Red rash on the body: causes and treatment

Red rash on the body: causes and treatment
Red rash on the body: causes and treatment

Red rash on the body can appear in infants, adolescents, and adults. The causes of skin rashes can be various factors: from allergic manifestations to serious pathological processes in the body.

What is a rash?

The skin is the largest organ, which is a kind of indicator signaling the appearance of various pathologies. At the same time, the skin is a habitat for a huge number of a wide variety of bacteria and microorganisms, including pathogens, which can also provoke the appearance of various rashes. Depending on the nature of the formation, red spots and a rash on the body can cover large areas of the skin or be localized in one specific place.

Usually, these phenomena occur on the arms, legs and face. However, very often rashes affect the entire body, including areas with hairline. At the same time, they differ in the speed of formation, structure and color. The appearance of a rash on the body can be accompanied by itching, pain and burning, but sometimes it brings only cosmetic discomfort, without showing any more.

the appearance of a rash on the face
the appearance of a rash on the face

Varieties of red rash on the body

Photos of skin rashes of various etiologies are striking in their diversity. These could be:

  • red or brown spots that are flush with the skin;
  • formations resembling nodules without internal fluid (papules);
  • fluid-filled blisters (vesicles and bullae);
  • bubbles filled with purulent contents;
  • dense and rough blisters;
  • erosion and sores that violate the integrity of the skin, different in size and depth of the lesion;
  • crusts and scabs that form at the site of any manifestation of the rash.

To determine the cause of a red rash on the body of a child or adult and prescribe the appropriate treatment, you need to consult a specialist.

Causes of rashes

The occurrence of rashes on the body may be associated with the appearance of infectious and non-infectious processes, as well as pathologies that primarily affect the skin. Other factors in the appearance of a rash on the body can be nervous strain and stress.

By the localization and appearance of skin rashes, one can make assumptions about the nature of the lesion and find out its root cause. During pregnancy, due to the restructuring of the hormonal background in the body, some skin rashes may also appear.

rash treatment
rash treatment

Infectious rash in adults

Shingles - a disease characterized by the appearance of transparent vesicles, up to 5 in diametermillimeters located in the abdomen, lower back, chest, shoulders or back of the head. Clinical manifestations of this disease are accompanied by pain in the affected area of the skin.

Such a red rash on the body occurs in the form of single blisters, which after a while disappear on their own, and yellow scabs appear in their place.

Small, itchy vesicles, bullae, and papules on the wrists, between the toes, on the feet, and abdomen can be a sign of scabies.

Pityriasis rosea appears as a pink, scaly oblong patch on the back or chest of the sick person. After some time, similar lesions appear in other parts of the body, and individual blisters filled with liquid may appear.

A red rash on the body of an adult or child, which is small transparent watery blisters that appear on the mucous membranes (usually on the lips) and on the face, may indicate herpes. The bubbles are close to each other, so from a distance it may seem that this is one big sore. However, upon closer examination, it is clear that this is a lot of small vesicles resembling a sphere. After a few days, they darken and shrink, leaving behind dark brown or yellowish crusts.

Red rash on the body with syphilis occurs unexpectedly. On examination, it resembles symmetrical pimples localized on the outer side of the forearms, under the breasts, in the groin and between the buttocks.


Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease with characteristic blistersrashes. The rash appears all over the body, including the scalp and mucous membranes, often affecting the feet and hands. Most often, the disease occurs in children, it rarely occurs in adults, but it is accompanied by various complications.

The rash begins as a small pink or red patch that quickly transforms into a watery blister. After a few days, they burst and dry out, forming crusts. Thus, elements of a rash may be present on the body at different stages of development. The rashes last up to 10 days. The clinical picture of the disease: fever, red rash on the child's body, fever, headache, severe itching.

Busted blisters turn into sores and sores before they dry out. If they are not treated with a solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate, acyclovir or other means recommended by a doctor, then scars may remain on the skin after healing.

red rash on the body of an adult itches
red rash on the body of an adult itches


A small red rash on a child's body can be a manifestation of an infectious disease such as rubella. Initially, round or oval spots appear on the face, and then they spread throughout the body. In this case, there is an increase in temperature and symptoms of pharyngitis. Such manifestations last from 2 to 4 (rarely up to 7) days, and then disappear without any trace. Basically, this disease appears in children and is not dangerous for them.

However, adults can also become infected with this infection. Rubella is especially dangerous forpregnant women: the infection affects the fetus. Children whose mothers had rubella during pregnancy have congenital pathologies.


A small red rash on the body that itches and merges into large lesions may be a symptom of measles. This disease is highly contagious, airborne. For people not vaccinated in childhood, it sometimes becomes fatal.

At the initial stages of development, the disease resembles rubella: first it appears on the face, and then gradually spreads throughout the body. The spots have a rough surface, accompanied by an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and respiratory tract, dry cough, and fever (up to 40.5 ° C).

On the fourth day of the characteristic clinical manifestations, the symptoms begin to subside, while the skin rashes disappear in the same order in which they appeared. However, at the site of the rash, peeling of the skin persists for some time.

