He althy skin is the dream of every person. However, often many people notice spots on the skin that differ in color, structure and size. They can appear in any area of the body, regardless of gender and age of a person, thereby causing a lot of inconvenience to its owner.

Causes of stains
The upper layers of the skin are extremely sensitive to the environment. Distinct or scaly patches on the skin may appear due to some external irritant. These could be:
- the consequence of improper skin care;
- use of inappropriate cosmetics;
- skin reaction to exposure to aggressive sunlight;
- the body's response to changes in ambient temperature;
- winding;
- skin diseases of various etiologies;
- development of internal pathologies in the body.
Different types of spots on the skin can appear due to fungal infections of the skin or become a manifestation of allergic reactions. Such conditions may be the resultstressful situations and psychological stress. Flaky and itchy rashes on the skin often become a harbinger of serious disorders in the body.
Therefore, in order to accurately establish the true cause of the formation of such skin defects, when they appear, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist or allergist.

White spots on skin
Very often on the skin of some people there are formations of a lighter shade. This is due to a violation of the production of melatonin in the body. The causes of such phenomena are usually:
- Long exposure to the sun. Aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the skin, over time, the outer shell of the body begins to dry, and in some areas it even begins to peel off. As a result of this, spots appear that differ from the general skin color of the body. This is a reversible process, as after a while the tan fades and the skin color evens out.
- The development of some skin diseases, among which a disease called vitiligo is quite common. The reasons for its appearance are not exactly established. There are no known ways to completely cure it, so the therapy of this pathological process is limited only to the treatment of symptoms. The difference between this disease is that the white formations that appear do not itch, but gradually increase in volume and are practically not cured.
- White spots on the skin can appear as a result of fungal infections. One of the culprits of suchmanifestations is considered to be lichen lichen. In this case, the formation has clear boundaries, and the stain itself flakes and itches. To cope with such manifestations, antifungal agents prescribed by a dermatologist will help.

Spots of red
Red spots on the skin (a photo of such manifestations is given below) are the most common. Usually they signal the presence of an external or internal stimulus. These may be allergic manifestations to the use of any food products or the use of unsuitable cosmetic and household products.
Such defects may occur due to exposure to strong winds or temperature changes. Often, red formations, with exfoliating areas, indicate psoriasis or a fungal infection with herpes zoster or lichen planus. A distinctive feature of psoriasis is red spots on the skin that itch and flake off. They appear on the surface of the arms, legs, neck, scalp and at the same time deliver tangible moral and social discomfort to a person.

Allergic manifestations
When an allergy develops, spots on the skin are the most common form of its manifestation. A vivid picture of skin dermatosis is observed upon contact with an allergen. However, after the elimination of the irritating factor, the state of the surface layer of the dermis returns to normal. Residual scaly phenomena are easily eliminated when taking antihistamines, as well as with the help of special ointments and hypoallergeniccosmetics.
Dark formations
On the skin, dark spots can be either absolutely harmless or signal the development of malignant tumors. Therefore, when such defects appear, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist to exclude unwanted processes in the body.
The most common causes of dark spots are:
- Hormonal changes in pregnant women and menopause. In this case, the neoplasms do not itch and do not peel off. After the restoration of the body, they completely and irrevocably disappear.
- Fungal lesions of the skin. In this case, the resulting spot on the skin itches and flakes. Antimycotic drugs and ointments will help to cope with this manifestation.
- senile changes in the skin. Due to the fading of the production of melanocytes, dark-colored formations appear on the body. Usually they do not bother their owner.

Spots on the skin of children
The appearance of any spots or rashes on the baby's skin is a reason to see a doctor, since it is quite difficult to independently diagnose the nature of the appearance of such a pathology.
Only after a full clinical examination and examination, the doctor can diagnose the cause of the appearance of skin defects, as well as prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Medicated treatment for spots
When any scaly neoplasms appear, especially when red spots on the skin itch, you need to consult a dermatologist. To diagnose the disease, a doctor usually needs a visual examination and an anamnesis. In cases of fungal infections, laboratory tests may be prescribed.
When scaly spots appear on the skin, the recommended medical treatment is:
- taking antihistamines to reduce swelling, itching and other visual symptoms;
- taking sedatives (in cases where a person is in a state of constant stress and nervous strain);
- use of anti-inflammatory, antifungal or hormonal creams and ointments.
It is also necessary to follow special diets that exclude the use of foods containing the allergen.
Internal Medicine
If the cause of the appearance of spots on the skin lies in the pathologies of the internal organs, then first of all it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. Therapy in this case can only be prescribed by the attending physician.
In combination with the prescribed drugs for violations of the digestive tract, hepatoprotectors "Essentiale" or "Karsil" can be recommended. Sorbents and filtrums are usually prescribed for detoxification of the body. With severe pain, anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended. If skin manifestations are due to a bacterial infection, then the patient is recommended regimens with the use of antibacterial drugs.

