In the material, we will consider what constitutes such a dangerous disease as meningitis, types of meningitis and its causes. We will also talk about the first signs of the development of the disease, diagnostic methods, features of prevention and treatment.
General information

Before we look at the types of meningitis, symptoms, causes, treatment, let's find out what the disease is in general. The disease is characterized by the development of inflammatory processes on the membranes of the brain. In this case, not deep cellular structures suffer. The upper layers of tissue, which are located under the bone structure of the skull, are exposed to pathological effects. There is also a type of meningitis that affects the spinal cord.
The disease can develop in primary and secondary forms. In the first case, pathological pathogens directly attack the membranes of the brain. In the second, the disease makes itself felt against the background of other pathological processes in the body. Gradually, the lesion reaches the brain. A prerequisite for the development of meningitis in a secondary form may be the presence of mumps, tuberculosis, leptospirosis, and others.
As a rule, critical conditions in meningitis come on quickly. A significant deterioration in well-being occurs over several days. The only exception to the rule is tuberculous meningitis, which develops slowly.
Mechanism of disease progression

The human brain is reliably protected from attacks by pathological pathogens by the immune system. Such a barrier protects the most important organ from the penetration of bacterial, viral and fungal infections. When the body is weakened, some of them are still able to find their way to the brain. Penetrating under its membranes, infections receive temporary isolation from the effects of immune cells, which are deprived of the opportunity to “devour” pathogenic structures.
Over time, the body still begins to deal with the problem. At this time, white blood cells and other particles are actively supplied through the blood vessels to the membranes of the brain, which provide immune protection. Together with them, access to infections that develop in other parts of the body is opened here. This leads to damage to abundant tissue areas and the formation of cerebral edema. The blood flow to the presented area is significantly deteriorating. Infections get the opportunity to safely parasitize on he althy tissues.
Types of meningitis

The disease has been studied quite well. There are several classifications. So, based on the nature of pathological pathogens that lead to the development of inflammation on the membranes of the brain, the following types of meningitis are distinguished:
- Purulent - the development of the disease is provoked by bacterial infections. These can be meningococci, streptococci, E. coli, staphylococci. This type of meningitis is characterized by an extremely severe course of pathological processes, since the development of infection leads to the formation of purulent masses.
- Serous - caused by viruses. It can be mumps, poliomyelitis, enteroviruses. The disease, as in the previous case, is characterized by the occurrence of serious inflammation, but without purulent contents.
- Fungal - the development of inflammatory processes is provoked by microorganisms of the genus Candida and cryptococci, which parasitize on the tissues of the meninges of the brain.
- Mixed - a type of meningitis, in which tissues affect several types of pathogens at the same time. In this case, there is the greatest danger to human life, since during the treatment it is necessary to eliminate a variety of infections.
There are also separate types of meningitis, depending on the rate of development of inflammation. When pathological processes make themselves felt in the shortest possible time, such a course of the disease is called rapid. All stages of meningitis in this case take place literally within a day after infection of the meninges of the brain. In the acute course of the disease, death without proper treatment occurs within 3-4 days. Allocate alsochronic type of meningitis. In the latter case, the symptoms appear on the rise. Doctors find it difficult to determine the real cause of a patient's deterioration in he alth.
What other types of meningitis are there? Based on the localization of the pathological process, they are classified:
- Basal - membranes in the lower part of the brain are inflamed.
- Convexital - tissue damage is localized in the frontal zone of the brain.
- Spinal - the pathology affects the spinal cord.

It is important to identify both the types of meningitis and the symptoms. Among the main signs of the development of the disease can be identified:
- Headache - constant, severe discomfort, a feeling of increasing pressure under the skull, increased discomfort when tilting the head.
- Strain of muscle tissue in the back of the head - a person feels difficulty when trying to move to a lying position. Reducing pain is observed when resting in case of tilting the head back.
- Problems in the functioning of the digestive system - the development of attacks of nausea and vomiting. Stomach cramps can recur many times, even if a person completely refuses food and drink for a long time.
- Hyperthermia - certain types of meningitis cause an increase in body temperature. The development of the process is accompanied by general malaise, chills, and significant sweating.
- Acute reactions to external stimuli - inflammation of the brain leads to discomfort with brightlight, loud sounds, other influences.
- Blurred consciousness: a person has lethargy, inability to answer simple questions, slow reactions to phrases addressed to him.
- Mental disorder: all types of meningitis cause apathy or aggressive reactions. In some cases, hallucinations may occur.
- Cramps: Meningitis often causes involuntary muscle contractions. Often this leads to twitching of the limbs. Muscle pains gradually appear.
- The development of strabismus - a sign manifests itself if the inflamed tissues of the meninges begin to put pressure on the optic nerves.
In order to make the correct diagnosis, doctors resort, first of all, to interviewing the patient. Specialists will find out how long ago the signs characteristic of the disease appeared, whether there were insect bites, for example, ticks, which act as carriers of a wide variety of infections.
Diagnosis also involves an assessment of the neurological condition. Doctors assess how adequately the patient responds to the speech addressed to him, whether there are signs of clouding of consciousness. The sensitivity of a person to sound and light stimuli is determined. Also, meningitis can be identified by the presence of convulsive seizures, the appearance of the effect of facial asymmetry. All these signs tell doctors about malfunctions in the brain under the influence of inflammatory processes.
Among the laboratory tests that can be used to diagnose meningitis are:
- A complete blood count makes it possible to detect signs of inflammation of the meninges, in which there is an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
- Computed tomography allows you to assess the state of the brain based on the images obtained.
- Lumbar puncture - a special needle is inserted into the cartilaginous tissue of the spine, with the help of which a CSF sample is taken. The presence in its composition of an abundance of protein or purulent manifestations is a sign of the development of meningitis.

