Due to excess weight, a person's chest wall thickens. Superficial weakened vesicular breathing occurs as a result of the tense state of small particles of the lungs (alveoli) due to their uneven distribution.

Pathology of vesicular respiration
Causes of a pathological disturbance of natural respiratory noise may be the following: insufficiently expanded lungs when inhaling; any obstruction to listening to breath sounds; difficulty in passing air masses into the lungs.
Weakened vesicular breathing
Bronchial, laryngeal, tracheal constriction leads to difficult entry of air masses into the lungs. The cause may be a postoperative scar, and blockage by foreign objects, and tumor growths. With a decrease in the laryngeal and tracheal organs, weakened vesicular breathing will be heard throughout the chest. The narrowing of the bronchi leads to the fact that the weakening of breathing is heard only in places of compression. Blockage with tumor growths or foreign bodies is characterized by a complete lack of listening.

Other diseases leading to weakened vesicular respiration:
1. Emphysema. With the loss of flexibility of the lung tissue, there is practically no expansion of the organs of the lung system during inhalation.
2. Focal pneumonia. In the lungs, vesicular breathing is weakened due to a decrease in the tension of the walls of the alveoli.
Types of breathing
- Accumulation in the pleura of liquid or air fillings also leads to weak listening to breathing.

- At elevated temperature, physical activity, intense (enhanced) vesicular breathing occurs.
- Harsh breathing with signs of roughness is called hard. In this case, it can take both a normal course and a weakened one.
- Saccadic (intermittent) breathing occurs with small pauses. The reason for this is uneven muscle contraction. It indicates a narrowing of a small bronchus due to inflammatory processes. Intermittent breathing due to the passage of air into the respiratory organs in several portions.
- Pathology of bronchial breathing is present when the lungs contain small compacted areas containing air masses and come into contact with the bronchi. Such seals occur with a heart attack, pleurisy, pneumothorax. Tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, and abscesses contribute to the formation of a cavity in the structure of the lungs.
- Mixed type. Vesicular breathing during inhalation and bronchial breathing during exhalation. Pathology is observed in the case of alternation of compacted and normal areaslungs. Such symptoms are inherent in the following diseases: tuberculosis, pleural exudate and pneumonia.
Bronchial breathing
With bronchial breathing in the area of the bronchi there should be complete patency. Due to dense areas in the lungs, breathing becomes intense. Loud is due to lobar pneumonia. A metallic type of breathing (with ringing sounds) is observed with an open pneumothorax.