Health 2024, October

Nutritional obesity (exogenous-constitutional obesity): main causes

Nutritional obesity (exogenous-constitutional obesity): main causes

Primary obesity, or alimentary, is a consequence of the fact that a person either abuses food or moves a little. This also applies to that part of humanity who has a sedentary job

Subluxation of the knee joint: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Subluxation of the knee joint: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Subluxation of the knee joint is an injury characterized by a partial displacement of the bony articular surfaces that form the knee joint. It differs from dislocation, since during the latter, the articular surfaces lose contact with each other during displacement, while with subluxation, they do not lose contact, but not to the full extent

Chest discomfort: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Chest discomfort: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Chest discomfort can occur spontaneously and indicate a disorder in one or more body systems. Among medical professionals, pain in the chest is called thoracalgia. Against the background of this condition, there is difficulty in breathing, as well as limitation of motor function. Acute pain can indicate the development of a heart attack, so it is very important to seek help in a timely manner

Kink in the body of the gallbladder: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Kink in the body of the gallbladder: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

The inflection in the body of the gallbladder is an anomaly in the structure of this organ, in which its deformation occurs. Against this background, there is a change in the correct shape of the bubble, which should be pear-shaped. In addition, its functioning is disrupted, bile stasis occurs, which can lead to complications

Upper limb polyneuropathy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Upper limb polyneuropathy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

From Greek, this disease can be translated as "a disease of many nerves." This translation accurately conveys the essence of pathology. With the development of polyneuropathy in humans, almost all peripheral small nerves can be affected. The causes of this disease are different, but the symptoms of polyneuropathy of the upper extremities are always very similar, regardless of what exactly caused the disease

Fracture of the shoulder joint: symptoms, treatment and rehabilitation, consequences

Fracture of the shoulder joint: symptoms, treatment and rehabilitation, consequences

A shoulder fracture is a severe injury that can present in a variety of forms. Symptoms and manifestations of injury may vary depending on the type of injury and its location. For successful treatment, it is important to recognize the presence of a fracture of the shoulder joint in time and take appropriate measures

How long do 2nd degree burns take to heal, first aid, healing stages

How long do 2nd degree burns take to heal, first aid, healing stages

A burn is an injury to soft tissue that occurs due to the action of heat and chemicals. Burn wounds occur with varying degrees of severity, they are characterized by depth, and, in addition, by the area of the lesion. The duration of the recovery processes, methods and methods of therapy depend on the severity of the wounds received and the cause that caused them

Treatment of abdominal ascites: folk remedies, drugs, reviews

Treatment of abdominal ascites: folk remedies, drugs, reviews

In the medical field, ascites is understood as a secondary disease-causing condition, the hallmark of which is the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. The disease is most often caused by defects in the regulation of fluid metabolism in the body due to serious pathological conditions

Diagnosis of parasites in the human body: basic methods, symptoms and treatment

Diagnosis of parasites in the human body: basic methods, symptoms and treatment

The symptoms of the presence of parasites are determined by the type of worm, as well as the degree of infection. There are several methods for diagnosing parasites. The material can be feces, venous blood, and other biomaterials. How PCR, RIF, ELISA and other types of analyzes are performed, our article tells

Cholestatic syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Cholestatic syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

There is no organ in the body that is more important than any other. All organs are interconnected, so it is necessary to monitor the he alth of each of them separately in order for the entire system to work properly. In this article we will talk about such a disease as cholestatic syndrome. This pathology refers to serious liver ailments, so it is very important to find out what are the main causes of its occurrence, symptoms, treatment features, as well as the opinions of patients and doctors about it

Removal of warts by radio wave method: description of the procedure, benefits, reviews

Removal of warts by radio wave method: description of the procedure, benefits, reviews

Most of us know firsthand what warts are. Such neoplasms can simply deliver a huge amount of aesthetic inconvenience and eventually degenerate into malignant formations. In this article, we will talk about the removal of warts by the radio wave method, get acquainted with what this method is, and also find out what its advantages and disadvantages are, what doctors and patients think about it

Iodine overdose: signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Iodine overdose: signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Everyone knows how important iodine is for the body. Without this element, the functions of our body will not be performed correctly, and our appearance will not be so attractive. If a person suffers from a lack of iodine, then destructive processes will begin to occur in his body. However, it is very important to consider that an overdose of iodine is also dangerous. In this article, we will learn about the signs and symptoms of overdose, how to diagnose and treat it

