Kidney adenoma: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Kidney adenoma: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Kidney adenoma: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Kidney adenoma is a benign tumor of the upper layer of the organ. This neoplasm does not belong to oncological ones, it is easily treatable, leaving no metastases. The danger of kidney adenoma can only be in the absence of timely treatment. Then it is able to grow to a critical size, at which the work of the body becomes impossible. Moreover, a tumor of this size can turn into a malignant formation.

Causes of tumor formation

kidney adenoma treatment
kidney adenoma treatment

Unambiguous reason for the formation of kidney adenoma has not yet been identified. There is a scientific hypothesis about a number of indirect factors that can become a source of pathology development. First of all, this is living or professional activity in conditions of severe toxic air pollution. This may be a chemical plant or areas that have undergone radioactive contamination.

Another cause of kidney adenoma is chronic diseases of the urinary system, namely pyelonephritis or polycystic. Adenoma of the left kidney, as, in fact, of the right one, may appear as a result of influence onthe body of tobacco combustion products. That is, smokers are more likely to develop this pathology.

Adenoma in the kidney in a woman may be the result of age-related changes in the body, the onset of menopause or concomitant diseases of the reproductive system.

Tumor symptoms

female kidney adenoma
female kidney adenoma

Kidney adenoma symptoms are eloquent and unambiguous. Especially when it has already grown to a decent size - about 2-2.5 centimeters in diameter. In this case, it presses on the soft tissues of the kidney, thus calling for manifestations of pathology:

  1. Blood in urine. If it is not visible to the naked eye, it may be revealed by laboratory analysis.
  2. The color of urine changes from clear to a brighter, more intense yellow.
  3. Adenoma of the kidneys in men is accompanied by dilatation of the veins on the testicles. This condition is called a varicocele. The disease can lead to poor blood supply to the testicles and, as a result, to infertility.
  4. With a tumor on the kidneys, blood pressure becomes consistently high or rises to a critical level several times a day.
  5. In the lower back, constant pain of a pulling nature. This leads to squeezing of the vessels by a growing neoplasm.
  6. Sometimes the tumor is manifested by a sharp pain when urinating.
  7. The most striking manifestation of an adenoma of the right kidney or the left is renal colic. It is accompanied by such a strong pain syndrome that a person falls into a painful shock, loses consciousness and may even die.
  8. The patient's limbs and face swell.
  9. General he alth worsens.
  10. Appetite decreases.

If a person develops one or more of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.


kidney adenoma
kidney adenoma

Treatment of kidney adenoma does not begin without a detailed diagnosis of the pathology. After all, it is necessary to know not only the size, but also the location of the neoplasm.

If one of the symptoms did not cause the study, then the discovery of an adenoma is usually an accident that occurred as part of a routine medical examination.

The main way to study the condition of the kidneys is ultrasound. This equipment is available at any clinic.

To clarify the diagnosis, the patient is sent for a blood test. In the course of this study, the amount of hormones in the blood is studied. This allows you to draw conclusions about the work of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Urine taken for analysis can show the number of red blood cells in it, that is, blood. To obtain a more accurate visual representation of the tumor, the patient is examined using computed tomography.

If there is a need for CT, then such a procedure is contraindicated for the patient, it is replaced by magnetic resonance imaging. Only a comprehensive study allows you to prescribe the right treatment.

When you can do without surgery

left kidney adenoma
left kidney adenoma

If the adenoma is still small - no more than 2.5 centimeters, it is not recommended to perform an operation to remove it. It is believed that with such a tumor, the kidney will function at 100%. But at the same timeit is necessary to constantly monitor its growth using ultrasound or CT. If the growth of the adenoma does not stop, then a surgical operation is prescribed to remove it.


kidney adenoma symptoms
kidney adenoma symptoms

In advanced cases, when the tumor reaches 3 cm in diameter or more, it is necessary to remove not only the neoplasm itself, but the entire organ.

Surgery is performed in two ways: open through an incision in the back or laparoscopically using special instruments inserted through small punctures in the skin. If the tumor has developed so much that it has become malignant, then after its removal, the patient undergoes radiation therapy to prevent metastasis.


Prognosis when a kidney adenoma is detected in a person is usually positive. The operation to remove it is not considered difficult or dangerous, since the tumor does not have metastases and it does not adhere firmly to the kidney. In 95 percent of cases, the treatment is successful, the patient tolerates the operation calmly, and the postoperative period does not require long-term rehabilitation.


kidney adenoma in men
kidney adenoma in men

Despite the fact that this type of tumor is not very dangerous for human he alth and life, certain preventive measures should be taken. Especially when you consider that the only way to treat this type of neoplasm is a surgical operation, the procedure is unpleasant and expensive.

Since the main cause of kidney adenoma is smoking,drinking alcohol and unhe althy diet, it is recommended to change your lifestyle. First of all, you need to get rid of bad habits.

To improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and the kidneys in particular, it is necessary to exercise regularly, especially if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle. Need to walk or run more in the evenings.

In order to reduce the risk of inflammation of the kidneys, you need to dress adequately for the weather. It is necessary not to expose the kidneys to hypothermia in the cold season and not to cause excessive sweating in the summer. In hot weather, air conditioners are especially dangerous. A sweaty person easily catches a kidney cold upon entering an air-conditioned room.

How should food be?

right kidney adenoma
right kidney adenoma

Eat should be fractional, 6-8 times a day, in small portions. This will unload the digestive organs and allow food to be digested completely. The human diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, nuts, honey, natural juices.

Spicy fried meat should not be consumed, especially with artificial preservatives. You need to give up smoked and pickled in the diet. Reduce sugar intake to a minimum - two tablespoons a day. To do this, you need to give up sugary carbonated drinks and sweet pastries.

Separately, we need to talk about the water balance in the body. For normal functioning, a person needs water - from two to four liters per day. It is water, not coffee, kvass or beer. You can drink weak herbal tea. This measure restores not only the water-s altbalance in the body, but also the balance of trace elements. As a result, the risk of formation of sand and stones in the kidneys, and even more so tumors and adenomas, is reduced. After all, they will be regularly flushed with plenty of fluid and fresh blood.

If inflammation of the kidneys has occurred, treatment cannot be delayed. Any disease in the genitourinary system can become chronic, and it is very difficult and long to be treated. Not to mention the fact that kidney failure or other chronic disease can easily result in the appearance of an adenoma.

In order to prevent the tumor from developing into a malignant and therefore deadly neoplasm, you need to undergo an examination with an ultrasound scan - 3-4 times a year will be enough.

It must be remembered that about 50% of patients with this disease die from kidney cancer. No need to take risks and bring the situation with kidney adenoma to a malignant tumor. A simple regular visit to the doctor will help to avoid this.
