Bumps on the veins of the legs are one of the most uncomfortable manifestations of varicose veins. Venous disease occurs due to a malfunction of the internal valves, which provokes a violation of reflux (reverse blood outflow), deformation of the walls of blood vessels. The latter begin to stretch, due to which blood accumulates inside the vein. As a result, stagnation is formed, which causes the appearance of visible seals - bumps.
Most often, bumps on the veins of the legs are detected if the patient's varicose veins are in the 3-4 stages of their development, when venous congestion and blood outflow failures become pathological. A similar symptom, as a rule, indicates the presence of a serious dysfunction in the activity of the venous valves.

Bus appearance factors
Lumps on the veins of the legs may appear due to hereditary predisposition, if, subject to stretching, weak vesselsmost of the patient's relatives have.
Also, varicose veins in the stage of the appearance of bumps can develop under the influence of the following factors:
- Injury to the lower limb of a traumatic nature: bruises, fractures, blows, accompanied by the appearance of extensive hematomas.
- Intense physical activity, regular wearing and heavy lifting.
- Professional factor, when the patient, due to his activity, is forced to be in a standing or sitting position almost all day.
- Constant static load on the lower extremities, for example, wearing uncomfortable shoes, high heels, clothing that constricts and restricts movement.
- Old age, as the venous walls begin to weaken and stretch over time. Bumps on the veins of the legs in men are as common as in women.
- Hormonal imbalance.
- Inaccuracies in the diet that provoke the appearance of cholesterol plaques inside the vessel.
- Excessively overweight.
When bumps appear on the veins of the legs, even of a small size, it is important to consult a doctor without delay, because only timely therapy will stop the disease.

Medicated treatment
Experts are of the opinion that only complex therapy, which includes the use of medications and various invasive surgical interventions, will achieve significant results.
So, if a bump appeared on the leg on the vein,special tools will help.
The most popular drugs used in the treatment of this pathology are Troxevasin, Antistax, Detralex, Troxerutin Gel, Phlebodia, Venoruton.
Venoruton gel
The main active ingredient of this medicinal gel is rutoside, which is a derivative of rutin. The drug is quickly absorbed into the skin, having a complex effect on the disease:
- The former tone returns, the structures of blood vessels are restored.
- The capillary walls are strengthened.
- Activates blood flow, eliminates venous congestion.
- Lymphatic drainage normalizes, tissue trophism is activated.
The average cost of a drug in Russian pharmacies is 250 rubles.
Flebodia (cream)
This is a fairly new topical treatment for leg vein bumps. Has a French origin. The basis of the medicinal cream is diosmin, which is a natural flavonoid. It is indispensable for improving the functional state of the vascular system.

The drug has some specific effects:
- Enhances capillary, venous tone, stops further deformation.
- Strengthens microvessels, reduces their resistance.
- Activates tissue trophism, promotes the disappearance of blood and lymphatic stasis.
The drug has a rather high cost, but it is justified, thanks tohigh efficiency of the product. The average price is about 415 rubles for one tube of cream.
"Troxerutin" - gel
It is an inexpensive drug of domestic production, which allows to stop the symptoms of varicose veins, including seals on the veins that are small.

The main component is troxerutin at a dosage of 0.2 grams. The drug promotes tissue trophism, has a vascular strengthening and phlebotonizing effect.
Detralex tablets contain natural flavonoids such as hesperidin and diosmin. When using the drug, there is a restoration of the functionality of venous valves, there is an improvement in blood flow, normalization of tissue trophism.
The use of "Detralex" allows you to stop the formation of blood clots, dissolve existing blood clots, prevent the appearance of thrombophlebitis, stop venous congestion.
The average cost of 30 Detralex tablets is about 800 rubles. Tablets with a double dosage of the active ingredient will cost 1,400 rubles for such an amount.
How to get rid of bumps in the veins on the legs, many want to know.
This medication is based on an extract obtained from the leaves of red grape varieties. The drug allows you to reduce the frequency and intensity of the inflammatory process, prevent the appearance of deformation of the vascular walls, improve the tone of the veins.
In addition, Antistax has a moderate analgesic effect,due to which, when it is used, soreness is stopped at the site of the formation of the bump. The average cost of Antistax is 650 rubles per pack.

"Troxevasin" capsules
Is a domestically produced venotonic. The drug allows you to normalize oxygen metabolism in soft tissues, strengthen capillary and vascular walls, and activate blood flow.

Against the background of the use of the drug, swelling of the legs, soreness in the calves, heaviness is stopped, a decrease in swollen nodes is observed. The average cost of capsule "Troxevasin" is an average of 220 rubles.
If a person has multiple lumps in the veins of the legs, surgery may help.
Surgical Therapy
When bumps appear on the veins, a specialist, in addition to drug therapy, may recommend a more radical treatment.
Laser ablation - this method of therapy does not require hospitalization of the patient in a hospital and subsequent postoperative recovery. Laser therapy is considered to be a minimally invasive method, and in this way, knots can be removed not only on small, but also on large vessels.
The procedure for the operation is as follows: a special needle is inserted into the affected vessel, through which a laser is applied to the inner venous wall. Overheating of the vessel is excluded thanks to precise and modern equipment.

The main advantage of laser ablation is that there is no need forrestorative rehabilitation, no visible damage after surgery. The patient can be sure that after the procedure, the veins in this place will no longer swell.
It is also a minimally invasive operation, which involves the introduction of a sclerosant into the affected vessel. As a result of its impact, the vascular wall is scarred, then sticks together and gradually disintegrates.
Rehabilitation and pain relief sclerotherapy also does not require, but there is a possibility of subsequent inflation of the veins. Also, skin pigmentation may change at the site of intervention and an inflammation process may appear.

When a bump appears on a leg vein, specialists often resort to drastic measures in the form of complete or partial removal of the vessel. Such an operation is performed using local (if microphlebectomy is performed) or general anesthesia. The operation procedure is as follows:
- The surgeon makes a skin incision in the area of the vein deformity.
- Retrieves the diseased vessel.
- Makes a resection.
When the entire vein is supposed to be removed, incisions are made in two places - near the foot and in the thigh area. The affected vessel is taken out with a special hook-shaped tool and removed.

After that, the incisions are sutured. Such an operation involves a rather long period of rehabilitation, the patient needs to undergo a long course of therapyantibiotic drugs. The constant use of compression stockings is also recommended.
It is important to remember that the treatment of varicose veins will be more effective if you contact a specialist at the first manifestations of the disease, and not postpone the visit indefinitely.
We examined the causes of bumps on the veins of the legs. Photos of people with this pathology are presented.