Unfortunately, many women know firsthand about such a formidable disease as endometriosis. In addition to the fact that this disease causes physical suffering, it can cause infertility. As you know, most women who dream of motherhood are ready to experience all the methods of treatment, including folk ones.
In this article we will tell you about this disease, find out which herbs for endometriosis can help overcome the disease, what doctors and patients think about such treatment.
What is endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a pathological change in the pelvic area. The endometrium grows and extends beyond the uterus. As a result, the cervix and ovaries are affected. In addition, foci of pathology penetrate the abdominal cavity, having a negative effect on the intestines.

Symptoms of disease
Endometriosis is manifested by rather vivid symptoms, which are impossible not to notice. If you find one of the signs below, do not hesitate to visit a gynecologist. To themrefer to:
- spotting, bleeding that does not stop after menstruation;
- pain during sexual contact;
- increasing pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation;
- decreased immunity;
- menstrual irregularities.
Causes of endometriosis
The most common causes of the disease include: trauma to the uterus after childbirth, abortion, hormonal disruptions, the use of an intrauterine device. In addition, doctors trace the genetic predisposition to endometriosis, long debilitating diets (uncontrolled by a nutritionist). They exhaust the body of a woman, however, as well as stress.
We have already said that this disease, with untimely treatment, leads to infertility, severe pathologies in the uterus, dangerous complications that require surgical intervention. After the diagnosis is established, the doctor prescribes medications. However, hormonal drugs often cause unwanted side effects, so many women prefer to use alternative methods. By the way, representatives of traditional medicine believe that the treatment of endometriosis with herbs is very effective. But they warn that such a result can be achieved only if the patient does not self-medicate, does not collect recipes from her friends, but receives prescriptions from a herbalist.

Treatment of endometriosis with herbs. What to stock up on
A serious disease requiring long-term treatment is endometriosis. What herbs to drink to defeat the disease? All medicinal plants used in the treatment of this disease are divided into two groups.
- coltsfoot;
- chamomile;
- calendula;
- celandine;
- St. John's wort.
- round-leaved wintergreen;
- upland uterus;
- red brush;
- burnet.
Propolis is often used in treatment, there are recommendations for the use of leeches. Below we present you a list of the most effective herbs for endometriosis.

Upland uterus
This herb is present in most prescriptions for the treatment of this disease. The flowers and leaves of the plant are used. It is desirable to purchase the medicinal composition in a pharmacy in free packaging. Can be brewed and ingested, used for baths and douching. Often, the upland uterus is used as oil infusions, with the help of which tampons are made at night.
Upland queen can be used alone or in combination with other medicinal herbs.

Gyrsanka rotundifolia
With endometriosis of the uterus, herbs are often combined and brewed at the same time. Round-leaved wintergreen is best combined with a boron uterus. The components are combined in equal proportions and brewed in a steam bath at the rate of: a spoonful of raw materials (tablespoon) per 0.5 liters of boiling water. The portion prepared in this way is divided into three parts and drunk throughout the day.
Effectively stops internal bleeding, increases blood viscosity and clotting. Contraindicated in women with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and other vascular problems. Burnet will quickly stop even very heavy bleeding, which is characteristic of endometriosis.
The herb is used in severe stages of the disease, during menstruation, when the patient's condition noticeably worsens. This herb, rather, has a symptomatic effect, although it has a rather successful effect on endometrial atrophy. The broth is prepared in a water bath, in the proportion of one spoon (tea) per 100 ml of water.

You can treat endometriosis with herbs using the well-known chamomile. A decoction of this unique plant is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, even the most common tea from its flowers greatly alleviates the patient's condition. Chamomile almost never causes allergic reactions or individual intolerance. This plant is suitable for taking therapeutic baths, douches, tampons.
More recipes
- Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of viburnum flowers, simmer for no more than 10 minutes and take 50 ml three times a day.
- A tablespoon of St. John's wort pour 250 ml of boiling water. Place the container in a water bath for 10 minutes. Strain and take a glass thrice daily.
- Crush the barberry root, which should be infused in boiling water (0.5 l). Take several sips duringdays.
Different herbs in the complex give excellent results, and there are quite a few fees. We will present some of them to your attention.
Collection 1
You will need: raspberry flowers, mint leaves, chamomile, yarrow, nettle - one spoon (tablespoon), sage and marshmallow - two each. The ingredients are mixed and poured with two liters of boiling water. The decoction is taken in a glass half an hour before meals four times a day for fifteen days. The remaining decoction should be used for douching.
After two weeks of treatment, it is necessary to take a ten-day break and repeat the course.

Collection 2
Some herbs for endometriosis are very effective for douching. For a liter of boiling water, take a tablespoon of dry celandine and three - kirkazon herbs. When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, it should be filtered and do 10 douches - two per day. According to patients, this method of treating endometriosis is very effective.
Collection 3
The next collection also proved to be quite good. Pour horsetail and wormwood - two tablespoons each - 0.5 liters of boiling water. The infusion is taken orally half a glass half an hour before meals.
Collection 4
Many patients believe (and doctors agree with them) that herbal preparations for endometriosis are much more effective than medicinal plants brewed separately. A complex collection, consisting of several herbs, shows excellent results. For its preparation you will need:
- coltsfoot leaves;
- nettledioecious;
- calamus roots;
- horsetail;
- common thyme;.
- brittle buckthorn bark;
- St. John's wort.
The listed components are taken by 1 table. spoon, the last two - 2 each. All ingredients should be thoroughly chopped and mixed. Pour eight teaspoons of the mixture with three cups of boiling water. The composition should be infused for half an hour, in a warm place. Ready infusion is taken half a cup three times a day.
Features of treatment
With endometriosis, herbs are quite effective and, moreover, have very few contraindications. For example, it is necessary to exclude nettles and compounds that provoke bleeding from the fees. Herbal treatment for endometriosis is a long process. True, drug therapy of this disease does not happen quickly. You need to tune in to multi-month procedures that do not cause difficulties, but require regularity.
Decoctions of herbs for endometriosis are prepared every day: otherwise they lose their medicinal properties. They should not be heated before taking. This destroys nutrients. The use of herbs in the treatment of disease is convenient and safe. True, doctors believe that it should be combined with traditional methods of therapy. It is important to carry out herbal treatment in courses of three, and sometimes five months.

With the obvious advantages of this method of treatment, one should be aware of the adequacy of the measures taken. If the patient does not feel better, then this means that folk methods are not suitable for her. TodayThere are various methods of non-drug treatment of the disease. Phytotherapy is aimed primarily at restoring hormonal levels.
Treatment of endometriosis with herbs: patient reviews
After studying the reviews of patients who have completed a full course of herbal treatment, we can conclude that this is a really effective method. Many women in their reviews note that before the start of herbal treatment, they tried all existing methods of therapy, but they could not defeat the disease. On the advice of a gynecologist, they turned to herbalists who developed personal herbal treatments. As a result, the disease receded without surgical intervention, and women who dreamed of motherhood were able to endure and give birth to he althy babies.
True, there are reviews of patients who this method did not help in full recovery. They do not indicate the reason for this result, but, most likely, the chosen method does not suit them, or the course of treatment was not completed completely.