In the article, we will consider how long burns of the 2nd degree heal.
A burn is an injury to soft tissue that occurs due to the action of heat and chemicals. Burn wounds occur with varying degrees of severity, they are characterized by depth, and, in addition, by the area of the lesion. The duration of the recovery processes, methods and methods of therapy depend on the severity of the wounds received and the cause that caused them. In total, four stages of burns are distinguished in medicine, each of which is characterized by the depth of tissue damage.

The lightest burns are 1st and 2nd degree burns, which, against the background of minimal attention from a person, can pass for three days without leaving any traces. Severe forms include the third and fourth, with such injuries, therapy is carried out exclusively within the hospital, which will require a long recovery period. This article focuses on second-degree burns, which arethe most common, they can be obtained in everyday life.
So, let's figure out how long it takes for 2nd degree burns to heal.
Key Features
Based on generally accepted medical concepts, a burn is a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes, which appears as a result of unnatural contact with high temperature or certain chemical components.
The second degree burn is characterized by damage not only to the upper layer of the skin (epidermis), but also to the dermis. This may lead to a violation of capillary permeability. In addition, nerve endings are also affected. Visually, burns of 1 and 2 degrees can be determined by the following symptoms:
- The contact area turns red and inflamed.
- Pain present, aggravated by touch. Burning pain can last for about three days.
- The occurrence of puffiness with a 2nd degree burn and blisters with liquid internal contents.

Causes of second degree burns and its varieties
The main criterion for determining the type of burns is the type of source, the unnatural effect of which on the skin, provokes its damage. As a rule, the skin suffers from contact with high temperatures from fire, due to interaction with heated objects, liquids, steam, and also from the aggressive effect of chemical components or radiation on the tissue. There are such types:
- Getting a thermal burn.
- Chemical burn.
- Ray damage thoughthe second degree of this type is rare and only in fair-skinned people.
- Electrical type resulting from exposure to lightning or current. Similar physical phenomena during contact with the body form the entry point for the discharge and its subsequent exit. It is in these places that the burn appears.
In children under three years of age, burns are often caused by scalding with boiling water or touching hot objects. Mostly the hands are affected. And this is a particularly painful injury, since many nerve receptors are collected on the palms and fingers. Also, legs with feet often suffer from thermal burns. These parts of the body can take a hit from fire, boiling water and hot appliances. 2nd degree burns can be seen in the photo.
In addition, it is worth highlighting second-degree burns in the face area. Their causes are the ingress of steam, boiling water, or chemical components, and, in addition, cosmetic procedures for cleaning the face using preparations containing phenol. It is possible to damage the skin of the face after using iodine, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate and other aggressive substances if the correct concentration is not followed along with safety precautions.
The most severe second-degree burns are damage to the eyes and esophagus. Eyes suffer as a result of improper handling of chemical elements, flammable liquids, exploding structures, and the like. A burn of the esophagus involves damage to the mucous and muscle tissue. Such injuries occur due to exposure to chemicals.

Performing visual and medical diagnostics
The first minutes after the injury, the condition of the damaged surfaces can suggest the severity of the injury. The first thing doctors pay attention to is blisters. Their presence indicates the presence of the second degree. In the event that the burn is extensive, then to diagnose it, you should contact a medical institution, in which the combustiologist, based on the clinical picture (the area of the lesion, the presence of swelling and soreness), will determine the degree. In addition, if there are opened blisters, the doctor will be able to prevent the development of infection.
The situation is more complicated with internal burns. To establish how much the respiratory organs or esophagus have suffered, an x-ray is required along with a detailed analysis of blood and urine. And then, based on the results, they make a conclusion about the nature of the burn of the internal organs and prescribe the appropriate therapy.
What help do you need for 2nd degree burns?
How is first aid given?
It is important to understand that a lot depends on the qualified first aid provided. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the depth of the burn, and, in addition, to the level of pain and the duration of the recovery period, and, of course, to the absence or presence of a scar on the skin. Therefore, it is required to clearly know what can be done after a 2nd degree burn, and what is strictly prohibited. And so, to provide first aid to a person who has suffered from second-degree burns, it is necessary as follows:

