Diagnosis of parasites in the human body: basic methods, symptoms and treatment

Diagnosis of parasites in the human body: basic methods, symptoms and treatment
Diagnosis of parasites in the human body: basic methods, symptoms and treatment

When parasites appear in the human body, various symptoms occur. This rarely occurs in the first stage of helminthiasis. Most often, the manifestations become noticeable much later. Because of this, the moment at which the treatment will be most effective is postponed. Symptoms of the presence of parasites are due to the type of worm, as well as the degree of infection. In the article, we will consider how parasites are diagnosed in the body.

parasites diagnosis treatment
parasites diagnosis treatment

Symptoms of parasitic diseases

People react differently to the ingress of foreign microorganisms into the body. It should be noted that with certain types of helminthiases, signs of their presence in an adult are noticeable several years after parasitic colonization. Only then is an infected person diagnosed with parasites.

In young patients, often the first manifestations become noticeable at the initial stage of the pathology.

How to identify parasites in children

Helminths in small patients spread with highspeed. As a result, there are such symptoms of the presence of parasites:

  • Deterioration of sleep quality.
  • Weakness.
  • Loss of appetite, usually accompanied by delayed physical development.
  • Disorders of the stool (in most cases, their consequence is constipation).
  • The appearance of irritability, nervousness, aggressiveness for no reason.
  • Anal itching and teeth grinding are symptoms of certain worms.

When such symptoms appear in a child, parents are required to contact a pediatrician, who, as a rule, prescribes a series of tests.

Performing diagnostics

It is important to determine at what point to contact specialists for diagnosing parasites. Often the worms do not manifest themselves in any way, they disguise themselves as human cells and are not attacked by the immune system. Only with an increase in their number or a violation of the function of a certain organ do symptoms occur. However, with a careful attitude to he alth, you can see some deviations that are the reason for going to the doctor.

parasite diagnostics reviews
parasite diagnostics reviews

Diagnosis of parasites is necessary if any of the following complaints appears:

  • Constipation. Peristalsis changes at an early stage due to injury to the intestinal walls by parasites. In the final stage, the number of worms can increase to such an extent that they block the intestinal lumen and cause symptoms of "acute abdomen".
  • Diarrhea. A number of helminths produce substances that interfere with absorptionliquid.
  • Allergic reaction. Human immunity reacts to foreign substances that are secreted by parasites, and gives the body a signal of intoxication.
  • Bloating is due to the development of a clear inflammatory process.
  • Change in appetite. It most often decreases, but its increase or addiction to rather strange products is not ruled out.
  • Change in weight due to dysfunction of the pancreas. This leads to a decrease in blood sugar. As a result, appetite increases, body weight increases. However, with some types of helminthiasis, patients lose weight dramatically.
  • Deterioration of the appearance of the skin due to toxic poisoning of the body.
  • Persistent fatigue. People complain of headaches and a cold-like condition.
  • Inflammation of the respiratory organs can also indicate an infection with parasites. This is due to the fact that the larvae enter the lungs and bronchi. Such a pathological sign is very dangerous and needs immediate treatment.
  • Mood change in the form of sudden aggression, depression.

Based on these symptoms, it is difficult to conclude that parasites are present. However, when such complaints appear, it is advisable to see a specialist and be fully examined.

What is the diagnosis of parasites?

Traditional diagnostic methods

It is possible to determine the pathology caused by parasites using different methods. Microscopic analysis is predominantly used. It was he who became the mosta common method that allows you to detect opisthorchis, worms and pinworms. Other types of parasites are not detected by this method.

The information content of the study reaches only 20%, however, due to the ease of implementation, it is he who is assigned to the patient in the first place. The reliability of the indicators depends on many factors: the location of the worms, the life cycles of microorganisms, the attentiveness of the laboratory assistant.

diagnosis of parasites in the body
diagnosis of parasites in the body

In some cases, you have to take the test multiple times.

Microscopic analysis of urine may be needed, for example, to check for schistosomiasis.

In addition, methods of laboratory diagnostics of parasites are used, which allow to determine the worms in the anus. In such ways, as a rule, parasites that could settle in the large intestine are detected. However, it should be noted that eggs can only be found at a certain stage of development. Such an analysis should be taken if there are complaints of inflammation of the anus, hyperemia and itching.


Popular are hardware methods for diagnosing the presence of parasites. Ultrasound is one of them. If there is a suspicion of pulmonary forms, radiography is used. In addition, doctors prescribe endobiopsy and endoscopy. This makes it possible to assess the state of internal organs, determine the biological secrets of worm eggs. Already on the basis of such information, a diagnosis can be made to the patient. However, it may turn out that negative results are obtained, there are no deviationsduring instrumental methods, however, signs of a parasitic infection are present, and the patient's condition worsens. In this case, other methods of diagnosing parasites in the body are required.

Modern diagnostic techniques

The disease does not always have pronounced clinical signs. Parasites are often identified during examinations that are prescribed due to other diseases. The reliability of diagnosis depends largely on the stage of development of worms, the form of pathology, the size reached by the parasite. However, there are methods for diagnosing parasites that allow you to determine the infection at almost any stage.

diagnosing the presence of parasites
diagnosing the presence of parasites

Serological studies accurately show the presence or absence of worms in the human body. The methods are based on the detection of antibodies to individual proteins or substances. Let's take a closer look at these methods.


