Pre-infarction condition: signs, treatment

Pre-infarction condition: signs, treatment
Pre-infarction condition: signs, treatment

An advanced form of angina pectoris leads to such a result as a pre-infarction condition. Signs are frequent pain in the chest area, not relieved by nitroglycerin.

Recognition of pre-infarction condition

At the slightest suspicion of illness, you should immediately call an ambulance. It is very important to start treatment on time. So, a pre-infarction condition, its signs are as follows:

  • the number of attacks is much more than with angina pectoris;
  • pre-infarction condition signs
    pre-infarction condition signs
  • pain is felt under the shoulder blade, in the area of the collarbone, arm;
  • patient becomes restless;
  • traditional medicines do not bring relief.

Atypical course is characterized by weakness, dizziness, sleep disturbances, increased cyanosis, shortness of breath, but pain is not observed. This type of condition is typical for older people. Abdominal syndrome is characterized by pain in the left hypochondrium, burning, stabbing pains, deterioration during physical exertion, stressful conditions. After taking nitrate preparations, the patient feels relief.

Reasons for appearance

Usuch a phenomenon as a pre-infarction state, the signs are similar to angina pectoris. The reasons may be hidden in the presence of bad habits, in an overdose of medications, in excessive physical exertion, and nervous stress. People with hypertension are more prone to this disease. Pre-infarction condition, the signs of which are determined by pain, lasts 3-21 days. Lethal cases that occur after a heart attack can be avoided by diagnosing a pre-infarction situation in time.

What to do if you have these symptoms

At the slightest suspicion of a pre-infarction condition, the signs of which were described above, the patient is hospitalized in the inpatient cardiology department, where he is provided with absolute rest and proper treatment. The patient is examined, the causes are identified. A diet is prescribed.

preinfarction condition treatment
preinfarction condition treatment

Preinfarction condition. Signs, treatment

Even the initial stage of angina in some cases can be diagnosed as a preinfarction condition. In such cases, the ECG shows changes in the heart rhythm, abnormalities in the T wave, and displaced segments. Intractable attacks are considered as the beginning of a disease such as myocardial infarction. Frequently recurring seizures, especially when they occur at rest, are a great danger. The places of pain may change, the patient has severe shortness of breath. Angina has a stable and spontaneous character. The spontaneous form is characterized by the occurrence of seizures at night or in the morning.

pre-infarction condition signs treatment
pre-infarction condition signs treatment

Therapeutic measures for pre-infarction condition

If a person is diagnosed with a "pre-infarction condition", the treatment is prescribed by a cardiologist. Factors such as the individual characteristics of the body, the reaction to drugs are taken into account. Usually, the treatment regimen includes anticoagulant drugs, as well as antispasmodic drugs. The relief of pain attacks is carried out by the method of infusion of intravenous nitroglycerin preparations. The patient is shown complete rest, compliance with the regimen. The treatment is long term. Upon completion, it is recommended that you see a doctor, undergo regular examinations using an electrocardiogram.
