How to restore cartilage tissue in the joints? Preparations and nutrition for the restoration of cartilage tissue of the joints

How to restore cartilage tissue in the joints? Preparations and nutrition for the restoration of cartilage tissue of the joints
How to restore cartilage tissue in the joints? Preparations and nutrition for the restoration of cartilage tissue of the joints

Regardless of whether a person is engaged in some household chores or carries out professional activities, he can easily face injuries that lead to damage to the joints. As a rule, the areas of the wrists, the ankle, and the knee joint are injured. This type of injury often causes hemorrhage, swelling, and severe pain. If you start this state, then in this case there is a big risk of disrupting the work of other body systems and not returning to normal life.

knee pain
knee pain

Therefore, it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition in a timely manner, as well as to conduct specialized treatment. However, only a doctor can tell you exactly how to restore cartilage tissue in the joints. Only then can therapy begin.


Most often, tissue damage occurs against the background of age-related changes, as well as due to injuries (usually sports). In this case, people begin to experience quite severe pain in the affected area.area, it becomes more difficult for them to move their upper and lower limbs. If in such a situation a person is not provided with specialized assistance, then this can lead to even greater wear of the joints. Because of this, too much stress will be placed on the arms and legs. Without aids, cartilage tissue regeneration becomes impossible and a person runs the risk of getting more serious complications.

Among the additional reasons for the development of this pathology, it is worth highlighting:

  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Wrong diet.
  • Heredity.
  • Circulation problems.
  • Abuse of alcohol, fatty, s alty and spicy foods.
  • Lack of essential trace elements and vitamins due to malnutrition.
  • Strong physical activity, or, conversely, too little human activity.
  • Professional sports.
  • Autoimmune or infectious diseases.

Destruction of cartilage tissue can occur against the background of the fact that a person suffers from obesity. Also, hypothermia should not be allowed.

If we talk about who is more prone to cartilage problems, then, as a rule, they affect both men and women. In the fair sex, problems with peripheral joints are most often observed. It is very important to consult a specialist, diagnose and start appropriate therapy. The doctor will select drugs to restore the cartilage tissue of the joints. If necessary, he will also prescribe a course of physiotherapy or otherevents.

Recovery Features

First of all, it is worth saying that cartilage tissue is a rather fragile substance that can be easily damaged and harm the body. If a person distributes the load incorrectly or increases it, then this will only worsen his condition. That is why you should not self-medicate, but rather consult a specialist.

cartilage tissue
cartilage tissue

Speaking about how to restore cartilage tissue in the joints, you need to be prepared for the fact that this process will be lengthy. As a rule, first of all, a course of treatment with medicines is prescribed, which will help to quickly return a person to normal life. At the same time, the patient should review his diet and give up bad habits.

Without the use of special drugs to restore the cartilage tissue of the joints, it is almost impossible to return to normal. All medicines should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, who must take into account the patient's condition, age, body characteristics and other possible pathologies that the patient has previously coped with or is struggling with now.

As a rule, in order to restore normal cartilage tissue in the joints, it is necessary to take chondoprotectors. These funds will be most effective if a person seeks help at the initial stage of joint disease. If we are talking about an advanced form of the disease, then, speaking about whether it is possible to restore cartilage tissue in the joints in this case, the answer is most likelywill be negative. In such a situation, only surgery can help. With the help of drug therapy, such problems will be difficult to solve. Therefore, you should not reach the last and resort to more serious procedures.

Chondo protectors

Means based on these components help create new cartilage cells and provide nutrition to the damaged areas. At the same time, they improve the production of synovial fluid. As a rule, drugs of this type must be drunk in a course and in no case should it be interrupted. Even in that situation, if a person noted a significant improvement in his condition. In this case, there is a big risk that the full regeneration of cartilaginous tissues will not occur. If treatment is not completed, the chances of relapse are very high.

You need to understand that even if you take special pills that restore cartilage in the joints, this process will last quite a long time. If a person decides to interrupt the treatment, then the process of destruction will begin again in the affected area. This will lead to even more serious consequences.

