Brown spots on the skin can appear absolutely anywhere on the body. Usually they do not hurt or itch, but they can cause significant aesthetic discomfort, especially if they appear on open areas of the body: face, neck or hands. In some cases, such manifestations are complicated, they are accompanied by dryness and roughness of the skin, so they seek to get rid of them. Why do such skin defects appear? What causes them to form? Is it possible to fight this? Such questions are asked by the majority of people who are faced with a similar problem.
Skin pigmentation: what is it? Brown spots on arms, face and neck
The color and shade of human skin determines the concentration of pigmenting substances. The main role here is played by melanin, which is located in the epidermis. Deficiency or excess of this substance leads to the appearance of various age spots of different colors, sizes and shapes.
Such formations can be congenital (birthmarks), or they can appear with age. Hugeultraviolet plays a role in the production of melanin: sunbathing in the sun or in a solarium, our skin darkens due to excessive production of this substance.

Key Factors
The main causes of brown spots on the skin are, first of all:
- pregnancy (due to hormonal changes in the female body, increased pigmentation of the skin may be observed);
- fungal skin diseases;
- endocrine disorders in the body;
- gynecological diseases;
- hereditary predisposition;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially the liver);
- aging skin changes.
Skin patches of light brown color most often occur in fair-skinned people and owners of light blond or red hair with blue and green eyes. Such phenomena may be the result of prolonged exposure to the sun.
Varieties of spots on the skin

Depending on the cause of the appearance, brown skin spots (different shades) are divided into the following types:
- Freckles. Small light brown spots on the skin appearing on the face, arms, shoulders and back. Most often they appear in fair-skinned people under the influence of the sun in spring and summer. This is the most common type of pigmentation that appears in children, men and women. Such pigmentation serves as a kind of protection of the body from exposure to ultraviolet rays. At the same time, freckles are absolutelysafe spots, but for many people they cause some psychological discomfort.
- Chloasma. During pregnancy, smooth, well-defined brown spots on the skin may appear (a photo of such formations is presented below). They usually appear on the face, abdomen and thighs. Chloasma can also appear with prolonged use of hormonal drugs and liver diseases. Sometimes they appear due to the aggressive effects of sunlight.
- Lentigo.
- Birthmarks (nevi). Usually, moles are visible already at the birth of the baby, but very often they appear during life. These formations are considered benign. However, under the influence of adverse conditions, they may well develop into malignant ones. These brown spots on the skin can be smooth, rough, or bulge above the skin. They can have any shape and be located on any part of the body.
- Melasma. Areas of pigmentation affecting the skinheads. Usually these are spots of brown or light brown color with an evenly outlined contour. Most often, such spots occur in pregnant women or women with gynecological diseases. In addition, melasma occurs due to liver disease and hormonal disorders.

Smooth or rough to the touch slightly protruding brown spots on the skin. In the photo, as a rule, you can see round or elongated single spots, less often - immediately a group of lentigo. Similar pigmentation occurs in people of different ages. However, modern medicine divides such spots into two types: youthful and senile lentigo. Most often occur on open areas of the body as a result of exposure to sunlight, but can also appear on the mucous membranes. This type of pigmentation does not pose a threat to he alth and is not an indicator of disorders in the body.
Stains dangerous to he alth
Unfortunately, there are age spots that indicate the occurrence of dangerous processes in the body. One of these manifestations is pigment xeroderma, which is a precancerous condition of the skin. If brown spots on the skin are flaky, then it is necessary to consult a specialist regarding the nature of their appearance.
This disease is considered quite rare and appears due to hereditary predisposition. It appears at the age of 2-3 years and progresses rapidly.
Melanopathy or otherwise melanosis is the accumulation of melanin in areas where it should be normal. It has several varieties that arise for various reasons. There is uremic, hepatic, cachetic, endocrine and toxic melanosis. All of them are caused by pathological changes in the body.
In addition, there are dangerous varieties of this disease: chloasma, Becker and Dubreu's disease. Only a qualified specialist can determine the type of brown spots on the skin and the names (photos given in medical sources, as well as the symptoms of these diseases are strikingly different).
Another disease associated with the appearance of pigmentation is mastocytosis. Clinicalmanifestations of this pathology are associated with the appearance in the body of special cells - mastocytes. A similar disease is hereditary and manifests itself in the form of scaly and itchy brown spots on the skin.
If any spots appear on the body, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist in order to establish a diagnosis and prescribe, if necessary, adequate therapy. In general, age spots usually do not pose a threat to he alth, but spoil the appearance. However, sometimes they can signal the development of unwanted processes in the body.
Therefore, only after examination, the doctor will be able to determine the type of pigmentation or suggest the appearance of any disease.
If a brown spot appears on the skin, which is directly related to external influences (for example, due to prolonged exposure to the sun or mycotic lesions), then its treatment will not be difficult.
Usually, scrapings are taken from the affected area for research and diagnosis. Additionally, consultations of a gastroenterologist, therapist, endocrinologist may be recommended.
If the reason for the appearance of such neoplasms lies in the development of pathological conditions inside the body (for example, hormonal disorders or diseases of the digestive system), a deeper examination is required and eliminated. After the disease is cured, pigmented lesions on the skin will disappear on their own.

