applyto the doctor while the disease continues to progress.
Symptoms of the disease
If the spleen cyst is of significant size, the patient experiences constant dull or paroxysmal pain in the left hypochondrium, which may radiate to the abdomen and left shoulder. In some cases, patients complain of discomfort, such as a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the spleen area.
Changes in the structure of this internal organ can also affect the respiratory system. There is shortness of breath, coughing and tingling in the chest on a deep breath. And although such symptoms are inherent in many other diseases, in combination with pain in the left hypochondrium, it should prompt a person to seek medical help.

Clinical picture of advanced disease
When a single cystic cavity reaches a huge size (7-8 cm), or multiple cysts affect more than 20% of the organ, there is a violation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the patient complains of constant nausea, belching, discomfort in the stomach and even pain.
The inflammatory process in the cyst and the suppuration of its contents leads to an increase in pain, as well as an increase in body temperature, chills and general weakness. When such symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Otherwise, the spleen cyst may burst, and its contents can enter the abdominal cavity.
Disease classification
Depending on the etiology, the disease is divided into three main types. First -true (congenital) cystic cavity is the result of abnormal development of the organ during fetal development. It is worth noting that a spleen cyst in a newborn requires systematic monitoring by a doctor. Many cases have been recorded when, when a child reaches the age of two, education disappeared, and the organ acquired a normal structure.
The second type is false cysts (acquired), which have developed as a result of diseases. The list is completed by a parasitic cyst of the spleen, which develops when parasitic microorganisms enter the organ.
Types of diseases
Changes in the structure of an organ can develop in two ways. In the first case, only one cavity with a liquid is formed, which has a specific localization. The progression of the disease leads to an increase in the size of such formation. As for the second type, it implies the presence of a large number of small cystic cavities, the localization of which does not have clear boundaries. The development of the disease is characterized by the appearance of new cavities.
Causes of disease
If a spleen cyst is diagnosed, the reasons should be sought based on the nature and type of education. A true multiple or solitary cyst usually arises from embryogenesis. Even in the womb in the organ of the crumbs, the formation of cavities occurs, which after birth can continue to grow.
False cystic formations can appear as a result of a healing abscess, surgery, infection or various injuries. The development of the disease is a kind of reactionbody to external action.
As for the reason for the development of a parasitic cyst, it is already clear - a parasitic infection.
Diagnostic features
Since the disease can proceed without the manifestation of visible symptoms, problems with early diagnosis simply cannot be avoided. Most often, the disease is detected precisely during a routine examination and dispensary examination. You can detect the presence of cysts in the spleen using ultrasound or MRI.
Only in cases where the disease is in an advanced stage, and the clinical manifestations are very bright, the doctor purposefully sends the patient for examination of the spleen. To do this, the patient must not only undergo an ultrasound scan, but also pass a general blood test. In the presence of a disease, this laboratory study allows us to judge the general condition of the patient and determine the stage of the inflammatory process.

Spleen cyst in children
In children, the disease is most often a congenital pathology, only in 20-25% of cases the appearance of a cyst is associated with an inflammatory or infectious process. Regardless of the etiology, the disease is mostly asymptomatic. Signs of a pathological change in the spleen appear only when the spleen cyst in a child grows to a certain size or becomes inflamed.
In such cases, the baby often begins to complain of pain in the left hypochondrium and systematic dizziness. If the child is very small and cannot explain the reason for his suffering, parents shouldalert the behavior of the crumbs. The baby becomes irritable, often cries, and during an attack, he can press his legs to his tummy or simply press his handles to his left barrel. Seeing a doctor with such symptoms should not be postponed, because such a clinical picture is inherent not only in cystic formations in the spleen, but also in many other dangerous diseases.
Clinical picture of advanced forms of the disease in children
If the cystic formation has reached a large size, or small cysts have affected more than 20% of the organ, the symptoms are pronounced. And in cases where an inflammatory process also develops in the cavity, the baby experiences constant pain in the left hypochondrium, which often radiates to the scapular region and shoulder. During attacks, the pain syndrome intensifies. An inflamed splenic cyst in a child can also cause fever, shortness of breath and a slight non-productive cough.
In such cases, seeking qualified medical care should be mandatory. After all, ignoring the symptoms of the disease can lead to very dangerous consequences, one of which is peritonitis.

