The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common infection on planet Earth. It belongs to the papillomavirus family and includes more than 170 strains, that is, types.
Note! Statistics say that 90% of the world's population is infected with one or another strain of HPV.
It is the human papillomavirus that causes the appearance of benign tumors on the skin or mucous membranes - papillomas growing from squamous epithelium. Sometimes, however, they can be congenital or appear due to some chronic inflammatory irritation.

HPV affects not only women but also men. It all depends on the protective forces of a person, that is, on his immunity. Moreover, the disease may not appear immediately after infection, and its first signs can be seen only after a few months.
In the event that papilloma is observed on visible parts of the body, for example, on the neck or face, then its removal is more of a cosmetic nature. The formation of a wart on the mucous membrane, for example,larynx, can cause breathing or swallowing problems and cost a person's life.
How can you get HPV? What are the treatments for this disease? What is the prevention of this disease? How is the diagnosis carried out? Let's figure it out.
Characteristics of papilloma
The name of this growth comes from the Latin papillo, which translates as "nipple", and oma - all the names of tumors in Greek have this ending. HPV is formed as a result of the growth of cells of the mucous membrane or skin. Then there is the formation of small tumors on the stem, the color of which can vary from pinkish to light brown. The shape of the papilloma may be cone-shaped or the same along its entire length, convex or flat, oval or round.
Note! Sometimes, papilloma can grow and take on the appearance and shape of a cauliflower or a rooster's comb.
Transmission of the virus
How HPV is transmitted:
- Sexually, that is, anal, genital or oral-genital.
- In the process of childbirth from mother to baby. As a result, the baby may experience respiratory papillomatosis, that is, laryngeal, which is characterized by an infection in the oropharynx.
- Is it possible to catch HPV in the household? Of course you can. This method of infection is called contact-household, for example, through touch. Can you get HPV through kissing? Yes, especially if there are scratches or abrasions on the skin in the mouth. Through household items, infection also occurs if they are notdisinfected.
- Can I get HPV in a swimming pool? Yes, if sanitary standards are not observed. And not only in the pool, but also in the sauna, beauty salon, on the beach, in the bathhouse, in the toilet and in the gym.
- Self-infection or autoinoculation. It can occur when epilating or shaving.
Note! There are several ways of HPV infection, but remember: for the time being, the virus does not manifest itself in any way. It is activated only at the moment when your immune system is weakening.

Causes of disease
The main reasons for the development of pathology, as we said above, are two main points: the entry of the human papillomavirus into the mucous or surface layer of the epithelium, as well as weakened immunity. What can increase the chances of developing the disease? The chance of contracting HPV increases due to factors such as:
- constant use of strong drinks;
- pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
- smoking;
- recent illnesses such as influenza or SARS (shortly before HPV infection);
- systematic stressful situations.
Mechanism of HPV infection
Having hit the human skin, the virus quickly affects the squamous and transitional layers of the epithelium. Moreover, HPV can live in the body for quite a long time, without revealing itself in any way, since the reproduction of infectious agents is very inactive.
After that, under the influence of various factors, the rapid growth of structural elements occursmicroorganisms, which is the cause of the appearance of external manifestations in the form of the first warts. It is they who can move a person to go for a consultation with a doctor.
Note! The reproduction of the virus begins at the moment when the body's defenses are weakened. In other words, when the level of immunity is reduced.
What can significantly affect the development of HPV:
- hormonal failures;
- failure to follow simple rules of personal hygiene;
- abuse of strong drinks;
- abortions;
- promiscuous;
- overwork and stressful situations;
- starting sexual activity in adolescence;
- taking antibiotics for a long time;
- various severe pathologies, including HIV infection and diabetes mellitus;
- smoking.
Varieties of the virus
Before we tell you how you can get infected with HPV, let's look at the main types of the human virus, which today number about 70. Moreover, pundits did not philosophize for a long time, giving each pathogen a separate name. They simply assigned each individual microorganism its own serial number - 1st, 2nd, and so on up to 70.
Some of them pose a certain danger in terms of the fact that they can provoke the formation of malignant neoplasms. For example, numbers:
- 70, 61, 54, 44-42, 40, 11 and 6 - low cancer risk group;
- 66, 58, 53-51, 35, 33, 31 and 26 - mediumoncorisk;
- 68, 59, 56, 45, 39, 36, 18 and 16 have the highest oncogenic properties.
Important! Pathogens of the 16th and 18th types pose the greatest threat to women, as they are the cause of malignant tumors of the cervix. And strains such as the 6th or 11th are considered harmless to human he alth.

