Stinging pain in the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Stinging pain in the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment
Stinging pain in the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

The occurrence of stabbing pains is a sign of multifunctional or organic diseases of the stomach or diseases of closely located organs. The stomach is an organ with innervation, directly interconnected with the human central nervous system. Minor errors in nutrition, violation of the usual menu, secondary effects of pharmaceutical substances on him and nearby organs of the gastrointestinal tract can disrupt his condition.

stabbing pain in the stomach
stabbing pain in the stomach


Main causes of stabbing pains in the stomach and abdomen:

  • Malnutrition.
  • Severe psycho-emotional state.
  • Intense exercise.
  • Introduction of pathogenic microorganisms, infections.
  • Influence of harmful substances.
  • Injuries to the abdominal organs.
  • Congenital pathologies of the stomach and intestinal tract.
  • Allergy.

It is quite possible that an organ as sensitive as the stomach can feel pains from other organs, even those that do not belong to the digestive system. For example, myocardial infarction. He is inin turn, manifests itself as stabbing pains not in the heart, but in the stomach, extending into the arm.

severe stabbing pain in the stomach
severe stabbing pain in the stomach

Diseases that cause pain

Gastric colic, accompanied by pain, are signs of damage to the stomach or nearby organs:

  1. Gastritis - prolonged pain is felt after digesting sour or rough food, there is also a feeling of heaviness, weakness and nervousness.
  2. Stomach ulcer - 30% of patients may experience mild pain that occurs after eating, relapses of this disease are replaced by seasonal exacerbations.
  3. Duodenitis - projects pain from the small intestine to the stomach. Inflammation of the intestinal tract is accompanied, in addition to stabbing and cutting pains in the stomach, by hyperthermia, depression, vomiting and lightheadedness.
  4. Appendicitis - an attack begins with the occurrence of stabbing pains in the stomach, later they shift to the iliac zone on the right side. Signs are slight nausea, slight fever.
  5. Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a violation of the blood supply to the myocardium, sometimes radiating to stabbing pains in the stomach area. Additional signs - shortness of breath, tachycardia, powerlessness.

Characterization of pain

Acute stabbing pain in the stomach most often occurs not as a symptom of an incipient disease, but as a sign of a complication of a previously developed pathology. To make a correct diagnosis, the patient must provide the doctor with detailed information about the nature and frequency of pain attacks, because:

  • The time of occurrence of severe stabbing pain in the stomach varies with different pathologies of the organ, it may be associated with food that has entered the stomach, or may be determined by the daily menu.
  • Pain occurs at different times of the day and night, can be felt as a series of stabbing sensations or individual manifestations.
  • Location is of great importance for proper diagnosis. It can be in the upper or lower lobe of the stomach, it can give to the back or to the arm.
  • Intensity. The pain may be mild, or it may remind the patient of a "dagger prick". The saturation of pain can be so high, for example, when a stomach ulcer is perforated, that the patient periodically loses consciousness from pain shock.
  • Duration - one day or several, months and even years. For example, a stabbing pain in the stomach after eating can last from a few minutes to several hours, return or end in the absence of any therapy.
stabbing pain in stomach area causes
stabbing pain in stomach area causes


Pain in the stomach can be of a very different nature, in addition, they can be paroxysmal or regular. Many people often complain about the appearance of stabbing pain in the stomach, which can occur for a variety of reasons. In any case, you should not deal with the cause of such pain on your own. With the appearance of stabbing pain in the stomach, you should immediately contact a specialist. Only he can reveal the true cause of these painfulsensations.

Sharp stabbing pain in the stomach can be a sign of various diseases, and one or another disease can be identified by additional symptoms that accompany these pain sensations, as well as by the location of the pain. So, for example, if pain sensations do not occur in one place, but over the entire surface of the abdomen, then this may indicate the presence of some kind of chronic disease, sometimes such pain disappears on its own after using mild painkillers or after a good rest. If colic appeared in the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract, then this may indicate the development of a new disease. In this case, stabbing pains are often accompanied by severe discomfort in the stomach.

Stinging pains in the stomach can appear in women with some specific gynecological diseases. Severe stress can also provoke their appearance. Often, stabbing pains in the stomach area appear with severe poisoning, in which case they are accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, as well as bloating and discomfort.

sharp stabbing pain in the stomach
sharp stabbing pain in the stomach


At the first pain, you should immediately contact a specialist, as in some cases the cause can be quite serious, which will require emergency surgical intervention. The first thing the doctor does is conduct a complete examination, after which he sends the patient for additional tests. The patient may be prescribed the following procedures:

  • ultrasound;
  • soundingstomach;
  • x-ray;
  • biopsy;
  • gastroscopy;
  • MRI;
  • colonoscopy;
  • computed tomography;
  • irrigoscopy,
  • angiography;
  • cholescintigraphy.