What is the danger of a spleen cyst?
The lack of timely diagnosis of cystic formation and treatment can cause a lot of he alth problems, and even cause death.
In a severe course of the disease, the contents of the cyst sometimes partially leak into the abdominal cavity and cause inflammatory processes of varying complexity. In some cases, cystic formation mayopen bleeding, which is extremely dangerous for the life of the patient.
If a spleen cyst bursts and its contents completely enter the abdominal cavity, within a few hours a person develops the so-called "acute abdomen" picture, as a result, peritonitis. Lack of emergency medical care in this case can be fatal.
But the suppuration of the cyst, even if it is intact, causes acute intoxication of the body.

Treatment of cystic mass
Today, medicines that could cope with cystic formation simply do not exist. If a patient is diagnosed with a spleen cyst, only a doctor can decide what to do. With an uncomplicated non-parasitic formation, the size of which does not exceed 3 cm, patients need to undergo an ultrasound examination twice a year. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to monitor the dynamics of the development of the cystic cavity and, if necessary, recommend a surgical method of treatment.
If, during the observation process, a specialist fixes a change in the structure and size of the cyst, the patient is prescribed a CT scan. This diagnostic method makes it possible to exclude the presence of malignant neoplasms in the walls of the cavity.
Who is the surgical treatment of the disease indicated for?
If a spleen cyst is diagnosed, surgery is the only way to completely get rid of the disease. However, if the formation does not change in size for a long time and has a stablestructure, there is no need for such a radical method of treatment.
Indications for surgical treatment are only complex forms of the disease. Removal of the spleen cyst without fail is carried out with rupture and suppuration of the cavity, as well as with bleeding. Conditionally absolute indications for surgery are formations with a diameter of more than 10 cm, with a pronounced clinical picture. Surgical treatment of the disease can also be recommended for patients with recurrent cysts 3-10 cm in size.
Types of surgeries
Today, the surgical treatment of cystic formation is the only option to eliminate the disease and return patients to a normal lifestyle. Depending on the severity of the disease, localization and other characteristics of education, doctors select the best method of surgical intervention. So, with multiple cysts that affected more than 40% of the spleen, the organ is completely removed. With a single formation, the following types of operations can be used:
- removal of only the cyst with its inner and outer shells and treatment of the affected areas with argon-enhanced plasma;
- partial excision (resection) of the affected organ together with cystic formation;
- removal of the cyst and part of the organ, which involves subsequent autotransplantation of the spleen tissue into the greater omentum;
- puncture (fluid sampling) of the cystic cavity and the introduction of a special sclerosing medical solution.

Modern methodoperations
The most effective method of surgical intervention today is laparoscopy. It allows not only to completely cope with the disease, but also to minimize the process of rehabilitation of patients. Such an operation is carried out within two hours, using ultra-precise instruments and a special camera. After surgery, only 3 small incisions remain on the patient's body, on which only 1 cosmetic suture is applied. After a few months, the scars are almost completely absorbed.
Life without a spleen
Of course, it is better to carry out if a spleen cyst is diagnosed, treatment without surgery, but, unfortunately, this is not always possible. In the case when the organ still had to be removed, the patient must completely change his attitude towards his own he alth.

Earlier, even doctors underestimated the importance of the spleen in the proper functioning of the body's vital systems. However, in recent years, scientists have been hard at work on creating ways to preserve this organ even with severe lesions and injuries. After all, the spleen performs not only the functions of hematopoiesis, but also is a kind of filter from bacteria. After removal of an organ, immunity is significantly reduced, so it is important to maintain the protective functions of the body with the help of immunomodulatory drugs, as well as actively engage in sports and pay due attention to hardening.