The inflection in the body of the gallbladder is an anomaly in the structure of this organ, in which its deformation occurs. Against this background, there is a change in the correct shape of the bubble, which should be pear-shaped. In addition, its functioning is disrupted, bile stasis occurs, which can lead to complications.
Symptoms and varieties will differ depending on the etiological factors of the pathology. The main signal is pain and discomfort under the ribs on the right, an unpleasant aftertaste in the oral cavity. Therapeutic tactics for a bend in the body of the gallbladder is directly determined by the location of the bend of the organ.

Such a pathology of the gallbladder as an inflection does not depend on age and is often diagnosed in children. In this case, they speak of a congenital, or primary inflection of the gallbladder. The following circumstances may contribute to its appearance in a child:
- uncontrolled use by a woman withpregnancy medication during the first trimester;
- leading an unhe althy lifestyle while carrying a baby, including drinking alcohol and smoking;
- a woman has chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or liver;
- infectious or viral diseases during pregnancy;
- unfavorable working or living conditions for a pregnant woman.
In adult patients, a kink in the body of the gallbladder occurs due to the following reasons:
- malnutrition, which is dominated by spicy and fatty foods;
- the first point can also be attributed to the observance of too strict diets, prolonged voluntary refusal of food, lack of regimen. That is why the conservative treatment of pathology is based on the implementation of recommendations on the correct diet;
- metabolic disorder;
- the patient has a certain stage of obesity;
- pathologies such as cholecystitis or gastrointestinal tract, as well as other diseases of the liver, pancreas and duodenum;
- previous serious food poisoning;
- lifting weights when a person is not physically prepared;
- lack of physical activity, which can be caused by a sedentary work environment or a lifestyle that requires a person to stand or sit for long periods;
- indiscriminate drug use;
- increase in the size of the right kidney;
- drastic weight loss of the patient;
- liver injury;
- surgical manipulations on the digestive tract.
The time of pregnancy is another reason, because this period is characterized by squeezing and displacement of internal organs, in particular, the gallbladder. This is due to the constant enlargement of the uterus and the growth of the fetus in the woman's womb.

Due to the fact that there are several departments in the gallbladder, deformation of any of them may occur. For example, stand out:
- Bend in the area of the neck of this organ.
- Kinking of the gallbladder in the body area - this and the above pathological form are the most common.
- Bile duct kink.
- Deformation of the bottom of the gallbladder.
One of the most dangerous options for the placement of an anomaly is the zone of inflection of the neck and body of the gallbladder. The disease according to the etiological factor can be: congenital, that is, it is formed during the development of the fetus in the womb; acquired - differs in the impact of one or more of the causes indicated above, is clearly manifested clinically.
Other shapes
In addition, there are several more forms of this disease:
- labile inflection of the bubble - differs in that it is able to change its location;
- the inflection of the bubble is fixed - its difference from the previous one is that it is fixed in a specific area and remains motionless;
- flexion of the gallbladder is functional - does not pose a threat to human life and does not cause complications. It happens because he disappearsindependently when a person changes position.

Symptoms of congenital inflection
Congenital kink in the body of the gallbladder in a child in most cases occurs without any clinical symptoms and does not cause discomfort as they grow older. Often, it becomes an unexpected finding during an ultrasound scan, which is prescribed for prophylactic purposes or to determine a completely different disease. But in some situations, the following signs of gallbladder deformity in infants may appear:
- periodic and at the same time a strong increase in the volume of the abdomen;
- frequent regurgitation;
- Baby's anxiety when feeding.
Such symptoms of inflection of the body of the gallbladder are also observed in cases where the baby is gradually introduced complementary foods. Sometimes (very rarely) there may be signs of congenital inflection in preschool age in children. These symptoms include:
- feeling nauseous after eating junk food or in the morning;
- discomfort in the right hypochondrium;
- vomiting that brings baby relief;
- bloating - occurs after eating;
- child's aversion to fatty foods;
- bitter taste in mouth;
- yellowish coating that appears on the tongue.
Acquired Kink
Acquired inflection of the gallbladder in the area of the body will have some difference in clinical manifestations. When deformedbile duct will thus be observed:
- severe pain in the area of the affected organ;
- constant bouts of nausea, often ending in vomiting;
- frequent heartbeats.
When a deformation occurs between the body and the bottom of the bladder, the symptoms will be as follows: intense pain in the chest area; dyspeptic symptoms; irradiation of pain in the area of the right hypochondrium, collarbone and shoulder blade.