What is a carbuncle: description, causes, treatment and reviews

What is a carbuncle: description, causes, treatment and reviews

There is just a huge number of varieties of inflammatory diseases of the skin. Some of them go away on their own very quickly, while others require long-term treatment. In this article, we will talk about what carbuncles are, and also find out what are the causes of their occurrence and distinguishing features, and get acquainted with the features of their treatment

Gastroenteritis: what is it, causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Gastroenteritis: what is it, causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Today, many people are prone to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Both adults and children are at risk. This is due to an unbalanced diet, an unhe althy lifestyle, poor ecology, harmful working conditions, and, of course, the activity of various parasites. In this article, we will talk about what gastroenteritis is, and also find out what are the main symptoms and causes of this disease and get acquainted with effective methods of its treatment

Deformed arthrosis of the ankle joint: causes, symptoms, degrees and treatment

Deformed arthrosis of the ankle joint: causes, symptoms, degrees and treatment

There are a huge number of serious diseases associated with limited movement of the lower extremities. Such ailments are very unpleasant, as the patient is forced to constantly ask others for help, lead a very limited life, and sometimes cannot do without a wheelchair at all. One of these dangerous diseases is deformed arthrosis of the ankle joint. This article will present the causes of this pathology, as well as the symptoms and treatments

Thrush in men: prevention, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Thrush in men: prevention, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

In this article we will talk about what constitutes thrush in men. Prevention, symptoms, causes and treatments for this disease are very important information that every man should be familiar with. Read this article carefully in order to arm yourself and protect yourself as much as possible

Streaks of blood in the stool in an adult: reasons, which doctor to contact, methods of treatment

Streaks of blood in the stool in an adult: reasons, which doctor to contact, methods of treatment

Sometimes there are situations when an adult has streaks of blood in his stool. This condition is not normal and requires urgent medical attention. What does it mean if there are streaks of blood in the feces of an adult? This will be discussed in the article. The causes of veining will also be presented and the main methods of treatment will be given

How do kidney stones form? Causes, diagnosis and treatment

How do kidney stones form? Causes, diagnosis and treatment

If you started to worry about pain in the lumbar region, then this may indicate that stones have begun to form in your kidneys. Usually such a disease occurs if the metabolic processes in the human body are disturbed. According to statistics, this disease worries every eleventh person. In this case, men aged twenty-five to sixty are most often affected, but exceptions are possible

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin: symptoms and treatment (photo)

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin: symptoms and treatment (photo)

To date, scientists have identified a large number of skin diseases that are infectious. One of these diseases can be considered ringworm of smooth skin. In this article, we will look at what this pathology is, and also find out what its symptoms are and the main methods of treatment. Read the information provided carefully in order to arm and protect yourself as much as possible

Helicobacter pylori treatment. Shingles: symptoms, treatment

Helicobacter pylori treatment. Shingles: symptoms, treatment

The article will focus on two viral diseases: "Helicobacter pylori" and "shingles". What symptoms accompany these ailments, and what does medicine offer to get rid of them?

Reduced stomach acidity: symptoms and treatment, diet

Reduced stomach acidity: symptoms and treatment, diet

Low stomach acid can be diagnosed and treated at home. And how to do it, read the article

Exacerbation of gastritis: symptoms and treatment

Exacerbation of gastritis: symptoms and treatment

Many modern people face exacerbation of gastritis. This is a manifestation of a chronic disease. With an exacerbation, a certain treatment is required, a diet, because only thanks to the measures taken, you can improve your condition, prevent deterioration of well-being

Green feces in an adult and a child: causes and treatment

Green feces in an adult and a child: causes and treatment

The human body has a unique feature - to control the work of all its organs, and if they fail, the main task facing the body is to signal this. A change in the color of feces in a person is a serious signal that you should pay attention to in time

Headache classification: description, clinical manifestations

Headache classification: description, clinical manifestations

Among the most common pain syndromes observed in clinical practice, the main place is occupied by cephalalgia. Headache can be considered any pain and discomfort that is localized in the head, although some clinicians are limited to the area localized upward from the eyebrows to the back of the head

Cold barley: symptoms, causes, medical advice, medical and folk treatments

Cold barley: symptoms, causes, medical advice, medical and folk treatments

Cold barley refers to an eye disease such as chalazion. Outwardly, the disease looks like barley and is a chronic form of inflammation of the eyelids. On the affected eyelid, a neoplasm occurs, which is characterized by soreness. Barley may resolve on its own, while chalazion requires therapy. More often the disease affects children than adults. Chalazion therapy in children is carried out with the help of drugs and folk remedies

Strochanteric fracture: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, rehabilitation, reviews

Strochanteric fracture: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, rehabilitation, reviews

