The main cause of Meniere's disease is considered to be increased pressure of the endolymphatic fluid circulating in the inner ear. Most often this is caused by changes in electrolyte balance, dysfunction of the vascular strip. Pathological processes lead to such factors: osteochondrosis, diseases of the vascular system, allergic reactions of the body to external and internal factors. Head injuries, imbalance of the nervous system are also responsible for the development of Meniere's disease. Under the pressure of the endolymphatic fluid, the membranous labyrinth is torn, which causes the onset of the disease. During periods of pressure normalization, the disease recedes for some time.

Symptoms of disease
The main symptoms of the disease are:
- attacks of dizziness, accompanied by a feeling of nausea, weakness, pallor of the sick person;
- hearing disorders (noise, ear blocking).

During periods of remission, vestibular phenomena disappear, but the auditory features remain the same, and with each relapse, hearing continues to decline. The intervals between attacks can last as long asone day, or several years, depending on the complexity of the disease. When the violations are confirmed, a diagnosis is made - Meniere's disease. Disability with this disease is received by patients with a severe form of the course of the disease.
To get a complete picture of the causes of the disease, the following data is needed:
- Study of auditory qualities using different frequency sound range.
- Analysis of hearing acuity (fluctuation).
- When diagnosing Meniere's disease, test examinations are used. Diuretics are used (to determine swelling), such as furosemide or glycerol. These drugs reduce endolymph pressure and improve hearing.
Treatment of Meniere's disease
At the time of seizures, the patient must be provided with complete rest with the absence of bright light and loud sounds. Neck areas are warmed with mustard plasters. Intralabyrinthine pressure should be reduced with drugs. Sometimes a blockade is used - an anesthetic is injected into the ear to relieve pain. During periods of remission, the following are prescribed: therapy that strengthens blood vessels; multivitamin, angioprotective drugs.

Surgery is recommended in severe cases.
- If more than 70 percent of hearing is lost, a destructive operation is performed in the areas of the labyrinth and auditory nerve.
- The operation to resect the drum strings and plexuses stops impulses to the tissues of the labyrinths.
- Drainagebags with endolymphatic fluid (decompressive surgery). Its result is a reduction in endolymph edema.
With the established diagnosis - "Ménière's disease" - treatment with folk remedies is ineffective. Remember that this disease is very serious, its neglect will lead to serious consequences. From this it follows that by the timely start of treatment, you will not allow the disease to flow into more complex forms.