Neck bend
The inflection of the neck of the gallbladder has the same symptoms: a pronounced syndrome of pain under the ribs on the right side and in the shoulder blades; the appearance of a yellowish tint in the mucous membranes and skin cover; increase in body temperature. Similar symptoms may also indicate deformation in the area of the body of the gallbladder. Regardless of the location of the inflection, there is a violation of the stool, an increase in the volume of the abdomen, belching and heartburn, bad breath, bitterness in the mouth, yellow coating on the tongue, and no appetite. If one or more signs of pathology appear, you need to go to a gastroenterologist as soon as possible, who will provide qualified assistance and help prevent various complications in the body.
How is the shape of the inflection of the body of the gallbladder detected?
Determination of the correct diagnosis and the location of the deformity of the organ is based on instrumental examinations of a person. However, before implementing them, it will be necessary to implement otherdiagnostic methods.
Primary diagnosis is performed by a clinician only and is aimed at:
- detailed interview of the patient or his parents, which is required to establish the time of the first appearance of symptoms and their severity;
- acquaintance with the patient's life history and medical history, which is necessary to determine the cause of the inflection;
- Physical examination, which necessarily includes palpation of the surface of the abdominal anterior wall, especially with a focus on the area of the right hypochondrium, examination of the condition of the sclera and skin, temperature measurement.
Regarding laboratory tests of feces, urine and blood, it must be said that their diagnostic significance is absent in this case. Nevertheless, they are carried out to refute or confirm the presence of complications. Among the diagnostic instrumental methods, ultrasound is distinguished, which has several stages: the first - the procedure is carried out on an empty stomach; the second - ultrasound is performed half an hour after taking a choleretic breakfast. In addition to foods that increase bile production, drugs with the same effect can also be used. Congenital pathologies will not show any changes, but if the disease is acquired, there is a decrease in the size of the inflamed organ.
Medication treatment
For the treatment of children with deformation of the gallbladder with an inflection in the body, the following drugs are mainly prescribed:
- sedatives, that is, sedatives (motherwort, valerian);
- bile-forming –stimulate the formation of bile ("Allohol", "Tsikvalon");
- choleretic - contribute to easier bile excretion ("Mannitol", "Hofitol");
- antispasmodic - eliminate pain and stomach cramps ("Papaverine", "No-Shpa").

With the development of the inflammatory process in case of inflection, antibacterial agents are prescribed. They are used in the course. It cannot be increased or interrupted independently. Antibiotics are drunk along with drugs that help normalize the intestinal microflora, since antibacterial agents have a negative effect on the digestive system.
When choosing a drug for an inflection in the body of the gallbladder, you need to take into account the age of the patient. It is strictly forbidden to treat children without consulting a doctor.
Popular medicines for adult patients:
- "Gepabene" - has a gentle choleretic and analgesic effect.
- "Ursofalk" - helps to restore the correct bile outflow, splitting stones, stimulating the activity of the gallbladder.
- "Flamin" - tones the internal organs, reduces pain and eliminates the process of inflammation.
- "Nicodin" - has an anti-inflammatory effect and improves bile secretion.
What else does the treatment of a kink in the body of the gallbladder involve?
Additional treatments
The specialist can prescribe additional therapeutic exercises to the patient. It has already been pointed out above that the great importance in the eliminationsuch a pathology has a sparing diet. With an inflection of the gallbladder, the diet assumes the absence of the menu: s alted, spicy and fatty foods; offal and rich broths; legumes and smoked meats; canned food and marinades; confectionery and pastries; dairy products that contain too high a percentage of fat; animal fats and fungi; hot sauces and spices; honey, chocolate and other sweets; dried fruits and citrus fruits; carbonated drinks; black tea and strong coffee.
At the same time, the human body will receive the microelements and vitamins it needs from seafood; dietary types of fish, poultry and meat, pasta, low-fat dairy products, vegetarian soups, cooked fruits and vegetables, compotes and jelly, green tea and jelly.

Among other things, for patients whose gallbladder is deformed by a kink in the body, it is advisable to eat food fractionally and often, control the temperature of food, cook food by stewing, boiling, baking and steaming. At the heart of the diet is the table at number five. Regarding the intricacies of nutrition, all recommendations are given by a nutritionist or gastroenterologist. Alternative medicine can achieve excellent results, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting such treatment.
Useful plants
Useful properties are: tansy and dandelion; immortelle and St. John's wort; avran and corn stigmas; calendula and calamus root; gentian andbarberry; chamomile and rosehip; valerian and mint; artichoke and rhubarb; centaury and coriander. Surgical intervention with the appearance of an inflection of the gallbladder is resorted to in very rare cases, only if the blood supply to the organ has been disturbed or when its wall has been perforated. Surgical treatment aims to excise the gallbladder.
To prevent pathologies associated with the bending of the organ, a number of the following recommendations must be observed:
- lead a moderately active and he althy lifestyle, especially during pregnancy;
- eat right and build your diet for recovery;
- bring weight back to normal;
- if possible, avoid strong physical exertion and stress;
- timely eliminate those diseases that can cause deformation of the gallbladder;
- to be examined by a gastroenterologist several times during the year.

The prognosis of congenital inflection of the bladder is most often favorable. With an acquired disease, it is noticeably reduced, since there is a high probability of developing complications in the body.
We looked at the symptoms and treatment of gallbladder kink.