Any person at least once in his life faced with an inflammatory process in the stomach. This pathology is accompanied by various symptoms. A common sign of stomach dysfunction is stool retention. Constipation with gastritis is a problem that causes great inconvenience to patients. What can cause such a symptom and how to deal with it? This is described in the article.
Can it occur with gastritis?
Stool retention occurs in many pathologies of the digestive system. It is expressed in the absence of bowel movements for two or more days. This phenomenon is accompanied by discomfort in the abdominal cavity, a feeling of tension.

Can there be constipation with gastritis? This question worries many patients with a similar disorder, because the pathology is chronic. Stool retention is often observed in people with this disease, it occurs with both increased and decreased acidity. Existseveral ways to get rid of this symptom, however, the choice of treatment methods should depend on the cause that caused constipation in gastritis. The factors contributing to its occurrence are described in the following sections.
How does constipation occur?
Pathological processes occurring in the stomach affect the activity of the intestine. Therefore, the frequency of bowel movements and the appearance of feces (shape, color) may change. Constipation with gastritis is one of the frequent manifestations of dysfunction of the digestive tract. If the cause of the pathology is not determined, the treatment of stool retention with medication will be ineffective. When the stomach malfunctions, insufficiently processed food enters the intestines. It is difficult for this body to digest it completely. Therefore, there is a delay in defecation. In chronic gastritis, constipation can occur if the patient neglects the doctor's recommendations, does not take medication on time and does not adhere to the correct diet.
Foods that can lead to broken stools
One of the causes of this symptom is the abuse of the following types of food:
- Wheat bread, pastry.
- Rice groats, potatoes.
- Products containing chocolate and cocoa bean powder.
- Desserts.
- Fruits and berries with astringent properties.
In addition, difficulties with the bowel movement often occur with excessive use of strong black coffee, tea, hot chocolate.
Other factors
There are several other reasons that maycause constipation in gastritis. These include:
- Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).
- Emotional overstrain.
- Starvation diets.
- Taking certain medications (depressants, anti-spasm medications, diuretics).
- Overeating.

Sometimes stool retention is one of the first symptoms indicating the development of the disease. Patients are in no hurry to consult a doctor, believing that the ailment is caused by stress and will soon pass by itself. However, this kind of problem requires careful attention to your he alth.
Stool retention for different types of gastritis
There are several types of this pathology of the stomach.

In advanced cases and in the absence of adequate treatment, it can lead to deformation of the organ. Constipation in atrophic gastritis, the most severe form of the disease, is quite common. The gastric mucosa in patients with this diagnosis is constantly irritated. This condition is dangerous, and it is very difficult to cure it. People with atrophic gastritis do not experience constant discomfort, however, during the period of exacerbation, unpleasant sensations appear. The disease is characterized by symptoms such as heartburn, bubbling in the abdomen, a burning sensation in the upper part of the peritoneum, malfunctioning of the intestines and bouts of vomiting. With increased acidity of gastric juice, the symptoms are about the same. Stool retention occurs as a result of exposure to adversefactors. It can be emotional stress, smoking, fasting, excessive consumption of food or alcohol, diet violations. Ignoring the doctor's prescriptions leads to dangerous consequences, for example, to the formation of ulcers in the digestive tract. In medical practice, there is often a mixed gastritis with constipation, which alternates with diarrhea. A similar combination is also observed in patients with an atrophic form of pathology.
The disease is often accompanied by disorders of the intestines. This explains the discomfort and feeling of incomplete emptying after a bowel movement.
Should I use laxatives?
Stool retention does not bother the patient all the time, but when exacerbated, it becomes a serious problem. A person cannot go to the toilet for 3 days, and this forces him to use medication or an enema.

However, such methods can only improve the situation for a short period of time. Then the patient's condition worsens, and constipation alternates with diarrhea. To cope with the problem, you must first identify its cause, adjust the diet and lifestyle. Means with a laxative effect should be used only as a last resort. To eliminate the ailment, special medicines are needed. For example, constipation with gastritis with high acidity disappears only after the use of funds designed to combat the disease itself. These are antibiotics, antacids. Washing the intestines with enemas provokes dehydration and removes beneficial microorganisms, so the usethis method is undesirable.
Food to Avoid
Stool retention is often caused by the wrong diet. Foods that contain little fiber adversely affect the functioning of the digestive tract. Therefore, experts recommend that patients limit the consumption of rice cereals, potatoes, bread made from wheat flour. It is necessary to limit desserts, fatty foods from meat, milk and fish. Some fruits and berries (pears, quince, bird cherry) also contribute to stool retention.
Principles of dietary nutrition
The diet should be based on the needs of the patient's body and the characteristics of the digestive tract.

A large amount of fiber helps the intestines work better, cleanses it of toxins. It is useful to add a little butter to the dishes. Walnuts also have a beneficial effect on the digestion process. You need to eat often (at least 3 times a day), but in small portions. Snacks should be avoided. Patients need to drink enough water (approximately 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight). Experts advise drinking every half an hour in small portions. In addition, compotes, decoctions of chamomile, berry fruit drinks should be included in the diet. Food and liquid should not be too warm or too cold.
What foods should I eat?
If constipation occurs with gastritis, what should I do to eliminate the symptom? First of all, you need to strictly adhere to the rules of nutrition. The defecation process is able to establish the following products:
- Kefir, yogurt, curdled milk. Athigh acidity, you should choose products with a sweet, not sour taste.
- Vegetables boiled or steamed (potatoes, carrots, beets).
- Bran and coarse flour products.
- Buckwheat, oatmeal or barley porridge with a small amount of butter.
- Fruits and berries. Preference should be given to apples, peaches, apricots, plums, black currants.
- Fresh greens (dill, parsley, celery stalks).

Folk Therapy
If constipation occurs with gastritis, how to treat it with herbal remedies? There are several methods. For example, the use of plantain leaves or blueberries, buckthorn bark in the form of decoctions. Fennel, lemon balm and mint teas help eliminate discomfort in the intestinal area.

To cope with stool retention, carrot juice, rhubarb drink should be included in the diet. Useful are flax seeds, which are pre-boiled or infused for half an hour. The product is used with water or jam. Then it will be most effective. Honey is also used to combat constipation. This product should be combined with water and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. However, the use of such a remedy is permissible only in the absence of individual intolerance. Patients with high acidity are recommended to include bananas in the diet, with low acidity - sauerkraut juice. Berries and fruits are best consumed before meals. Can cookof which mousses, purees, smoothies with yogurt.
Other recommendations
It should be remembered that physical inactivity increases the risk of constipation in gastritis. Therefore, patients with this diagnosis should regularly exercise, swim or run. Physical activity should be moderate. If stool retention bothers a person for more than 3 days, and proper nutrition does not improve well-being, it is necessary to take a small dose of castor oil. The tool not only helps to facilitate the process of defecation, but also prevents the formation of cracks. There are also several drugs with a laxative effect (Slabilen, Microlax, Duphalac, Regulax). However, medications should only be taken as prescribed by the doctor. It is highly undesirable to exceed the recommended amount of the drug.
If you have a chronic form of gastritis, which is accompanied by stool retention, you should not try to solve the problem yourself. It is necessary to consult with a specialist and undergo examinations.

The doctor prescribes therapy to the patient, and also provides recommendations on the correct diet, which must be strictly followed. Constipation is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. It is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, therefore, in order to cope with the problem, it is necessary to identify its cause as soon as possible.