Pigmentation: treatment of cosmetic defects on the skin
Treat and remove appearedsuddenly age spots can only be in specialized clinics and only after examination by a specialist. We are not talking about harmless freckles here. Various nevi, melanosis, chloasma and other dark or light brown spots on the skin (photo in the text) require special treatment and control by a doctor. After all, only a specialist can assess the depth and size of the neoplasm. Moreover, only a professional can rule out a malignant process.
After a full examination, the doctor can decide on the method of elimination. In previous years, a scalpel and aggressive concentrated acids were used for this. Modern medicine offers more gentle and effective methods to eliminate brown spots that have appeared on the skin.

Cosmetology treatments
Different methods of mechanical action through chemical peels provide the possibility of layer-by-layer skin resurfacing. This method is quite aggressive, but allows you to effectively remove various cosmetic defects.
Microminiaturization is used when it is necessary to precisely remove deep pigmentation. This technique will allow the introduction of active drugs inside brown spots on the skin using a vacuum.

Mesotherapy is used to even out skin color when light pigmentation appears. This technique also improves the condition of the skin and rejuvenates it.
To remove nevi and other formations on the skin widelyapply laser techniques that can eliminate cosmetic defects in just one session.
How to remove brown spots on skin with folk methods

Before resorting to the methods and means of traditional medicine, you should consult with a specialist who will determine what is the nature of brown spots on the skin. Photos on the Internet should not be used for self-diagnosis and subsequent treatment in any case. The recipes below are also suitable for lightening freckles if they make you uncomfortable.
- Mix 2 tablespoons of kefir or sour cream with a few drops of ammonia. This composition is applied to the pigmented areas and washed off after 10-15 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily for a week.
- Mix 1 teaspoon of carrot juice with a little sour cream and egg yolk. This composition is applied to cleansed skin, kept for 5-10 minutes and washed off with cool water. Course - 7-10 procedures.
- Cucumber juice has a very good whitening effect. It is enough to wipe the skin of the face with a piece of this vegetable. Sometimes a gruel of grated cucumber is applied in a thin layer on the face and left for 15-20 minutes.
- Brown spots on the skin of the legs, hands, face or other parts of the body can be removed with lemon. It not only promotes discoloration of pigmentation, but also refreshes the skin.
- Strawberries, currants, viburnum or cherries also contribute to skin lightening, so they are often used forget rid of age spots. To do this, they are crushed in a blender and mixed or used separately, applied to the affected areas for several minutes.
- From increased skin pigmentation, white cosmetic clay is often used, which also helps with other aesthetic defects. Treatment involves a course of 7-10 procedures. You can buy this product at a pharmacy and a cosmetic store.
- A mixture of egg white, cottage cheese and hydrogen peroxide, applied for 10 minutes, gives an amazing whitening effect. After applying such a mask, a tonic compress must be applied to the treated areas.
- Freckles and other age spots on the skin can be removed with juice or tincture of ordinary parsley. Suitable stems, leaves and roots of greens, previously pounded to a homogeneous mass. Compresses soaked in such a liquid are applied to the affected areas for 15-20 minutes. A decoction of currant and parsley leaves with the addition of hydrogen peroxide gives an equally effective effect.
- Yeast-based mask also helps brighten, nourish and purify the skin. To do this, 1 tablespoon of the product is mixed with the same amount of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, the mixture is applied to the face and kept for 20 minutes. After that, wash off and apply any nourishing cream.

Any home remedy should be applied to previously cleansed and steamed skin. The procedures should be regular, it is necessary to carry them out until the spots completely disappear. spend thempreferably in the evening.
We must not forget that exposed areas of the body must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, before going outside, you need to apply sunscreen on them.
Healing creams and ointments
Bleaching pharmacological agents are applied to the affected areas of the skin and kept for one and a half to two hours, then the remedy is removed and a nourishing cream is applied. The most commonly used agents are Clotrimazole, Ketoconazole, white mercury ointment, zinc paste, bismuth nitrate, benzoic or salicylic acid.
Dermatologists also recommend other remedies: 3-5% solution of salicylic alcohol, tar and sulfur ointment, twenty percent benzyl benzoate emulsion.
In the treatment of a number of skin diseases, the Demyanovich method is recommended, developed by a Soviet doctor back in 1947 and has not lost its relevance to this day. To eliminate stains, the affected areas are treated with 60% sodium thiosulfate solution, and then with 6% sulfuric acid solution. The course and treatment regimen is determined by the attending physician.
Any pharmacological agents must be purchased only in specialized places: pharmacies and professional beauty salons.
Spot Prevention
Pigmented spots on the face and body can appear under the influence of various factors, so you should think about what preventive actions you need to take to avoid this problem. Many experts for these purposes recommend:
- Enrich dailydiet high in vitamin C.
- Limit foods high in vitamin A as it contributes to skin discoloration.
- At any time of the year, and especially in the spring and summer, be sure to use sunscreen.
- Limit exposure to the sun during its high activity (from 10:00 to 16:00).
- Regularly carry out skin whitening procedures (washing with sour milk, using lemon and cucumber juice).
The appearance of light or dark brown spots on the skin is an unpleasant phenomenon that can spoil the appearance of a person. To date, there are many cosmetics and methods of traditional medicine that eliminate this defect. Following simple recommendations and rules for skin care will help prevent or completely get rid of unwanted spots and maintain your attractiveness for a long time.