Pills in hand
Pills in hand

As a rule, the course of treatment with the use of chondoprotectors is at least 6 months. In some situations, it may take more time, but it all depends on the condition of the person and the decision of the attending physician.

However, do not worry about the composition of these drugs. Almost all funds that fall into the categorychondroprotectors are made from natural substances. They have almost no contraindications and side effects. Even under the condition that a person will be treated for six months to a year, he will not cause harm to other body systems.

The first effect of taking these drugs is observed within a couple of months after regular use of medications. Gradually, cartilage begins to build up and slowly regenerates.

What tools to use

Speaking of drugs that help restore cartilage tissue cells, there are several means. However, the choice of one or another chondroprotector must be made by a doctor. It is also worth considering that these funds are quite expensive, so if you choose the wrong drug, there is a risk of wasting money.

Most often, experts recommend taking:

  • "Chondroxide". This drug helps not only restore cartilage, but is often used to prevent many diseases of the joints. The tool slows down the development of unpleasant pathologies, and also helps a person get rid of pain and discomfort.
  • "Alflutop". Injections of this chondoprotector allow you to regulate the metabolism that occurs in cartilage tissues. This drug is often used in diseases of the joints and spine.
  • "Artra". This remedy is sold in the form of tablets. The drug helps to regenerate cartilage tissue, and also stops the progress of other pathologies occurring in the joints.
Artra tablets
Artra tablets

"Don". This is a fairly effective drug that can be taken as a powder or used as a joint injection

It is worth noting that any chondroprotector contains glucosamine and chondroitin. The latter component helps to stimulate the anabolic process in the body, and also improves the synthesis of collagen and other essential components. It provokes the beginning of the production of intra-articular fluid. Additionally, chondroprotectors help relieve inflammation. Glucosamine is primarily responsible for this. It is also worth considering other drugs that will help to quickly cope with joint problems.


This drug is prescribed for those people who have ailments in the locomotor system. The funds are available in the form of oval capsules, which consist of glucosamine and hydrochloride. They also include sodium chondroitin sulfate. Thanks to "Teraflex" regenerative processes are provoked, which help to quickly create new cartilage tissues. This remedy relieves inflammation well, it quickly dissolves in the body and is absorbed into the intestines. However, this drug has some contraindications.

Teraflex should not be taken by those suffering from:

  • Asthma.
  • Allergies to one or another component of the drug.
  • Diabetes mellitus or kidney failure.

If we are talking about pregnant or lactating ladies, as well as children, then in this case it all depends on the stagedevelopment of pathology and from the decision of the doctor. If we talk about the side effect, then "Teraflex" is also not without flaws. Some people who take these components sometimes complain of nausea, diarrhea, dizziness and frequent drowsiness. Therefore, you should not take it without a doctor's recommendation.


This remedy is a glucosteroid drug, that is, a hormone that can affect metabolic processes in the human body. If we talk about its composition, then it includes betamethasone disodium, which is responsible for the rapid action of the drug. In addition, it contains dipropionate. Diprospan injections are considered the most effective. As a rule, injections of the agent are introduced into the periarticular tissues. However, sometimes they can be placed directly into the diseased joint.

Injection of the drug
Injection of the drug

Thanks to Diprospan injections, you can quickly relieve inflammation and get rid of pain. In this case, the agent is used in cases where it is necessary to carry out local treatment without affecting neighboring organs or tissues. However, this drug has quite extensive contraindications, so it is recommended to use it only after consulting a specialist.

The doctor may also prescribe corticosteroid joint injections or other drugs. However, it should be borne in mind that the patient must also make efforts for the recovery process to be successful.

Proper nutrition

It must be taken into account that in order toTo restore the functions of your body is not enough to take certain drugs. You also need to review your diet. There are a huge number of natural products that will help speed up the process of repairing damaged cartilage. Therefore, you need to include more in your diet:

  • lemons;
  • rosehip;
  • greenery;
  • eggs;
  • chicken meat;
  • olive oil;
  • cabbage;
  • garlic;
  • salmon and red pepper.