Scarlet fever

Numerous very small red rashes on the body (whether it itches or not, depending on some aggravating circumstances), which stands out on reddened skin, may be a manifestation of scarlet fever. This disease is characterized by the spread of rashes throughout the body, however, their largest accumulations are localized in the natural folds of the skin, in the lower abdomen and on the sides.

Another distinguishing feature of scarlet fever is that the rash and redness do not affect the area of the nasolabial triangle. The rash begins to disappear after 3-7 days and does not leave behind any pigmentation,but the skin at the same time is very flaky, and on the palms and feet it comes off in layers.

Hemorrhagic rash

In medicine, skin rashes are also isolated, caused by rupture of superficial capillaries, which are pinpoint hemorrhages.

Such a red rash does not itch on the body of an adult or a child. When pressed, the spots do not fade. Often, they can be a sign of meningococcal infection, a rapidly developing and deadly disease. The beginning of the development of such pathologies strongly resemble the flu (accompanied by high fever and vomiting). If any rashes are found against this background, it is urgent to call an ambulance team.

treatment of red rash on the body
treatment of red rash on the body

Non-infectious origin of the rash

Seborrheic dermatitis is localized on skin areas where there are many sebaceous glands - on the face, head and skin folds. Red and yellow-red spots have a greasy surface and peel off.

Adolescent acne appears on the face, chest and back of young people during puberty. If acne occurs in an adult, then this indicates hormonal disorders in the body. Almost all of these manifestations leave scars on the skin.

Pale pink blisters of various sizes and a red rash on the body of a child, gradually merging with each other, are most often symptoms of hives.

The initial stage of psoriasis is characterized by the appearance of red or reddish-pink papules covered with scales on the scalp, the inside of the elbowsand in the popliteal region of the legs. Over time, they capture an increasing area of the skin, merging with each other.

he althy skin - he althy you
he althy skin - he althy you

Allergic rashes

Allergic manifestations on the skin may look like hives, but are not always accompanied by itching. They usually appear as red, scaly patches, small blisters, and crusts.

Allergic reactions can occur both as a result of skin contact with an irritant, and after ingestion of certain foods. With a food allergy, a small red rash on the body usually appears symmetrically.

Rash on body that doesn't itch

It is almost impossible to independently diagnose the exact causes of skin rashes - many manifestations can occur without pronounced symptoms. Therefore, only a doctor can determine the true culprit of the disease.

Probable causes of such reactions may be infections, hormonal disorders in the body, exposure to the sun and cold, allergic manifestations, diseases of the digestive system. In addition, blood diseases can also cause various rashes that are not accompanied by itching. Therefore, even if the red rash on the body does not cause any discomfort, it is better to visit a specialist and get a full treatment.

Treatment of skin rashes

The appearance of skin rashes is a signal of the body that cannot be ignored. Therefore, when they appear, and even more so progression, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Onlya specialist will be able to identify the true cause of the rash and recommend the appropriate treatment.

In addition, there are many folk methods that help with many types of rashes. Conventional medicine often recommends them as adjunctive or maintenance therapy.

herbs for skin rashes
herbs for skin rashes

Folk techniques

Various alternative medicine techniques can have a positive effect in the fight against acne and allergic reactions. So, for example, in the first case, herbs are widely used: string, chamomile, calendula, mint, celandine, lime blossom, dill, celery or parsley root and leaves, bay leaf and various aromatic oils.

In addition, celandine, string, calendula and chamomile are used to treat and prevent hives and prickly heat in infants. By the way, these herbs will not hurt even with any form of red rash on the body of an adult (whether it itches or not). Compresses and baths from these medicinal herbs can reduce inflammation and itching.

All kinds of talkers and ointments for acne have proven themselves well. However, they are prepared according to special recipes compiled by a dermatologist. Many traditional healers recommend using mummy or eggshell ointments.

For the treatment of allergic manifestations on the skin, people widely use freshly squeezed juices from carrots, apples, celery, parsley and cabbage.

diets to fight breakouts
diets to fight breakouts

Prevention of skin rashes

Main measureprevention of skin rashes of a non-infectious nature - proper body care. First of all, this concerns skin hygiene, since it is a habitat for a huge number of a wide variety of bacteria and microorganisms, including pathogens.

General immunity plays a huge role in protecting against rashes of various etiologies. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen it in every possible way, eating wholesome he althy food and supporting it with the intake of special vitamin complexes. It is necessary to ensure a long and sound sleep, to be more in the fresh air and to lead an active lifestyle.

Adherence to a certain diet also plays an important role here: indigestible fats, spices, smoked meats, canned food, alcoholic beverages, coffee, chocolate and products made on the basis of various extractive substances must be excluded from the diet.

We must not forget about the rules of personal hygiene, prohibiting the use of other people's towels, washcloths, razors, combs and other things.

If any symptoms of a red rash appear on the body, it is recommended to consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of developing undesirable processes in the body and determine ways to treat such manifestations.