Medicated treatment

Stinging pain in the stomach can be caused by various reasons, but in no case should you self-medicate it and take pills without consulting a doctor. If the feeling of pain is too strong, then before the arrival of a specialist, it is allowed to take an antispasmodic or analgesic. Any irrational use of drugs causes a distortion of the overall picture of the problem, which greatly complicates the diagnosis. Quite often there are patients who, at the first sign of pain, drank an anesthetic drug, and this created the effect of recovery for a long time. But this only temporarily relieved them of the pain.

The doctor prescribes medications, but only after all examinations and an accurate diagnosis. Many are advised to drink only painkillers. For example, if the pain is associated with spasms in the intestines, then the specialist will suggest an injection in the arm, leg or thigh. In the absence of a gag reflex, it is allowed to drink an anesthetic drug together with an antacid.

stitching pain in stomach after eating
stitching pain in stomach after eating

The best remedies

Medical treatment can be dispensed with if abdominal pain is not accompanied by vomiting, bleeding or high fever. It usually goes away after a while. To relieve stomach painIt is recommended to use antacids. Some of them can be purchased at pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. For example, "Maalox", "Almagel" or "Phosphalugel". The listed medicines do a good job of eliminating the pain syndrome. That's just you can use them only on the condition that the pain is really directly related to the problems of the digestive tract. If discomfort in the abdomen appeared due to food poisoning or an overdose of drugs, then activated charcoal will be the best remedy.

What not to take?

Don't take Aspirin or Ibuprofen if you have ulcers or liver problems. They act as an irritant to the mucous membranes, and the pain will only intensify. If a stabbing pain caught a woman during pregnancy, then experts recommend that it is best to refuse to use any medications. Each of them has certain chemical elements that have a negative impact on the further development of the fetus. The most suitable option can be called a homeopathic remedy.

stabbing pains in the stomach area
stabbing pains in the stomach area

Folk treatment

The most common problem for most people living in big cities is pain in the stomach, which is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms, such as vomiting, bloating or just severe discomfort. Most often, people complain of the appearance of stabbing pains in the stomach, which can occur from time to time or are permanent.character. People who have pain in the stomach area prefer folk remedies, and this is not surprising, since such drugs are more effective, and besides, they have practically no side effects. True, before using any folk remedies, even the safest, it is necessary to undergo a mandatory consultation with a doctor. The fact is that a stabbing pain in the stomach can be a sign of some serious disease, for the treatment of which any folk medicines can be completely useless. It turns out that the pain will be eliminated, and the disease that caused the appearance of such a symptom will remain.


So, when there is a stabbing pain in the stomach, it is recommended to use medicines prepared on the basis of asafoetida, fennel or ginger root. Especially effective are medicines based on ginger, as this fragrant root contains substances that normalize the digestive system. In addition, ginger root has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and inflammation.

For the preparation of a medicinal potion, it is recommended to use not dried, but fresh ginger root, which must first be peeled, then cut into small pieces. Next, chopped ginger root should be put in a small pot of boiling water. Boil ginger for no more than five minutes over low heat, strain the prepared broth, add a little honey to it and use it when a stabbing pain appears.


To reduce pain in the stomach, it is recommended to use a decoction of fennel seeds, which have antimicrobial and carminative effects. Pour a spoonful of fennel seeds into a small saucepan, pour in a glass and a half of hot water, boil the mixture for three minutes, strain and cool. Use fennel tea as a tea for stomach pains.

stabbing stomach pain causes
stabbing stomach pain causes

Surgical treatment

One of the most unpleasant types of pain, the cause of which is difficult to determine, is pain in the abdomen. There are many reasons for its occurrence, but only a doctor can determine what exactly hurts, and he will also prescribe treatment.

When the cause is established, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment or sends for urgent surgery. Surgical intervention occurs mainly with inflammation of the gallbladder, appendicitis. In some cases, you can not do without surgery for intestinal obstruction. Stitching pain in the abdomen may appear due to perforation of the internal organs or their rupture. In these cases, the operation cannot be avoided, it is performed by the surgeon with assistants under general anesthesia.


During the treatment period, special dietary restrictions should be observed:

  1. It is forbidden to include fried fish or meat in the diet.
  2. Don't eat foods that will cause intense secretion of gastric juice.
  3. Refuse s alty and sour food.
  4. Do not eat cold or hot food.
  5. Eat in doses, fractionally.
  6. Carefullychew every bite.
  7. Eat 3 hours before bed.
  8. Don't starve yourself and don't overeat.
  9. Excellently restores the work of fermented milk products. Milk can be taken with light tea. All dairy products should be free of fat.
  10. In general, the menu should not exceed the bar of 3000 kcal.
  11. When applying oil, you should take olive oil, as it heals all scratches from the inside.
  12. It is recommended to take teas and herbal infusions, drink more mineral waters, and use folk recipes for pain.

For the period of treatment, you should refrain from cigarettes, as they could only interfere with healing.

Often, a course of drug treatment will last at least 2 weeks, it will all depend on what disease the person suffers from.