Currants and plums also have a positive effect.

Speaking about how to restore cartilage tissue in the joints, you should pay attention to the fact that you need to give preference to food, which includes the largest amount of vitamins, trace elements and other useful components.

Eat products preferably boiled or steamed. Fatty and fried foods, on the contrary, will only worsen the condition of the vessels. You also need to give up fast food and exclude carbonated drinks from your diet.

Additionally, you can try traditional medicine recipes.


With the help of this plant, you can prepare a healing solution. It helps to improve the process of cartilage tissue repair. It also has a positive effect on metabolic processes and blood circulation. Thanks to this, nutrients and medicines are delivered to the required area much faster.

sore joint
sore joint

To prepare such an infusion, pour one liter of alcohol300 grams of chestnut fruit and 100 g of its flowers. The resulting liquid is removed in a dark place for a week. After that, the finished solution can be rubbed into the affected area.

Fir oil

If you use it together with s alt, you can get a very effective tool that will help restore cartilage tissue. In order to prepare such a medicine in a small container, you need to pour 10 milliliters of fir oil and heat it up a little. The natural fabric is wetted with the resulting liquid and everything is sprinkled on top with a small amount of s alt. Such a compress must be periodically applied to the sore spot, tied with polyethylene and covered with a warm scarf or any other woolen cloth on top. Procedures are performed throughout the week.


The leaves of this plant must be washed, dried and crushed. To prepare the tincture, you need 100 grams of the resulting powder, which must be poured with 600 ml of alcohol. After that, the composition is removed in a dark place for 21 days. The liquid must be used to rub into the affected area.


Considering how to restore cartilage tissue in the joints, it is also worth paying attention to the fact that it is very important for a person to receive the necessary amount of useful trace elements. Therefore, it is worth considering some vitamins that contribute to the rapid restoration of cartilage tissue. These include:

  • Vitamin E. This component is a natural antioxidant that prevents the breakdown of cartilage tissue. Due to this, the bonds are strengthened. If you use vitamin E in the required dosage, then in this case you can quickly get rid of pain and even cramps in the legs.
  • Vitamin C. It also belongs to the group of antioxidants that stimulate the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for the production of bone and cartilage tissue.
  • Vitamin B12. Participates in metabolic processes and is responsible for tissue regeneration. Its reception has a positive effect on the joints and ligaments. Most of this vitamin is found in fish, egg yolks, hard cheese and milk.
Joint problems
Joint problems
  • Vitamin D. Responsible for the absorption of calcium in the body. As you know, this mineral is very important for the proper formation of bones and joints. Most vitamin D is found in cottage cheese, cheese, butter and vegetable oils.
  • Beta-carotene. Also, this component is commonly called provitamin A. Thanks to beta-carotene, ligaments and cells of articular tissues are protected.
  • Vitamin F. This component has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which it is possible to remove puffiness. Most of this substance is found in some types of fish, for example, in herring or mackerel. It is also worth consuming as much olive oil as possible.
  • Calcium. This component is the best for strengthening bones. Therefore, people with cartilage problems are advised to consume as much fermented milk products as possible.
  • Phosphorus. If this mineral enters the body together with calcium, then its effect is greatly enhanced.
  • Manganese. This substance is necessary for the normal functioning of bone and cartilage tissues. To get manganese in its natural form, it is recommended to eat more nuts, apricots, liver, cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, cucumbers, potatoes, grapes and other natural products.
  • Magnesium. If you take this component along with vitamin D, it will help retain calcium in the bones. Magnesium is essential for those suffering from osteoporosis. Most of all it can be obtained from raisins, buckwheat, prunes, apricots and green vegetables.

However, it should be borne in mind that there should not be too many vitamins in the body either, this can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, even before taking them, you should consult your doctor.