How women get HPV
According to statistics, it is the weaker sex that is most often susceptible to HPV infection. And this is despite the fact that there is a vaccine, the introduction of which can protect against this disease. How can you get HPV? Very simple - during intercourse through the rectum, vagina and oral mucosa. That is, infection with the human papillomavirus can occur not only in the process of classical intercourse between a man and a woman, but also during its anal version, and during oral sex.
The first time when the virus enters the tissues of the cervix (if we are talking about strain numbers 16 and 18), no pathological changes occur. And only a few years later, papillomas appear at the sites of HPV penetration into the superficial epithelial cells, which at first have a benign character.
They can be removed by a specialist without any complications. That is, the difficulty lies in the fact that the initial stage is completely asymptomatic and does not cause any concern in a woman. And only in the later stages does the transformation of cells from benign to malignant occur.
Classification of papillomas
BDepending on the form of papilloma, they are divided into:
- plantar;
- flat;
- plain or vulgar;
- spiky - they are also called warts;
- filamentous.
Plantary papillomas
Neoplasms of this type (in the classification, the numbers of these strains are 1, 2 and 4) can be observed on the feet from the outside (that is, on the sole). Initially, they look like shiny and whitish spots resembling corns. They then become more visible as they rise above the skin.
It is allowed to develop a mesh neoplasm resembling a mosaic around the main papilloma. The patient has a number of problems: it is difficult for him to move around, he constantly feels pain, and it is also difficult to find comfortable shoes.

Flat papillomas
For these neoplasms (strain numbers - 3 and 10), the characteristic features are reddening of the skin, itching and pain. They are oval in shape and slightly elongated. In color, flat papillomas differ little from skin tone, that is, they are even difficult to notice. After all, they protrude above the surface of the skin by only a few millimeters.
They most often occur in women on the cervix, although they can also appear on the face, lips and external genitalia. Moreover, if the gynecologist observes significant changes in the mucosal epithelium, then this indicates that the virus has been in the body for quite a long time, perhaps for several years.
Simple papillomas
These neoplasms, which are also called vulgar, it is not clear, however, why, they can be observed on the knees, palms and between the fingers. Moreover, having appeared once, they can be located in familiar places for a very long time without any changes.
Some experts believe that simple papillomas are exclusively benign. Others are of the opinion that over time they can degenerate into malignant.

Pointed neoplasms are observed on the mucous membrane and on the skin of the genitals, not only in women, but also in men. The reason for their formation are virus strains belonging to the group with low oncogenicity.
A distinctive feature of warts is that it has a leg, which allows the neoplasm to rise above the surface of the skin. Pointed papillomas are located in groups or one at a time. Most often, women can find them in the process of washing. It should be noted that itching is not included in the symptoms of HPV. Warts are difficult to treat and often recur in the form of mycoplasmosis or chlamydia.
Note! A patient with such growths, resembling cauliflower in appearance, may experience inconvenience not only of a physical nature, but also of a psychological one.
Filiform papillomas
This type of neoplasms (strain numbers - 2 and 7) is also called acrochords. Most often they are observed in people whose age has exceeded 50.papilloma has a thin stalk, turning into an elongated formation. Acrochords are very easy to injure as they are found in places such as the neck, armpits, chest, groin area and upper eyelid.

