Subdural hygroma: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Subdural hygroma: causes, symptoms and treatment features
Subdural hygroma: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Subdural hygroma is a neoplasm consisting of cerebrospinal fluid that has accumulated in the brain. Left without timely treatment for a long time, the tumor puts pressure on various parts of the brain, causing dangerous deviations in the functions of the body. This pathology is a rather rare phenomenon and is very difficult to diagnose, since it is similar to more common neoplasms in the brain, such as a cyst or hematoma. ICD-10 code for subdural hygroma - S06.

Causes of pathology

Diagnosis of subdural hygroma
Diagnosis of subdural hygroma

Subdural hygroma of the brain is being studied by specialists to this day. After all, the main cause of the appearance of pathology has not yet been identified. However, there are some of the most credible theories:

  1. It is believed that subdural hygroma is a consequence of a head injury. Moreover, the force of impact on the head does not matter, since in this case the arachnoid cerebral membrane is torn, and a valve is formed, which results in the accumulation of fluid in the subtotal space.
  2. Another cause of subdural hygroma of the brain is the spontaneous rupture of an arachnoid cyst. Such a tumor is most often congenital. That is, subdural hygroma occurs at an early age.
  3. Subdural hygroma of the brain, the cause is surgical intervention. The reason for this procedure may be the removal of various neoplasms in the arachnoid cyst or brain aneurysm. Most often, these pathologies are observed in people of middle and old age.

It is important to know that the treatment of brain hygroma depends on its severity and form. So, with traumatic hygroma, 3 types of tumors are distinguished - chronic, acute and subacute. Its size and location matter.

Symptoms of pathology

Subdural hygroma treatment
Subdural hygroma treatment

Manifestations of the presence of a tumor in the brain are directly related to its size. A large hygroma is considered a neoplasm containing 250 ml of fluid, and the smallest - 50 ml. Of course, there is a smaller tumor, but it is difficult to diagnose and almost does not manifest itself.

Often, pathology is accompanied by hematomas or other types of neoplasms, which resonates in symptoms - it becomes brighter and more diverse, which ultimately facilitates diagnosis, but increases the danger to the patient.

In general, the list of symptoms is as follows:

  • sleep disorder, insomnia;
  • pressive headache that occurs for no apparent reason;
  • appetite disturbance, nausea leading to vomiting;
  • violationvision;
  • hearing impairment;
  • frequent loss of consciousness;
  • impaired memory, both long-term and short-term;
  • discoordination;
  • there is a violation of the cardiovascular system;
  • the patient begins to have asthma attacks.

There are also manifestations of a tumor in human behavior, that is, mental disorders:

  • mood swings;
  • unmotivated aggression;
  • the patient's behavior loses its logical meaning.
  • coma.

Symptoms do not occur all at once or severely. The development of the disease takes from several weeks to several years.

Diagnosis of disease

hygroma - symptoms
hygroma - symptoms

Finding out the cause and diagnosis of subdural hygroma is the beginning of treatment. The process is complex and involves the use of modern techniques.

After the first signs of pathology appear, the patient undergoes an external examination for injuries and traces of blows to the head. Then (if possible) a survey is conducted, during which it turns out if the patient has hit his head recently.

After that, the neurologist, namely this specialist deals with brain problems, directs the patient for an instrumental examination. This is an x-ray of the brain, that is, a simple and affordable procedure.

If there is a technical possibility, the patient is examined in a CT scanner. This device is able to reflect even the smallest tumor.

Lumbar puncture,performed on the basis of the results of tomography, can clarify the diagnosis by showing the composition of the cerebral fluid, allowing the measurement of intracranial pressure.

You can clarify the diagnosis with the help of angiography, however, this research method is not the main one in diagnosing the pathology of interest.

Conservative treatment of pathology

Diagnosis of subdural hygroma
Diagnosis of subdural hygroma

Despite the fact that the tumor is in the brain, the patient is not always shown a surgical operation to remove it. If the diagnosis shows that the tumor is small and its pressure on the brain does not have a negative effect, then the treatment is carried out by a conservative method. Most often, this is irradiation of the tumor with ultraviolet light. No matter how the treatment proceeds, no matter how long the period of remission lasts, a patient with hygroma should be constantly under the supervision of a neurologist. After all, there is always the possibility that the tumor begins to grow again or turns into a malignant formation.

Surgical treatment

Subdural hygroma diagnosis
Subdural hygroma diagnosis

If the diagnosis showed that the tumor is large enough and poses a danger to a person, then it is surgically removed. During the procedure, a hole is made in the patient's skull, opposite the tumor, with the help of a special hygroma tool, their skulls are pumped out. In order for the neoplasm to be completely removed, a special drainage is left in the hole for 3-5 days.

Practice shows that all signs of a tumor in the brain, that is, pain, impaired vision and hearing, hallucinations,loss of consciousness and so on disappear almost immediately after the operation. As a last resort, 5-7 days after it.

What are the forecasts

If the patient's age is not advanced, he does not have concomitant tumors or dangerous neoplasms in the brain, then the prognosis is usually good. The operation to remove excess fluid in the skull is not difficult, proceeds quickly and in 100% of cases ends in a complete recovery of the patient.

However, cases of relapses are known, the patient is forced to undergo a craniotomy several times during his life in order to once again get rid of the tumor. In such cases, the expediency of installing a permanent drainage system for the patient, which drains fluid from under the intracranial space, is considered. Such a device is called a hygro-peritoneal shunt.

Prevention measures

Causes of subdural hygroma
Causes of subdural hygroma

Since head injuries are considered the main cause of tumors and hygromas in the brain, it makes sense to protect it from blows as a preventive measure. To do this, in all cases of high probability of injury, wear protective helmets. This is riding a motorcycle or bicycle, and working at a construction site or in a mine. You need to protect your head in every possible way when practicing martial arts. There is protective ammunition for this, including for the head.

When driving a car, be sure to fasten your seat belt. And when crossing the street, do it only along the pedestrian "zebra". In winter, when there is a high chance of falling due to slippery ice,you need to wear special shoes that do not allow you to slip. Each person must protect his own head from blows and injuries. No one will do it for him.

Conclusion and conclusions

Subdural hygroma is a rather dangerous pathology that leads to various disorders associated with the functioning of the brain. However, with timely diagnosis and a number of medical measures, the prognosis is usually positive.
