Penetration into the body of infections of a bacterial, viral nature causes the development of a disease such as adnexitis. It can be chlamydia, intestinal and tubercle bacilli, streptococcal, gonococcal infections, mycoplasmas and others. During abortions, childbirth, various surgical interventions, there is a risk of dangerous microorganisms entering the organs of the female reproductive system. Adnexitis is a disease in which the infection, getting on the uterine mucosa, spreads to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, causing inflammation.

Symptoms of disease
The main symptoms of this disease are: pain in the lower abdomen, irregular and painful menstrual cycle, discomfort during sexual intercourse, burning in the vaginal area, fever, vomiting reflexes, general weakness, irritability, sleep disturbances. All this indicates the onset of such a disease as adnexitis. This is a good reason to seek the advice of a gynecologist. For accurate diagnosis, he carefully examines you, reveals the localization of harmful bacteria. Treatment is prescribed only after revealing the full picture of the disease. Several varieties of this disease are known. One of them is bilateral adnexitis. This type indicates that inflammatory processes cover the uterine appendages on both sides. Often this disease develops along with endometritis. With pain on one side, the diagnosis is "left-sided or right-sided adnexitis", although with severe pain it is difficult to determine which side is more disturbing.

If the examination confirmed the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. Includes:
1. Painkillers.
2. Therapy with antibacterial agents.
3. Drugs from the group of desensitizers.
4. Anti-inflammatory drugs.

Adnexitis is a serious disease. If ignored, it becomes chronic. It is much more difficult to treat. In addition to the above medications, various physiotherapeutic procedures, absorbable drugs, and immunostimulants are prescribed. Applications containing ozocerite and paraffin are used. Well proven and balneotherapy procedures. Treatment of the chronic form of a disease such as adnexitis is a long-term and expensive process that can be avoided by seeking medical help in time.
Purulent manifestations
When a purulent form of inflammation is detected, laparoscopy is used, duringwhich pus is removed and drugs are injected.
Preventive measures to avoid the development of adnexitis
To prevent the disease, it is necessary not to violate the rules of intimate hygiene, to follow the recommendations of a specialist after surgical interventions, and not to be promiscuous. Strengthen your immune system and prevent hypothermia.