This is a very common problem - a watery eye. You don’t have to look for reasons for a long time, because they are at every step: computers, reading, hard work with small numbers or details, and also infections, dust, wind, cold…

And yet, you need to know the source of the problem: after all, if the eye turns red and watery due to windy weather, this is one thing. And if there is an infectious disease, such as conjunctivitis or an allergic reaction, then the treatment will be appropriate. So a visit to the doctor is desirable in any case, at least for an accurate diagnosis. And the article talks about folk methods that treat a watery eye.
Folk remedies for fatigue and redness of the eyes
Today almost no activity can do without a computer. But for the love of high technology, humanity pays with its eyesight - alas, this is inevitable. What can you recommend, besides the banal, albeit fair, advice about breaks in work, about gymnastics for the eyes? Perhaps nothing sensational or unexpected. Nothing better has yet been invented than lotions, including herbal decoctions. On thethe first place in popularity is warm tea leaves. If you make it a rule every evening for ten to fifteen minutes to keep tampons dipped in tea in front of your eyes, fatigue will pass faster, the skin around the eyes will refresh, and swelling of the eyelids will be eliminated. But in second place is everyone's favorite chamomile. Its decoction or infusion acts in a complex way: it relieves fatigue, removes bags under the eyes, and most importantly, thanks to its bactericidal properties, it heals a watery eye. Chamomile is recommended even for diseases such as conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis treatment
Inflammation of the eyeball and mucous membrane of the eyelids can be caused by both infection and dirt or dust in the eyes, the habit of rubbing them with dirty hands, as well as smoke and chemical fumes. In any case, the symptoms are unpleasant - pain, burning, photophobia, a feeling of sand under the eyelids, a watery eye. And most importantly, conjunctivitis is almost always contagious, moreover, the sick person himself carries the infection to the second eye. When using common hygiene items, others can become infected. For treatment, you can use infusions of medicinal herbs, in particular, the above-mentioned chamomile. Two or three tablespoons of dried flowers should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Cover, insist about half an hour and strain. This infusion should be abundantly moistened with tampons for lotions, as well as rinse the eyes. By the way, not everyone knows how to correctly perform this procedure. It would be nice to get special stacks for the eyes at the pharmacy. If they are not there, you need to take a glass to the size of the eye socket, fill it with warm tophealing infusion, dip your eye into it and blink actively, irrigating and washing the cornea. By the way, washing the eyes in this way, even with clean warm water, helps to clear the eye if foreign particles get in. With conjunctivitis, warm compresses from decoction of marshmallow root, cornflower flowers, dill seeds are also effective.

If it's an allergy
One of the causes of watery eyes is allergies. It can be profuse lacrimation, and redness, and even allergic conjunctivitis. In this case, the treatment, of course, should be anti-allergic and comprehensive. As for the eyes, decoctions and infusions of herbs can be used as an auxiliary, symptomatic treatment. Lotions from the infusion of blue cornflower, chamomile, bird cherry flowers, dill juice relieve the condition and pain in the eyes. Fresh grated potato compresses mixed with egg white also have a calming effect.