To date, scientists have identified a large number of skin diseases that are infectious. One of these diseases can be considered ringworm of smooth skin. In this article, we will look at what this pathology is, and also find out what its symptoms are and the main methods of treatment. Read the information provided carefully in order to arm and protect yourself as much as possible. So let's get started.
What is ringworm?
The described pathology belongs to the category of infectious diseases, the culprits of which are considered to be various fungal organisms called dermatophytes. This disease can occur in both children and adults. Moreover, for each of its varieties, one or another age group is most suitable. However, here infections can be different. After all, each patient has his own body characteristics, including the levelpH, composition of sweat, as well as sebum. What suits some fungus may not appeal to others.

If the disease is detected at an early stage and treated in a timely manner, it will be very easy to do. However, advanced stages can acquire a chronic form, which will not be so easy to get rid of.
How can you get infected?
You can get infected with ringworm of smooth skin in many ways. Consider the most common of them:
- Contact with street animals.

- Contact with people who already have this infection.
- Also, touching objects used by a sick person can lead to infection.
- Another reason for infection with ringworm of smooth skin is considered to be touching the back of a chair in public transport. Please note that this place is considered a very strong breeding ground for various pathogenic fungi and other microorganisms.
- Visiting public places such as saunas and swimming pools.

What causes pathology?
Of course, after contact with a sick person or traveling in public transport, a person will not always be infected. A lot depends on his immune system, as well as other indicators. Consider what causes can increase the risk of smooth skin ringworm:

- the patient has hormonal diseases;
-wounds, as well as other types of skin disorders;
- excessive sweating of the body;
- violation of metabolic processes in the body;
- malnutrition, accompanied by a lack of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in the body.
Classification of this disease
Dermatomycosis of smooth skin, the photo of which you can see in this article, occurs under the influence of dermatophyte fungi on the human body. A wide variety of these fungi leads to the emergence of a large number of different pathologies such as athlete's groin, favus, athlete's foot, trichophytosis and many other diseases. Fungi also provoke the development of skin diseases such as various types of lichen and dermatitis.
Optimal conditions for infection
Dermatomycosis of smooth skin, the photos of which can simply amaze, prefers to live in humid conditions at a temperature of about twenty-five to thirty degrees Celsius. Also, the acidity of the skin is very important for their habitat.
As you know, the acidity of sweat changes with age for each person. The highest indicator of acidity is observed in children before they reach the age of two. Until the age of twelve, these figures gradually decrease. So, children's age is ideal for ringworm of smooth skin. Home treatment of this disease can be carried out only after visiting a dermatologist and establishing an accurate diagnosis.
The acidity of the sweat starts to increase again when the child begins the periodactive sexual development. It is at this age that the immune system of adolescents is very active, which means that the likelihood of contracting fungal infections is minimized.
However, as a person begins to mature, their immune system can gradually deteriorate, as does their general he alth and skin. The most optimal place for the settlement of skin fungi is the place between the toes. Non-natural shoes, as well as synthetic clothing in the summer, contribute to the accumulation of sweat, in which pathogenic microorganisms can begin to actively develop.
What are the symptoms of this disease?
Dermatomycosis of smooth skin (you can read the types and symptoms of this pathology in this article) has many varieties, each of which is characterized by certain signs. However, we will consider the general symptoms that are inherent in each disease. Consider the main symptoms of ringworm of smooth skin (you can read about the treatment of this pathology below):
- The appearance of red spots on the skin, which will increase in size over time. If you do not pay attention to this sign, then redness can cover most of the body.
- Damaged tissues begin to itch and peel off.
- The stratum corneum will gradually peel off.
- Bubbles will appear in areas with a large number of rashes.
- Also, the occurrence of diaper rash on the skin is not excluded.
- In some cases nails are affected (both upper and lowerlimbs).

Dermatomycosis of the smooth skin of the trunk
Most often this pathology occurs in people who live in countries with a hot and humid climate. Usually such a fungal disease is very easy to determine, since it always proceeds in the same way:
- Initially, a red-pink rash appears on the body of a person, the number of which increases over time so much that it can form spots.
- After the spot is formed, the skin in its focus will begin to clear and acquire a lighter shade.

