Treatment of cervical chondrosis is one of the most common problems in the world, since most people over 35 suffer from this disease. This is due to the fact that a very large part of the world's population leads a sedentary lifestyle. However, this disease is quite dangerous, so every person should be aware of the symptoms and treatment of chondrosis of the cervical spine.

Main causes of disease development
Chondroses are one of the few pathologies that are characteristic only of humans. The reason for this is considered to be differences in the structure of the spine: due to constant pressure and friction, the vertical trunk of the vertebrae is gradually deformed.
The cervical region, consisting of seven vertebrae, is subjected to constant stress. All elements of this system are small in size and have a weak muscular frame. Far from having a positive effect is insufficient blood supply to the cartilaginous tissue. And since it is the cervical region that is considered the most vulnerable part of the spine, the treatment of chondrosis of this part of the musculoskeletal system is the first step.recovery.
Other factors that provoke chondrosis
Therapy of such a pathology is a complex and lengthy process, since this disease does not occur for some specific reason. Despite the established connection between the development of the disease and a sedentary lifestyle, this disease often occurs in athletes due to increased stress.
Elderly people also suffer from the inevitable manifestations of symptoms of chondrosis of the cervical spine. The treatment of this degenerative pathology, leading to damage to the cartilage of the intervertebral discs and deformation of the vertebrae, does not always give a positive result.
Various forms of chondrosis may appear due to:
- postural disorders;
- distortions of the spinal column;
- back injury;
- overweight;
- hard physical work;
- sedentary, sedentary work;
- metabolic disorders in the body;
- frequent hypothermia;
- uncomfortable sleeping position;
- stress and overwork;
- genetic predisposition;
- infectious diseases and general weakness of the body.
In addition, chondrosis can appear due to individual body structure, for example, due to a too short / long neck or different leg lengths.

Stages of development of pathology
A disease that affects the upper or lower spine develops slowly through four distinct stages. The stage of the disease can be difficult to determinesince the clinical manifestations do not always coincide with the corresponding symptoms. Therefore, the treatment of cervical chondrosis is often ineffective.
Chondrosis: initial stage
Initiating degenerative-dystrophic changes associated with deformation of the bone and cartilage tissue of the vertebrae are poorly expressed. Usually people almost never notice them or do not associate them with possible pathologies of the spine. Most often, the symptoms that appear are attributed to fatigue, stress or psychological overwork.
Second stage of the disease
The appearance of headaches, general weakness, a feeling of numbness on the face - these are just some of the specific symptoms of cervical and thoracic chondrosis. Treatment of the disease at this stage gives the possibility of a complete recovery of the spine: the use of drugs and lifelong he alth-improving physical education, specially designed for the prevention of diseases of the spine, allows you to forget about the problem for a long time.

Third stage
Intervertebral discs are destroyed, hernias appear, blood vessels and muscles begin to suffer. The patient develops dizziness, nausea, jumps in blood pressure, pain in the occipital region of the head of the neck and upper back. With such problems, a person, not knowing that these are symptoms of cervical chondrosis and treatment here should be prescribed by a neurologist, begins to turn to other highly specialized specialists.
Fourth stage of chondrosis
The last stage of the disease is characterized by the appearanceosteophytes - growths of bone tissue, which provokes pinched nerves. Such phenomena entail stiffness of movements and damage to adjacent joints.
Symptoms of chondrosis of the cervical spine
Treatment of degenerative pathologies of the spine should be started when signs such as:
- pain in various parts of the back and head;
- insufficient tone and elasticity of the back muscles;
- dizziness, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus;
- increased perspiration;
- feeling of numbness in limbs;
- Violations of the functions of the organs of vision and hearing;
- blood pressure spikes.
Such symptoms may be present at any stage of the development of this disease. However, in most cases, the patient complains of only a part of the manifestations present. Therefore, many people who first encountered signs of cervical chondrosis most often receive treatment that is absolutely inconsistent with the true culprit of poor he alth. Of course, this leads to a delay in the necessary therapy and a significant deterioration in physical condition.