This is an immunofluorescent test to detect antigens or antibodies. It is based on the use of specific dyes that can glow in UV rays. If there are antibodies to certain parasites, staining, they also begin to glow. Blood for analysis is taken from a vein. The study is particularly difficult and is carried out only by an experienced specialist. Most often includes two stages.

method for diagnosing parasites
method for diagnosing parasites


Based on evaluation of erythrocyte response to various sera and agents. It is possible to judge the pronounced manifestation of infection by the number of erythrocytes that have fallen intosediment after exposure to an irritant. In the same way, the body is examined for viral diseases. This analysis allows you to determine the degree of damage by counting the red blood cells that precipitated. This is the most sensitive method, but also the most specific.

What other diagnosis of parasites in the human body is carried out?


The analysis is based on the identification of RNA and DNA molecules, which are isolated from the patient's biomaterial by specific reactions. For research, secretions, blood or saliva can be taken. This is the most informative method. The result of the analysis will show whether or not parasites are present in the human body. In addition, thanks to PCR, it will be possible to determine the type of helminth itself. This method of diagnosing human parasites does not allow determining the degree of organ damage and the stage of the disease.

laboratory diagnostics of parasites
laboratory diagnostics of parasites


Enzymatic immunoassay (ELISA) is based on the search for antibodies to parasites. The accuracy technique occupies one of the leading places. In 92% of cases, the first analysis will show the desired result. Thanks to him, the presence of infection, the form and severity of the course, the stage of pathology are determined. After the therapy, some antibodies will still be determined, which shows the recovery of the body. ELISA is also used when it is necessary to monitor the dynamics of therapy.

Qualitative diagnosis of parasitic infestation needs a full analysis. Diagnosis cannot be based on a single examination. Most often, several tests are prescribed at once. The doctor, when choosing, takes into account the typedisease, lesion site and stage.

Computer diagnosis of parasites is the use of special programs that allow you to compare the affected and he althy organs in humans. Some doctors are skeptical about this method of research and prefer traditional tests.

The above methods of diagnosing parasites for one patient can be used more than once. This is due to the complexity of the cycles of parasitic development. Many drugs affect only adults. After treatment, helminth larvae may remain in the human body, which, under certain conditions, begin to develop. Therefore, tests in a couple of weeks may again give a positive answer.

It is difficult to determine on your own what research method you need. Therefore, you cannot take tests at your own discretion. If you suspect a parasite infection, you should contact a specialist who will advise you on how to detect worms in the body and what to do when the results of the analysis are received.

We looked at the diagnosis of parasites. Treatment is described below.

diagnosis of parasites in the human body
diagnosis of parasites in the human body

How therapy works

To get rid of worms, the body needs to be prepared. For this, the intestines are cleansed. If necessary, toxins and toxins are removed.

Cleaning the body of parasites consists of several stages:

  • Diet. The menu includes cereals, fresh juices, protein foods, fiber. Fatty, floury and sweet are excluded. Acidic foods are consumedwith which it is easier to get rid of parasites.
  • Cleansing enema (based on traditional medicine for worms, such as garlic, soda, tansy).
  • If necessary, antiparasitic cleansing of the body is carried out more extensively: the kidneys, intestines and liver are cleansed.

Treatment of helminthiasis in the human body must necessarily include the use of choleretic and enzyme preparations. The course usually lasts no more than two weeks. Start it before the use of medicines for worms.

The traditional treatment regimen is based on the following means:

  • Pharmacy preparations. Removal of parasites in this case occurs quickly (in 2-4 weeks). But cleansing the body of worms in this case has a lot of limitations and side effects. The most effective: Pirantel, Albendazole, Levamisole, Praziquantel.
  • Preparations that contain extracts of various herbs. Purification of parasites is carried out with the help of natural poisons that accumulate gradually. The downside is reduced influence speed.
  • Homeopathy. When solving the problem of cleansing the body, it is necessary to implement various methods. Parasites can be eliminated with homeopathy in a period of three to twelve months.

Rehabilitation treatment must be provided. At the same time, vitamins, microelements, pre- and probiotics, enzyme preparations are prescribed.

Reviews on the diagnosis of parasites

Stool test and smear have approximately the same sensitivity and specificity. They are relevant fordetermination of enterobiasis and other diseases caused by roundworms.

Enzymatic immunoassay is currently promising. Such diagnostic methods are more advantageous, as they differ in specificity and high sensitivity.

Specific diagnostics includes the PCR method, which is the most effective and indicative for any parasitic and infectious diseases. However, it has a high cost.

Life situations show that the choice of the most effective method is justified by the clinical signs and complaints of the victim. That is why you need to see a doctor and get guidance on how to proceed.

A lot of negative feedback about computer diagnostics. Most patients consider this technique a waste of money, as the results of the analysis often do not match the actual state of affairs.

There are negative reviews about the work of some laboratories in which PCR analysis is carried out for each parasite separately. Of course, you need to pay for each study. At the same time, the client is offered an extensive list with the names of helminths. It is necessary to choose among them those who will be determined. But initially, neither the doctor nor the patient knows what kind of invasion is present. So people have to pay extra money.

Positive feedback on the analysis of feces for worm eggs. the method is painless, the study is cheap. The disadvantage is that only some types of worm eggs can be found in feces.