Most often, a pertrochanteric fracture occurs in the elderly, but in middle and young age this injury is much less common. Such a fracture of the femoral bone is more typical for the fair sex. It is older women who come to the traumatologist with such damage more often than men

Rash on the hips of a child: possible causes, diagnostic methods, treatment options, photos, advice from dermatologists

Rash on the hips of a child: possible causes, diagnostic methods, treatment options, photos, advice from dermatologists

Any rash that occurs on a baby's body can cause concern to his parents. In fact, there really is a reason for worrying, since infectious diseases can be found in a baby along with a violation in the work of internal organs. Next, we will consider in detail the possible causes of a rash on the hips in a child and find out how this is treated

Bumps on the veins of the legs: causes and methods of treatment

Bumps on the veins of the legs: causes and methods of treatment

Bumps on the veins of the legs are one of the most uncomfortable manifestations of varicose veins. Venous disease occurs due to a malfunction of the internal valves, which provokes a violation of reflux (reverse blood outflow), deformation of the walls of blood vessels. The latter begin to stretch, due to which blood accumulates inside the vein. As a result, stagnation is formed, which causes the appearance of visible seals - bumps

How to treat cystic acne?

How to treat cystic acne?

Cystic acne refers to fairly severe skin lesions that can occur at absolutely any age. Acne is extremely painful and can lead to scarring if not properly treated



Experts say that bowel cleansing is a necessary measure to help maintain human he alth. And this is true, because during the day we eat a lot of foods, among which there are quite harmful and heavy ingredients. Just imagine: our intestines can store up to 25 kilograms of food that has not had time to be digested and remains in the folds of this organ

The best preparations for cleansing the intestines and their use

The best preparations for cleansing the intestines and their use

The human body is a complex system, the balance of which is easily disturbed due to the accumulation of harmful substances. We will talk about what preparations for cleansing the intestines will help to cope with this problem

Chronic renal failure: creatinine stages, classification and degrees of disease

Chronic renal failure: creatinine stages, classification and degrees of disease

Pathology is a violation that occurs against the background of various conditions, which often lead to serious consequences for human life and he alth. Due to this disease, the kidneys actually stop performing their functions that keep the body working

Symptoms of a stroke, as well as a description of first aid

Symptoms of a stroke, as well as a description of first aid

Often our medicine is so slow that the first symptoms of a stroke usually go unnoticed. And when a disease occurs, a person close to us is left alone with it. If we know in advance about the first symptoms of a stroke, then this knowledge can be invaluable both for us personally and for those around us. With this article, you can arm yourself with information that will help you resist stroke

Where to do an open MRI in Moscow

Where to do an open MRI in Moscow

Accurate, painless and safe for the patient, the MRI procedure is quite popular at the moment. For a long time, the study was carried out on closed-type devices, on which not all patients can be examined. Consider the advantages of open machines, where to get an open type MRI in Moscow, how to choose a clinic, and also what is the average cost of the procedure

Spots on the face: causes and treatment

Spots on the face: causes and treatment

The delicate skin of the face, without proper attention, suffers a lot and can become problematic. In a series of skin troubles and diseases, there is such a thing as spots on the face. What are they, why do they appear and how to deal with them?

Skin rash: causes and treatment

Skin rash: causes and treatment

To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, because, for example, a rash on the skin can be a sign of various he alth problems. Noticing any violations of the condition of the skin, you need to contact a specialist for advice and examination

Chronic fatigue syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Chronic fatigue syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Chronic fatigue is an extremely common problem that mostly affects people of young and mature age. Constant drowsiness, a feeling of weakness, weakness, apathy, decreased performance - all this simply cannot but affect the emotional state of a person. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to deal with such a problem

Ways to detoxify the body: breathing techniques and other techniques

Ways to detoxify the body: breathing techniques and other techniques

Starting a conversation about detoxification of the body, it should first of all be noted that each person can carry out this procedure completely independently. Read more about this in the article

Sunstroke: symptoms, diagnosis, first aid and consequences

Sunstroke: symptoms, diagnosis, first aid and consequences

Sunstroke is a form of heatstroke caused by the sun's rays. It can be provoked by prolonged exposure to the scorching sun (work, walks, sports). At the same time, there is a feeling of weakness, drowsiness and lethargy, headache, nausea, dizziness, a sharp increase in body temperature, disturbances in the functioning of the heart, an increase or decrease in blood pressure

Nephroptosis grade 2: symptoms and treatment

Nephroptosis grade 2: symptoms and treatment

A person in a he althy state is characterized by mobility of the kidneys. Normally, it manifests itself to a small extent