- The rash will begin to crust and scale, which will be very itchy and itchy, causing very discomfort.
- Further, a red circle-shaped mark remains on the skin. If the patient is re-infected, this can lead to scarring.
Pathology damaging feet
Dermatomycosis of the smooth skin of the feet, a photo of which you can find in this article, first appears on the skin between the fingers, after which it begins to gradually spread over the entire surface of this part of the body. The skin begins to redden, peel off and become covered with dry cracks. If the disease is not treated on time, it can lead to suppuration. In this case, the disease causes extremely unpleasant sensations in the patient. His skin begins to actively itch and itch. Sometimes it is simply unbearable to endure, so the patient begins to comb the damaged areas of the skin, which leads to a significantdeterioration.
Features of diagnostics
Dermatomycosis of smooth skin (symptoms, treatment and photos of the disease you can see in this article) should be treated only after a comprehensive diagnosis, because this disease has similar symptoms with other pathologies of the skin. Therefore, if you notice signs of ringworm in yourself, contact a dermatologist immediately. He will direct you to pass certain tests that will help determine which fungi are the causative agents of the disease.
The method of conducting a diagnostic study is to collect material from a damaged area of the skin. It can be scales or crusts. The taken material will be carefully examined under a microscope, and also sent for sowing. Thus, it is possible to accurately determine the type of causative agent of the pathology and begin treatment.
Features of treatment
Treatment of ringworm of smooth skin is selected individually, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as depending on the fungus that is the causative agent of this pathology. It is also very important to take into account the age of the patient and the main indicators of his he alth.
Usually, treatment involves the use of special medicines intended for external and internal use. Please note that without the use of special drugs, it will be simply impossible to eliminate this pathology.
If the disease has not yet acquired an advanced form, then it will be sufficient to use medicines intended for external use. However, seriousforms of pathology require a more integrated approach to treatment. The duration of the use of drugs, as well as the calculation of the dosage, are selected individually, taking into account the type of pathogen, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient. Also, do not forget that the treatment process should be accompanied by an improvement in the activity of the immune system of your body. Start taking active dietary supplements that will help to quickly restore the skin.
If, as a result of the examination, the doctor diagnoses you with ringworm of smooth skin (you can find the symptoms and photos in this article), you must learn how to disinfect your clothes, as well as household items in order not to become infected with the described pathology again.
Features of folk treatment
Treatment of ringworm of smooth skin with folk remedies will be successful only if combined with the use of medical conservative methods of treatment. Such complex therapy will significantly speed up the process of restoring your skin. So, consider the most effective folk recipes:
- Application of coffee. Brew strong coffee and pour it into a bowl filled with warm water, placing injured palms or feet in it. Within a few days after the daily implementation of this procedure, you can notice excellent results. The skin begins to gradually renew itself, while becoming smoother.
- A good result can be achieved using an ointment based on egg and oil. To prepare it, you needtake one raw egg, two hundred grams of butter and one hundred milliliters of vinegar. Place all of the listed ingredients in a half-liter jar and refrigerate it for twenty-four hours. During this time, the shell from the egg will dissolve, and you can mix all the ingredients thoroughly to obtain an ointment that needs to be applied to damaged skin several times a day. Be sure to store this product in the refrigerator, otherwise it will spoil very quickly.
- Dermatomycosis of smooth skin, the photo and treatment of which are presented in the article, can be treated using herbal infusions for internal use. To do this, you need to take plants such as wormwood, sage, yarrow, as well as plantain and burdock. Take one tablespoon of each of the dry raw materials listed above and mix thoroughly. Now pour boiling water over one tablespoon of the prepared mixture and leave it to infuse overnight. Drink this solution in the morning on an empty stomach.
Preventive measures
In order to protect yourself from such an unpleasant disease as ringworm of smooth skin, it is very important to follow some preventive requirements. Consider what exactly experts recommend doing in order to protect yourself from infection with such a dangerous disease:
- Do all housework and gardening while wearing protective gloves.
- Be sure to take care of your feet. Remember to cleanse this part of the body daily. Also use various care products that contain antibacterial ingredients.
- Neither innever use someone else's shoes or clothes, even if you trust the person who wore them one hundred percent.
- Buy only comfortable shoes that are true to size and made from natural fabrics.
- Keep your pets he althy. Be sure to wash your hands with antibacterial soap after handling them.
- Be sure to normalize your diet. Your body must receive enough nutrients. Only in this case, your immune system will work without interruption.

- And, of course, watch your personal hygiene when visiting public places such as saunas and swimming pools. An incredible number of bacteria live in places of high humidity, so the chances of getting infected increase many times over.
Start taking care of your he alth right now. Your most important task is to maintain a he althy lifestyle, as well as strengthening the immune system. A high level of body defenses can protect you from the occurrence of a large number of dangerous pathologies. Always follow the rules of personal hygiene, and also teach your children to do so. Love yourself and take care of yourself, and then you will notice how your body will begin to take care of you. Be he althy and take care of yourself, and do not forget that any pathology is much easier to prevent than to cure.