You already know how you can get HPV. Let's talk about the diagnosis of pathology. Manifestations of the human papillomavirus in women can be detected when examining the cervix and genitals by a gynecologist, during which the doctor performs a scraping for an oncocytological examination and a smear for the Digene test (we will discuss them in more detail below).
If HPV is detected, the specialist must examine the walls of the vagina, the entrance to it and the adjacent part of the cervix using a light and binoculars. In other words, performs a colposcopy procedure.
Sometimes, a biopsy may be necessary to clarify the diagnosis. This procedure is the collection of tissues or cells from the surface of the cervix for the purpose of their further histological examination.
And now about special testing methods in more detail:
- Polymerase chain reaction. Such an analysis helps to determine the presence or absence of DNA of a viral microorganism in almost any biological material. Also, using this method, you can establish the type of virus that provoked the pathology. The disadvantage of the method is a high probability of obtaining unreliable data during the study.
- Oncocytological analysis. Similar studyallows you to recognize cancer cells already at the initial stage of their development, when the pathology proceeds without any symptoms.
- Quantitative Digene test. To date, this diagnostic method is the most productive and highly accurate. Using it, you can determine both the presence of papillomatosis and the quantitative indicator of the virus. The higher it is, the greater the risk that the neoplasm is malignant.
Note! Testing helps to properly evaluate the results of therapeutic measures. Yes, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely cope with HPV, but the correct treatment can significantly reduce the activity of viral agents.
HPV treatments
You already know how HPV is transmitted. How to cure it is the question. Just do not try to get rid of neoplasms on your own, for example, tear off or remove with a thread. You can infect the wound or severely injure the skin at the location of the papilloma.
Can HPV be cured? The human papillomavirus is considered an incurable pathology, but already formed papillomas can be removed by a specialist in a completely safe way for he alth.
Why is it necessary to seek help exclusively from a medical institution? First, only a specialist can determine whether a tumor is benign or malignant. Secondly, in each individual case, adequate treatment will be selected. Thirdly, any procedures of this nature should be carried out by specialists.
How to treat HPV? Ways to treat papillomas:
- With helpsuch cauterizing drugs as Celandine or Solcoderm.
- Using ointments with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, such as Panavir, Aldara, Viferon or Vartek.
Note! The combined therapy regimen gives the best result. Although she cannot guarantee a 100% recovery. By the way, the cure for HPV is good, but sometimes the immune system itself can eliminate the “nasty” pathogen that prevents you from existing normally. Try to increase the defenses of your body. And do not forget about an active and he althy lifestyle.
How to treat HPV? Methods that are used to treat papillomas:
- Laser therapy.
- Cryosurgery.
- Electrocoagulation.

Folk remedies
Can HPV be cured with traditional medicine? In some cases it is possible. Just remember - good results can be achieved if medications are used in parallel with the use of traditional medicine. Here are some easy recipes:
- Every day we process papillomas with celandine juice. You can do this with a concentrate purchased at the pharmacy network, or you can use a fresh plant plucked in your garden. Important! Be extremely careful when applying juice to the neoplasm. Contact with he althy skin can cause them to burn.
- Lubricate papillomas with ammonia or apple juice (exclusively natural and freshly squeezed). Apply liquidwith a cotton swab exactly on the neoplasm.
- As a cure for HPV, you can use a decoction of horsetail, plantain leaf, rose hips, dandelion roots and lemon balm. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Then pour the resulting green mass (3 tablespoons) with hot water (800 ml), boil for 10 minutes, remove from heat, insist for 2 hours, filter and drink ½ cup three times a day.
- Another recipe. We mix in equal proportions hop cones, coltsfoot, yarrow, oregano and birch buds. Pour the resulting dry mixture (2 tablespoons) with boiling water (500 ml), insist (preferably in a thermos) for at least 5 hours, filter and take 100 ml 4 times a day before meals.
- Mix equal parts calendula, burnet root and immortelle. The resulting herbal mixture (2 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water (500 ml), insisted for one hour, filtered and consumed 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons each.
- We use eucalyptus or tea tree oil, which have an immunomodulatory and cauterizing effect. We apply them every day pointwise on neoplasms.
Note! We draw your attention to the fact that decoctions should be drunk for at least 2 weeks in a row. Then you should take a break for one month and again, if desired, repeat the course of herbal therapy. But remember: the total number of courses during the year should not exceed three.
Important! By doing the above procedures every day, you will be able to cope with papillomas in a short time. But, you know, if you don't see them -this does not mean that HPV is not present in your body.
In conclusion
How not to get HPV from a partner? Very simple:
- use protection, especially if it's casual sex;
- have one proven partner in sex - this, by the way, is the best option;
- keep a he althy and active lifestyle;
- keep your immune system up and running.