Modern cosmetology
Completely get rid of dry spots on the skin (process photopresented below), provided that they are caused by external aggressive influences, you can use the services of a cosmetologist. In some cases, skin defects such as psoriasis or eczema can be eliminated using modern hardware technologies. In addition, such cosmetic techniques can be recommended as an additional therapy for many types of cosmetic defects.
The most popular and effective today are ozone therapy, mesotherapy, peeling and laser hardware procedures.
The method of ozone and mesotherapy involves the introduction of ozone molecules, oxygen and special medicinal cocktails into the thickness of the skin.

Peeling is a cosmetic procedure in which the upper layer of the epidermis is removed using mechanical and chemical influences.
In some cases, laser techniques are used to remove spots on the skin, which can eliminate the defect that has appeared in just one session.
All of the above procedures are carried out in specialized institutions by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Treatment at home
Treatment of skin spots caused by external irritants can be treated at home. For this purpose, various masks are widely used, which can be prepared independently from products that are present in the kitchen of any housewife.
Fruits, berries, vegetables, chicken eggs,starch and some cereals. Here are some recipes that have proven themselves in the treatment of various skin defects:
- Mask of strawberries and white grapes. Mix 2 parts strawberry puree and 1 part white grape puree and apply to problem areas of previously cleansed skin. Withstand 20 minutes. This procedure is carried out after 1-2 days until the flaky spots disappear completely.
- Protein and lemon mask helps with red spots, as lemon has good whitening properties. To prepare such a mask, you need to mix the protein of one egg with 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. This remedy is applied to the affected areas of the skin, left for 10-10 minutes, and then washed off with warm water. A mask prepared on the basis of lemon juice is recommended to be done no more than once a week.
- Tomato mask. Remove the skin from one large ripe tomato and mash. Add 1 tablespoon of starch to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture is applied to previously cleansed affected areas of the skin and left for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm running water without soap.
From itching spots on the skin (photos on this topic are presented in the article), rubbing freshly squeezed juice of cucumber, lemon and parsley greens helps wonderfully. In addition, there are many traditional medicine recipes that are also widely used in the fight against such skin defects.
Using herbs
As a proven remedy for flaky skin spots, traditional medicinerecommends wiping the affected areas with decoctions and infusions of herbs: celandine, St. John's wort, lime blossom, chamomile. Traditional medicine often recommends similar recipes as an additional restorative therapy.

Another proven folk way is to use a mixture of essential oils. To do this, they usually take one teaspoon of the base product (any vegetable and olive oil) and add a few drops of grape seed oil, rosemary, mint, cloves, and lavender to it. This mixture is rubbed into the affected areas of the skin daily in the morning and evening.
Maintaining perfect skin condition is much easier than subsequently trying to get rid of any spots on the skin of the face and body. Therefore, each person must adhere to generally accepted rules:
- Keep the body clean. Shower daily and wash your face at least twice a day using special cosmetic products suitable for your skin type.
- Change bed linen and personal towel at least 1-2 times a week.
- Regularly use quality moisturizing and nourishing creams.
- Regularly use good sunscreen cosmetics that protect the skin from the harmful effects of aggressive ultraviolet rays.
- Remove food containing allergic ingredients from your diet.
- During the day, try not to touch or scratch the redness and pimples that have appeared, otherwise you can bringinfection.
- In no case should you squeeze and comb the defects that have appeared.
If any rashes and spots appear on the skin, you should consult a specialist. This will help not only to quickly solve the problem of the appearance of a skin defect, but also prevent the development of unwanted processes in the body.