Accurate, painless and safe for the patient, the MRI procedure is quite popular at the moment. For a long time, the study was carried out on closed-type devices, on which not all patients can be examined. Consider the advantages of open machines, where to get an open MRI in Moscow, how to choose a clinic, and also what is the average cost of the procedure.
What is an open MRI?

Magnetic resonance imaging on open type devices is an increased level of comfort for the patient. In addition, obese patients can undergo such an examination, because the closed-type study is strictly limited in weight. Also, now patients who are afraid to stay for some time in an enclosed space, that is, those who suffer from claustrophobia, can be examined.
That is why many modern clinics in Moscow have almost completely switched to modern devicesopen type. Indeed, in terms of the quality of the examination, they are in no way inferior to closed-type MRI, but patients withstand the procedure when they simply lie on the couch, more calmly.
Which is better to undergo an examination - on an open or closed type apparatus?

Before we go directly to where to do an MRI procedure on an open type device in Moscow, let's look at how the technology differs from an examination on closed equipment.
The closed MRI machine has been used by diagnosticians for a long time. This equipment is more affordable, but not entirely comfortable for the patient. So, for 45 minutes (the average time for the procedure), a person must lie motionless on the couch, which drives into the pipe. Closed CT examination is accurate, efficient and more economical for clinics.
Open tomograph is a new and improved model for MRI, which is not inferior to closed-type devices in terms of information content and accuracy. In this case, the patient is not in a closed space, but simply lies on the couch and feels more comfortable. Such devices, which are equipped in many clinics and medical centers in Moscow, allow people with disabilities and people weighing over 120 kg to be examined.
Although there are open-type devices and cons. Less informative may be an examination of the spinal cord, pituitary gland and hands.
How to choose an MRI clinic?

Don't know how to choose a clinic for an open MRI examination in Moscow. Here it is worth paying attention to several factors. Namely:
- availability of modern equipment;
- qualification and experience of diagnostic specialists;
- real patient reviews;
- service level.
The recommendation of the doctor who prescribes this type of examination will also be important. He can better know where the devices are more accurate and informative in terms of indicators, and the price is affordable for patients.
Cost of open MRI in Moscow

Let's consider the price range of clinics for various MRI services on open type machines.
Which areas can be examined on an open tomograph in Moscow and how much does it cost:
- MRI of the head: from 1.5 thousand rubles (pituitary gland); from 1,8 thousand rubles (paranasal sinuses).
- Neck MRI: from 1.8 thousand rubles (larynx, trachea, pharynx); from 2.5 thousand rubles (soft fabrics).
- MRI of the chest: from 1 thousand rubles (region of the heart); from 2.5 thousand rubles (lungs, mammary glands, chest organs).
- MRI of the abdomen and pelvis: from 2 thousand rubles (biliary tract); from 2.5 thousand rubles (organs of the abdominal cavity, liver, kidneys, spleen, retroperitoneal space, pancreas and small pelvis).
- MRI of soft tissues: from 2.5 thousand rubles;
- MRI of the spine: examination of the departments will cost from 1.8 thousand rubles, the entire spine: from 4,8 thousand rubles.
- MRI of the joints: from 2.6 thousand rubles.
- MRI of vessels: from 1.8 thousand rubles.
More than two dozen clinics can undergo open MRI of the brain in Moscow. Some work around the clock. You can get acquainted with the addresses of medical centers that are most popular and have a good reputation below.
Where can I get an open MRI in Moscow?
We have selected a number of well-known MRI centers with a wide range of services, good reputation and geographical location.
- "INVITRO" (street Kashirskoe shosse 68/2). This is the largest private laboratory that provides a wide range of diagnostic procedures and has been successfully operating for more than 20 years on the territory of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Here you can go through more than a thousand types of analyzes and studies, including MRI. The average range of prices depending on the surveyed area is from 3.8 thousand to 9.5 thousand rubles.
- "MRT 24" (1/9 Ostrovityaninova Street, 4/6 Sirenevy Boulevard and two other centres). A network of clinics that specializes in open type MRI in Moscow and employs highly qualified doctors with up to 20 years of experience in this field. Diagnostic centers, of which there are four in Moscow, work around the clock. It will be cheaper to pass the examination at night. The price range is within 3-9 thousand rubles.
- "MedicCity" (Poltavskaya street, 2). This is a multidisciplinary clinic, the prices for an MRI examination in which vary from 3.1 thousand rubles to 10 thousand. Work herespecialists from different fields, you can get a diagnosis around the clock, make an appointment or examination online.

- "Capital" (Bolshoi Vlasevsky lane, 9). The clinic, which is located on the Arbat, offers services not only for diagnosis, but also for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. MRI diagnostics, starting from the age of 12, is carried out around the clock, the cost varies from 3.2 to 14.9 thousand rubles.
- Russian Children's Clinical Hospital - RCCH (Leninsky Prospekt, 117). This is the country's largest multidisciplinary hospital complex, which provides services for children in treatment, diagnosis, prevention, there is also a hospital. The cost of an MRI is within 6.5 - 9.5 thousand rubles.
- Children's Hospital of FMBA No. 38 (Moskvorechye Street, 20). The cost of an MRI here ranges from 2.3 to 10 thousand rubles.

Open-type MRI in Moscow (photos are presented in the article) can be done at various medical centers located in different parts of the capital. The price range is generally almost the same. The choice depends on personal preferences, proximity to the geographical location, qualifications of specialists and opening hours of the centers (some work around the clock or specialize only in pediatric diagnostics).