Acromioclavicular joint: structure, pathologies

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Acromioclavicular joint: structure, pathologies
Acromioclavicular joint: structure, pathologies

Video: Acromioclavicular joint: structure, pathologies

Video: Acromioclavicular joint: structure, pathologies
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Arthrosis of the acromioclavicular joint develops, as a rule, as a result of natural aging processes. Another fairly popular cause is considered to be joint injuries received throughout life. For example, it can be a dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint. Pathology is characterized by degenerative-dystrophic, inflammatory character. In the early stages of the disease, the acromioclavicular joint is quite quickly recoverable. Later stages will take more time and effort to heal.

acromioclavicular joint
acromioclavicular joint

Articulation structure

The acromioclavicular joint is part of the shoulder joint. Like others, this articulation includes a ligamentous apparatus and a capsule. The acromion is a process that originates from the scapula and connects to the clavicle. The articulation is covered from above by cartilaginous tissue along the edges of the bones. There are a number of features that distinguish the acromioclavicularjoint. Movements in it, in comparison, for example, with the hip or elbow, have a smaller amplitude. So, to use it, you need to swing your arms a lot. When the hyaline cartilage is deformed, friction is not leveled, which provokes severe pain. They are a sign of arthritis. The thinning of the cartilage layer also leads to a decrease in the depreciation function, which in the normal state provides softening of the shoulder load.

arthrosis of the acromioclavicular joint
arthrosis of the acromioclavicular joint

Causes of joint damage

The main reason for the development of arthrosis, as mentioned above, is the process of natural wear of the joint. The condition of the joint is also negatively affected by heavy physical exertion. For example, loaders, blacksmiths, jackhammer workers, miners are often diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the acromioclavicular joint. Large and frequent overloads lead to the detection of pathology at a relatively young age. Another equally important cause of osteoarthritis is trauma. You need to know that no damage goes unnoticed. All injuries affect the state of the joints, accelerating their destruction. In this regard, experts strongly recommend that all attention be paid to sprains, fractures and other injuries. The necessary conditions for normal recovery are the observance of the post-traumatic mode, the correction of loads.

acromioclavicular joint movement
acromioclavicular joint movement

Clinical picture

Injured acromioclavicular jointdoes not immediately make itself known. Symptoms of damage are as follows:

  • Shoulder pain.
  • Crackling inside joint.
  • Stiffness in shoulder movements.
  • Fatigue.

The fact that the initial stage of arthrosis is not accompanied by severe symptoms leads to a later visit to the doctor. Experts recommend not to delay the visit to the clinic. Do not wait until the acromioclavicular joint is severely damaged and its recovery will require drastic measures.

Stages of disease

Arthrosis of the articulation at the initial stage is accompanied by slight pain during pressure on the clavicle area, as well as during the movement of the shoulders and arms. In some cases, pain may radiate to the cervical region. In the second stage, arthrosis is accompanied by more pronounced symptoms. In particular, the intensity of pain increases markedly, difficulties arise in the process of dressing, placing hands behind the head, back, and when crossing them on the chest. In the event that an injury acts as the main provoking factor, a clicking or characteristic crunch may be heard when the shoulder complex is moved.

acromioclavicular joint treatment
acromioclavicular joint treatment


The success of subsequent therapeutic measures depends on the timeliness of the detection of arthrosis. During the examination, the doctor will not only conduct a visual examination of the problem area. From a conversation with the patient, the specialist finds out whether there were damages to this zone earlier, how long agothe patient noticed signs of pathology, which exercises are easy and which are difficult to perform with hands. It is also important to determine the area of localization of pain.

In some cases, a blockade is necessary to clarify the diagnosis. It consists in introducing a small amount of lidocaine or another anesthetic into the joint cavity. In the presence of an inflammatory process after the blockade, the cessation of pain is noted. To get a more complete picture of the pathology, a specialist usually prescribes an X-ray examination. It allows you to more accurately determine the degree of damage to the joint. According to the results of the research, appropriate measures are prescribed to restore the acromioclavicular joint.

dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint
dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint


Therapeutic measures are assigned in accordance with the degree of damage to the joint. Depending on the neglect of the case, treatment can be aggressive or mild. At the first stage, as a rule, the restoration of the articulation occurs without the use of NSAIDs, corticosteroids and other drugs used to suppress pain and inflammation. Regardless of the severity of the pathology, it is recommended to take a course of chondroprotectors. These drugs slowly but very effectively restore articular cartilage.

For more advanced cases, doctors resort to aggressive therapies. In particular, steroid drugs, glucocorticoids (Diprospan, Kenalog drugs) are prescribed to reduce pain. These medicines also help to eliminate puffiness. For moderate symptoms, NSAIDs and injections are recommended. Drugs such as Voltaren, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Xefocam are prescribed.