We examined what meningitis is, types, causes, symptoms of the disease. Now let's find out what the treatment is. When diagnosing meningitis, they resort to complex therapy, which consists of the following steps:
- Hospitalization of a person.
- The use of pharmacological drugs.
- Detoxification of the body.
- Symptomatic treatment.
Since all types of meningitis in adults and children are deadly, therapy should be performed exclusively in a hospital setting. This is required, first of all, to identify the nature of the causative agent of the disease. Depending on the type of infection, doctors determine the treatment strategy and prescribe appropriate medications. If necessary, in a hospital setting, actions can be taken to resuscitate the patient.
Antibacterial treatment
Purulent type of meningitis in children and adults requires the use of antibacterial pharmacological agents. Among those it should be noted:
- penicillins;
- ampicillins;
- cephalosporins;
- carbapenems.
In case of development of tuberculous meningitis, the following drugs are prescribed: Ethambutol, Isoniazid, Streptomycin. To enhance the bactericidal effect of these drugs, patients are prescribed "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide". In general, the course of taking antibacterial drugs for meningitis should be at least 10-15 days, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease.
Antiviral therapy

Treatment of serous meningitis involves the use of a regimen similar to that of acute respiratory infections. Doctors resort to prescribing painkillers, drugs that can lower body temperature, slow down the vital activity of viral pathogens. Often, patients are prescribed a combination of drugs containing glucocorticosteroids and interferon. Barbiturates, vitamin complexes, nootropics can be used as additional measures.
Treatment of fungal meningitis
Antifungal therapy is based on the use of such pharmacological agents:
- "Flucytosine".
- "Amphotericin".
- "Fluconazole".
The active ingredients in these preparations effectively fight against the growth of fungal spores, their spread, and provide good support to the body when it is weakened.
Detoxification of the body
Why do meningitis patients resort tobody detoxification? Infectious pathogens secrete a whole mass of toxins into the tissues. The latter poison he althy cells and weaken the immune system. All this leads to disruption of the organs and systems. To reduce the negative he alth effects, in the fight against meningitis, Enterosgel and Atoxil are prescribed. These funds help to eliminate toxic substances from the body. Additionally, vitamin C may be prescribed, drinking plenty of water in the form of decoctions of raspberries, rose hips.
Symptomatic treatment

When meningitis can manifest a wide variety of unpleasant symptoms. In order to eliminate certain negative conditions, the following drugs are prescribed:
- Allergic reactions - Claritin, Suprastin.
- Increase in body temperature - Paracetamol, Nurofen.
- Vomiting and nausea - Cerucal, Motilium.
- Emotional irritability - Tenoten, valerian.
- Puffiness - Furosemide, Diacarb.
- Cerebrospinal fluid damage – Cytoflavin.
Meningitis of the spinal cord
With this nature of the disease, the membranes of the spinal cord become inflamed. The illness is extremely difficult. There are numerous complications here. Types of meningitis of the spinal cord are the same. The causative agents of the disease can be viral, fungal or bacterial pathogens. Basically, the disease develops in people who suffer from a decrease in the protective functions of the body, for example, due to the presence of HIV infection.
Treat meningitis of the spinal cord with antibiotics. Without fail, doctors prescribe the intake of immunomodulatory drugs. Sometimes steroids and diuretics are used. Throughout the course of treatment, the patient should be at rest, adhering to strict bed rest.
The consequences of meningitis are the following manifestations:
- Violation of the respiratory organs and the cardiovascular system. As a result of cerebral edema, bradycardia and tachycardia, increased blood pressure, shortness of breath, inflammation of the lungs can develop.
- Toxic shock is a complication resulting from the absorption by cells of an abundant amount of waste products of infectious agents of meningitis. Against the background of the problem, partial loss of vision and hearing, hormonal dysfunction, paresis may occur.
- Decubitus ulcers - The treatment of meningitis requires bed rest. Sometimes patients fall into someone or lose the ability to move. All this leads to the gradual formation of bedsores.
We found out what types of meningitis can affect the body. Consider the preventive measures that should be resorted to in order to prevent a terrible disease. Among the preventive measures worth noting are the following:
- Compliance with generally accepted hygiene rules.
- Building a daily diet based on foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
- Avoiding contact with people susceptible to viral, bacterial and fungal infections.
- Refuse to visit crowded places during epidemics of respiratory diseases.
- Perform regular wet cleaning in the apartment.
- Tempering the body (in the absence of contraindications).
- Prevention of hypothermia of the body.
- Avoiding factors that can lead to the development of stress.
- Active lifestyle, sports.
- Timely treatment of infectious ailments before they have time to go into the chronic stage.
- No drugs, alcohol, smoking.
- Taking pharmacological drugs only after consultation with a qualified doctor.
In closing
As you can see, meningitis is an extremely serious illness, the cure for which does not pose a danger to he alth and life only if it is diagnosed in the early stages. In the absence of adequate treatment, the consequences of the disease lead to the development of irreversible pathological processes. Sometimes the elimination of complications of meningitis occurs throughout life. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, it is urgent to seek medical advice.