- The burnt surface must be immediately removed from clothing and the source of injury.
- The affected area of the body is immediately placed in cold water, preferably under running water, but the jet is not directed directly to the wound. In the event that this is not possible, then a container with cold water can be used for cooling. Due to the cold, a decrease in skin temperature is achieved, which prevents its damage in depth. In addition, the pain effect is reduced due to the fact that blood vessels constrict under the influence of low temperature. A cold procedure as part of first aid should last at least twenty minutes, but maybe longer - about an hour, that is, until the moment when the injured person begins to feel a slight numbness.
- The next step is to wash the wound with an alcohol-free antiseptic solution, for example, Chlorhexidine or Furacilin will do.
- Applying a sterile gauze bandage to damaged skin.
- In case of severe pain, it is recommended to take painkillers in the form of tablets or injections.
For second degree burns prohibited:
- Tear off the skin tissue from the wound, it must be carefully trimmed around the perimeter with scissors.
- Using brilliant green or iodine.
- The use of fat-containing components and natural products (in the form of oil, fat, sour cream).
- Self-opening of blisters, only a doctor can do this, subject to special sterileconditions.
Healing at home
How long 2nd degree burns take to heal is interesting to many.
Immediately after first aid, the patient should be shown to the doctor, who will prescribe the appropriate therapy. As a rule, in the presence of non-extensive second-degree burns, therapy is carried out at home, subject to the obligatory observance of the basic recommendations and rules received from the doctor. True, internal burns are treated only in medical institutions.

How to treat 2nd degree burns at home?
Adequate treatment will significantly reduce the healing time of wounds. To date, the pharmaceutical industry has a wide range of local and general anti-burn drugs. However, self-administration of drugs is not always justified. Since each of the remedies has its own contraindications and indications, it is therefore better to use those medicines that are prescribed by a doctor.
In the treatment of second-degree burns, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs are of great importance. Antiseptics treat wounds on the first day of injury. Most often used "Miramistin" with "Chlorhexidine". To relieve inflammation and prevent the development of purulent processes, ointments "Levomekol", "Syntomycin", "Furacilin", "Gentamicin" and others are used. In addition, various ointments that contain panthenol are popular. They have a high moisturizing and healingeffect.
Panthenol spray is especially popular among doctors and patients. It is very convenient to use, moreover, it has established itself as an effective remedy in the treatment of burns. In the treatment of burns, antihistamines are also prescribed. They can relieve swelling, removing itchy skin. Most often, it is recommended to drink Suprastin or Claritin tablets.

In case of severe pain, you can drink any painkillers, and if necessary, the doctor can prescribe injections. In order to enhance the processes of regeneration and production of collagen, you need to drink vitamins. In addition, it is recommended to keep a balanced diet. After all, the body needs the strength to recover.
How long 2nd degree burns take to heal depends on how well they are handled.
How should blisters be treated?
With a second-degree burn, the manifestation of blisters, unfortunately, is inevitable. They must be handled very carefully. At the same time, it is important to try to carry out any manipulations in such a way as not to damage their integrity.
In the event that the blisters are small, then, provided that the burn is properly treated with the help of special tools, they pass on their own. But it also happens that the blisters merge into one, forming large bubbles, inside which a cloudy liquid collects. They must be opened, but only a doctor can do this correctly, observing special sterile conditions.
When blisterstear themselves, the opened surface must be treated with antiseptic solutions, and the shell must be cut off with pre-sterilized scissors. In the event that for some reason an inflammatory process occurs in the burn wound and suppuration begins, then the doctor should be contacted immediately. Under such circumstances, additional treatment with antibiotics may be required.
In inflammatory processes, the victim has a fever, chills and weakness. The danger of such a state is that if the action is not timely, the purulent process is very dangerous and can even lead to death.

2nd degree burn on child
The principle of action in the presence of such a burn in babies is identical to helping adults. The only difference is in the dosage and concentration of drugs. In addition, there are psychological difficulties in providing first aid and subsequent treatment. Since children are emotionally sensitive, they react strongly to pain, and the presence of unsightly blisters can cause additional stress for them. Therefore, the behavior of parents should be careful, and at the same time correct. After first aid, the child is shown to the doctor, who will prescribe the necessary medicines. It is not recommended to self-medicate with burns with boiling water of the 2nd degree, and even more so to use folk methods.
How long does a second degree burn take to heal?
Second-degree burns not complicated by an infectious process, as a rule,heal within fourteen days. In the event that any complications arise, then the recovery processes are naturally delayed.
Healing stages
Official medicine distinguishes three stages of thermal burns of the 2nd degree. The first is considered purulent-necrotic, against its background, the damaged tissue is rejected along with the formation of blisters. At this stage, regular antiseptic treatment of the wound and therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs are carried out. With proper treatment, this stage can smoothly move into the second (granulation stage). It is characterized by the disappearance of blisters and inflammations. At this stage, tissue recovery is observed in patients, so the burn area continues to be treated with wound healing ointments. The third stage involves the process of epithelialization. The burn is healed with new skin. This stage is characterized by full recovery.
It is important to understand that properly selected medical products, and, in addition, timely treatment of a burn wound with antiseptic solutions several times reduce the period of healing and restoration of the skin.
We looked at how a 2nd degree burn heals.