Many of us have wondered why the stomach growls. What to do in this case? This is often asked by people of all ages. In our article, we will answer these and other questions.
Problem description
If any sounds appear in the stomach, this does not mean that there is a pathology in the body. In fact, the intestines are constantly making sounds that accompany the process of digestion.

These sounds are usually inaudible. But there are cases when a person, when feeling hungry or after eating, the intestines emit very loud urges that are heard not only by himself, but also by people around him. These sounds cause a feeling of embarrassment. Although in fact they are quite natural.
What causes stomach sounds?
The process of digestion is that the stomach secretes a special juice. In order for food to be digested, it needs to be stirred. This process provides contractile reflexes of the stomach. It's called peristalsis. You should know that the contraction of the walls of the stomach occurs regularly every two hours. Moreover, the intake of food does not affect this process. That is, regardless of whether a person has eaten food or not,stomach contractions will occur.
If a person's stomach is not filled with food, then there is air in it. It swallows involuntarily. With the reduction and release of juice due to the presence of gases and air in the stomach, the stomach grumbles.
What could be the reasons for this phenomenon?
Causes of rumbling in the stomach:
- An empty stomach produces rumbling due to the presence of air and gases in it under the influence of contraction and secretion of gastric juice. As a rule, such rumbling is observed in a person after waking up. If he does not eat, then these sounds will continue until the moment when food enters the stomach.
- If a person has not eaten for a long time, and then eats a lot, sounds may also occur.
- Roaring is also associated with the individual characteristics of the human body. For example, some people develop gas in the stomach after eating certain foods. As a rule, they occur due to cabbage, legumes, grapes and sweets. It is also not recommended to eat fatty, fried and s alty foods.

- Drinking certain drinks also causes gas. These include beer, gassy water, packaged juice, tea, coffee, and chocolate. As a result, the stomach grumbles.
- If the body is infected with parasites, they can also cause rumbling and bloating in a person. You should know that the presence in the human body of certain microorganisms in a certain amount is considered the norm. Therefore, we needmedical consultation and special examination.
- If the stomach grumbles, it may depend on the position of the person's body. It is known that in the vertical position the rumbling passes. And if a person takes a horizontal pose, he will hear sounds. Usually grumbles in the stomach after dinner, if it happened late, and then the person goes to bed.
Stomach sounds and pregnancy
Pregnant women can be identified as a separate category. Why does the stomach growl in women who are carrying a child? If before pregnancy everything was in order with the digestive system, and nothing bothered, then this does not mean that now everything will remain the same. During this period, the fair sex may be disturbed by such processes in the stomach as rumbling, bloating, gas and constipation.

It is known that in this case, a woman produces certain hormones. These include a substance that relaxes the muscles. Its action also extends to the intestines. As a result, there are feelings of discomfort. In the middle of the second trimester, the location of the intestine changes. This is due to the fact that the fetus begins to grow and put pressure on the woman's internal organs. And they, in turn, adapt to new circumstances.
In this situation, there is another fact that adversely affects the work of the woman's stomach. It is connected with the fact that expectant mothers during this period allow themselves to eat at will. They think that since they are pregnant, they can afford anything. Actually,eating anything will lead to more abdominal discomfort.
Taking action
What to do so that the stomach does not growl? It is recommended to follow a certain diet. It is important that a woman in this position consumes a balanced diet, which includes the right amount of proteins, fats, vitamins and other beneficial trace elements. But at the same time, it should be remembered that it is not worth abusing fatty foods and water with gases, as this can lead to discomfort in the stomach. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the stomach is in a compressed state due to the growing fetus.

We figured out why the stomach growls. What to do? It is better to eat small portions, but more often. There is a technique for eating food fractionally. It lies in the fact that you can eat food seven times a day, but do not overeat, but manage in small portions.
If there is a lot of grumbling in the stomach, what should I do? Women during pregnancy are advised to use special herbal teas. Promote digestion teas with the addition of fennel, chamomile, dill. Women should think about a he althy diet, as in the future they will have a lactation period. There are also a number of restrictions associated with breastfeeding. Therefore, it will be very wise to accustom yourself to eating food that is good for the body.
What to do?
We have already figured out why the stomach growls. The reasons were also given. Now let's talk about what to do in this case:
- First of all, you shouldaccustom yourself to the correct use of food. It is about not overeating. Food needs to be crushed. It will be better for the body if a person eats in small portions, but more often. This approach reflects the functional characteristics of the body. It was said above that the walls of the intestines contract in any case, regardless of whether there is food for digestion in the stomach or not. Therefore, for the functioning of the digestive tract, it will be better if a small amount of food is in the intestines for digestion. During meals, a person is advised to eat in small pieces, without swallowing food. In this case, you need to chew thoroughly. Also, do not talk, because when talking, air enters the stomach, and this further leads to rumbling.
- From the menu it is necessary to exclude products that contribute to the appearance of gases. If for some reason this cannot be done, then their use should be minimized.