Diagnosis of a pathological condition
To diagnose the disease and exclude other unwanted pathologies, you need to consult a therapist. After examining and taking an anamnesis, the doctor will refer you to the necessary highly specialized specialists - an orthopedist, vertebrologist or neurologist.
To determine chondrosis today, such research methods are used as:
- X-ray. Allows you to determine the presence of displacement of the vertebrae and deformation of the intervertebral discs.
- Computed tomography. Gives a three-dimensional idea of the ongoing changes in the spine and allows you to detail the degree and nature of the lesion.
- Magnetic resonance imaging. Allows you to get a picture of structural changes.
- Ultrasonic scanning of neck vessels. Allows you to identify changes in blood flow in the vessels caused by the development of the pathological process.
Only after the necessary examinations can we talk about the adequacy of the use of certain treatment regimens for cervical chondrosis.
Therapeutic interventions
Today, there are several effective treatments for this disease, many of which can be used at home. However, we must not forget that the treatment of any pathologies of the spine is a long process. Often, the therapy used can only slow or stop the progression of the disease, but complete healing and recovery is unlikely.
At the initial stages of pathological processes, as a rule, conservative methods of restoration are used. For the treatment of cervical chondrosis in this case, they most often use:
- drugs and special creams;
- therapeutic gymnastics or exercise therapy;
- physiotherapy;
- massage courses;
- special devices that fix the correct position of the spine and ensure the state of rest of the affected areas (Schanz collar, orthopediccorsets).
In the later stages of degenerative-dystrophic changes that provoke destruction of the bone and cartilage structure of the spine, surgery may be recommended.

As a treatment for symptoms of cervical chondrosis at home, drugs such as:
- Chondroprotectors (tablets and capsules for oral administration, preparations for intramuscular and intraarticular administration).
- Vitamins.
- Analgesics (for example, "Analgin", "Baralgin", "Flupirtine" and other drugs; if they are ineffective, they do novocaine blockade).
- Anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, non-steroidal drugs: Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Meloxicam, etc.).
- An antispasmodic (such as Tolperisone, Tizanidin, and in some cases more serious drugs used to relieve muscle spasm - Carbamazepine or Gabapentin).
The main task of using these funds is to eliminate the pain syndrome.
Surgical interventions on the spine are done, first of all, in situations where there is compression of the spinal cord. Such procedures include the removal of an intervertebral hernia and the relief of decompression. In severe cases, it is possible: microdiscectomy, disc reconstruction using laser technology, replacement of a damaged disc with an implant,stabilization of a specific area of the spine.
He alth gymnastics and exercise therapy
Improving physical education is one of the simple, affordable and at the same time effective methods of treating many pathologies of the spine. In addition, such activities are widely used in the treatment of cervical chondrosis at home.
Such wellness procedures are necessary to strengthen the muscular frame of the spine, replenishing the functionality of weakened vertebrae. Therefore, it is not the intensity and loads during classes that are of particular importance here, but their regularity.
To strengthen the muscles of the neck and back, you need to perform a certain set of exercises daily. These can be simple turns and tilts of the head or more complex movements where the hands are involved. Sometimes small sports equipment can be used. Similar gymnastics can be done at home or at work.
Regular swimming sessions and long walks in the fresh air can be very beneficial.
However, an important condition is that any gymnastic exercises are carried out outside the period of exacerbation of the pathological process and in the absence of pain.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are an important stage in the treatment of chondrosis of the cervical spine. They imply the impact on the body of certain physical fields and radiation. This method has a minimum list of contraindications.
Today in the treatment of chondrosis of the cervical or thoracicof the spine with the help of physiotherapy techniques are widely used:
- Exposure to ultrasound, which helps to improve metabolic processes in cells and tissues and relieves swelling.
- Laser treatment improves tissue metabolism and promotes their rapid recovery.
- The effects of the magnetic field have a positive effect on the process of tissue regeneration, and also have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
- Exposure with electric currents (electrophoresis) is usually used in combination with medications, since the use of this procedure accelerates their absorption.
- Shock wave therapy using acoustic waves is used to effectively relieve pain and eliminate swelling.
Massage courses
Many massage techniques help reduce muscle tone that causes spasm. Such procedures normalize blood circulation in the area affected by chondrosis, and improve the outflow of lymph, which provokes swelling. Therefore, massage is one of the mandatory procedures recommended for the treatment of many pathologies of the spine.

Using special tools
Other methods of treating cervical chondrosis include the use of special devices that provide optimal fixation of the spine in the correct position. The Shants collar and specially selected corsets and belts are recommended to be worn during exacerbations of the disease, during physical exertion or prolonged sedentary work.
To reduce the likelihood of flare-ups, it is also recommended to organize a place to sleep. The best solution in this matter may be the use of an orthopedic mattress and pillow.
If untreated cervical chondrosis, a person may face consequences such as hypertension, migraines, stroke, spinal cord compression, etc.