The accumulation of toxins in the intestines is a largely underestimated danger. From the digestive system, they eventually spread throughout the body. It is better not to wait for fatal consequences and now choose those preparations for cleansing the intestines that are right for you. Getting rid of fecal stones accumulated in it, accumulations of pathogenic bacteria and mold, as well as their decay products, you really take care of your he alth and significantly prolong life. Especially it is worth worrying for those who already notice the first symptoms of the accumulation of toxins: drowsiness, frequent colds, fatigue and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with drugsCleansing the body of toxins can be done in several ways: these are enemas, and s alt water, and herbal infusions. With the development of the pharmaceutical industry, a softer, more gentle bowel cleansing has become expedient, which does not disturb its normal microflora, at the same time favorably affects its walls and does not aggravate their damage.

Prophylaxis of the colon is not a problem and can easily be done with just an enema. As for its thin section, only medications for bowel cleansing can be effective and safe. Next, we will talk about the best of them, but we also want to note that for a few days before the procedure, for its further effectiveness, you should adhere to a low-calorie vegetable diet. Fortrans drug - powder for cleaning the digestive tract

Drug "Fortrans" is perhaps the most popular powder for solving problems with the intestines. Bofur Ipusen is a well-known French pharmaceutical company. She initially created similar preparations for cleansing the intestines before gastrointestinal operations or a procedure for hardware diagnostics of the stomach. And only a little later, the drug "Fortrans" began to be used as an extremely effective laxative. Its principle is simple: the active substance macrogol 4000, which is contained in one dose, binds about a liter of liquid, while its aqueous solution participates in the work of the intestines, simultaneously removing growths on the walls, and also causing the urge to defecate. The drug "Fortrans" keeps water in the body from absorption, which, in turn, gives it the opportunity to effectively wash and exfoliate all harmful substances from the walls. This cleansing
of the body of toxins is much more effective than when setting an enema, as it acts on all parts of the intestine. Also youyou can take the drug "Fortrans" at home, you do not need the presence and supervision of medical personnel.
Magnesia or Epsom s alt
It not only removes toxins from the digestive tract, but also cleanses the lymph and blood flow. Especially effective when you lose extra pounds. Use it as a solution at the rate of 10-30 grams per half glass of water for an adult. Enemas are also made with it, while the concentration of the solution should be 20-30%.
Pills for cleansing the gastrointestinal tractTablets for cleansing the intestines are very widely presented on the pharmaceutical market, but it is extremely difficult to prescribe them on your own recommended. You should definitely take them only as directed by your he althcare professional.