- You need to look at the composition of the products. If they contain an element such as sorbitol, then it is better to refuse to use them. Sorbitol, as a rule, acts as a substitute for sugar. It can be found in drinks or chewing gums. Be especially careful about the composition of products that do not contain sugar. For the stomach, the use of sorbitol is undesirable.
- Regular hygiene is essential. It lies in the fact that, coming from the street, you should wash your hands. If a person performs any work on the ground, for example, in a garden or in a country house, then this must be done ingloves. If the house contains any pets, especially those that walk on the street, then their owners are advised to take tests that will show the presence or absence of parasites in the body.
- It is better if a person does physical education. Physical exercise stimulates the stomach. Also, a person improves blood circulation, which also positively affects the work of all internal organs. If a person is not prone to physical activity, then elementary rules can be observed that will positively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, if you have a sedentary job, you need to take breaks. You need to get up and walk. Take a walk during your lunch break. It is better to take a walk in the fresh air. This will have a positive effect on performance and emotionally unload. Also, this behavior will positively affect the functioning of the intestines.
It happens that it is difficult to establish the causes of rumbling. If the stomach grumbles and hurts, the doctor will tell you what to do. When rumbling bothers a person very often and loudly, then perhaps the reason for this is dysbacteriosis. What it is? Dysbacteriosis is a change in the microflora in the stomach. If a person is he althy, then in his stomach there are microorganisms that contribute to the digestive process. The lack of any of them can cause rumbling and pain. The pain usually occurs near the navel. If such symptoms appear, a person is advised to contact a medical institution for an accurate diagnosis.diagnosis.

Why does dysbacteriosis appear? Antibiotics may be the cause. Drugs in this group kill bacteria that contribute to the development of various diseases. But along with them, beneficial microorganisms also die. Recently, doctors have been prescribing probiotics along with a course of antibiotics. Do not neglect them, so that later you do not have to be treated for dysbacteriosis.
Reaction to a specific product
What treatment is prescribed when the stomach hurts and grumbles? First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of rumbling in the abdomen, and then it should be eliminated. If the rumbling is due to the use of certain foods, then you just need to remove them from the menu. Determining when the stomach starts to bother is quite simple. When discomfort begins, which is accompanied by rumbling, you need to remember which foods were eaten. Next, it is worth checking whether the same process is repeated when they are used again. If yes, then you need to refuse such food. Here it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. Some people can afford to eat fatty foods without any problems, while for others a glass of water with gas delivers maximum discomfort.
In order to prevent, you can drink special products that have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. It should be remembered that rumbling in the abdomen can be caused by some kind of disease. Usually it is associated with dysbacteriosis. But self-medication is not recommended. It is better to consult a doctor who will conductexamination and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Stomach growling: treatment
It happens that, in addition to rumbling, a person has other symptoms of the disease. For example, bloating, stool disorder, bad breath. In this case, there may be a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Here infusions will not help. To find out why your stomach is constantly grumbling (the reasons for this phenomenon may be different), you should consult a doctor. He will make a diagnosis, take into account all the features of the body and prescribe a treatment regimen. A person should follow all the doctor's instructions and be under supervision.
Diet must play an important role. You need to eat food that will benefit the body, not harm. In fact, food restrictions are not as scary as it seems at first glance. Most people eat the way they cook at home. In our country, it is customary to cook a lot. And for normal life support, it is necessary to protect yourself from certain foodstuffs. At first, there may be some difficulties. But over time, a person gets used to and no longer wants to eat food that is filled with harmful substances and has a bad effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

Treatment of more serious diseases is prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, it comes down to prescribing a diet and taking special drugs that help digest food. There are cases that after the patient has felt relief, he again begins to consume junk food. Such behavioris not correct, as the disease may worsen again. It will be better if a person follows the recommendations for nutrition. It is important to stop drinking alcohol. Drinks that contain alcohol negatively affect not only the stomach, but also other organs of the human body.
People who have experienced bowel disease need to constantly monitor what they eat. It must be remembered that each body is individual. And what one person uses without problems can cause pain in another. Therefore, first of all, you should listen to yourself and follow the recommendations received. It is necessary to lead a he althy lifestyle, which includes physical education, walking, swimming and, of course, nutrition that will enrich the body with useful elements.
Small conclusion
Now you know why your stomach is grumbling, and also what to do in this or that situation so that the sounds stop. We hope that the article was useful and interesting for you. We wish you good he alth and success!