In some cases, the presence of mucous secretions in the feces of an infant is not considered a manifestation of any disease, although it may be the cause of a malfunction in the digestive system. With the introduction of new foodstuffs, the baby’s body, which is unusual for them, may respond with such a reaction. Diarrhea in a child with mucus is an indicator of intolerance to any medications. The result of antibiotic treatment can be intestinal dysbacteriosis, which implies the presence of mucus in the baby's stool. With this disease, bloating and pain in the abdomen are observed.
Diarrhea in a 10 month old baby may be due to teething. During this period of time, salivation increases, the baby experiences discomfort. In this case, he has a need to chew, bite something. As a rule, these are objects that are nearby and not always treated with antiseptics.
Mother's milk is sterile in most cases. If you notice diarrhea with mucus in a child, first of all it becomes necessary to take milk for analysis, check sterility.

The presence of a sharp, unnatural odor, blood discharge, the appearance of jelly-like mucus in the feces should alert parents, since these indicators, if they are not single, indicate disorders in the body. The child has diarrhea with mucus, he is not gaining weight well, he is constantly naughty - these symptoms serve as a reason for obtaining a medical consultation.
White loose stools combined with yellowing of the eye protein, skin often indicates liver disease. Passing the necessary tests will help to correctly diagnose the disease.
If your child has diarrhea with mucus, greenish foam in the stool, consult a pediatrician, as these symptoms can be caused by intestinal infections that lead to diseases of the intestinal tract.
Insufficient amount of lactose in breast milk also provokes the appearance of frequent loose stools. It may also be an innate fact. The pancreas does not secrete the required amount of lactase, the enzyme responsible for the digestion of lactose, which thus cannot be absorbed into the blood, but is retained in the intestinal tract. In this case, an imbalance occurs in the work of the intestines. In this case, the baby's stool is liquid, frothy, with a sour smell.

If a child has diarrhea with watery mucus, this indicates a violation of the flora in the still undeveloped intestine. As a result of contamination with pathogenic microorganisms, fermentation occurs in the digestive tract, which provokes the accumulation of gases, abdominal pain and, as a result -loose stools.
So, the occurrence of loose stools with an admixture of mucus can be caused by various factors: poor nutrition, enzyme deficiency, intestinal infections, the composition of breast milk, the presence of all kinds of diseases. To establish the exact causes of diarrhea, it is necessary to examine the child for further effective treatment.