Often our medicine is so slow that the first symptoms of a stroke usually go unnoticed. And when a disease occurs, a person close to us is left alone with it. If we know in advance about the first symptoms of a stroke, then this knowledge can be invaluable both for us personally and for those around us. With this article, you can arm yourself with information that will help you resist stroke.

Ischemic stroke, the consequences of which are the most serious, is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation. It can lie in wait for a person under different circumstances and be expressed in thrombosis, spasms and cerebral hemorrhage. In this case, a certain part of the brain does not receive nutrition, while maintaining viability for a very short time. And it is for this reason that in a pre-stroke state,As with the stroke itself, an ambulance and emergency care is required. In these moments, we should not be confused, it is necessary to correctly determine what exactly is happening with the patient. After all, as a rule, his life and his chances to recover and rehabilitate for a full life after a stroke depend on this.

The first symptoms of a stroke are the patient's face is distorted: the smile becomes crooked and one corner of the mouth is lowered. This suggests that one part of the face is no longer under the control of the sick person. The language at this time is asymmetrical and speech becomes blurry and very slow. When asked to raise both arms, the patient will raise one arm higher and the other lower.
Symptoms of a stroke can manifest as headache or severe dizziness, up to loss of consciousness and partial loss of coordination. Often the patient is not able to understand what they are talking about. If you notice at least one of these signs in a patient, this indicates that you need to immediately call an ambulance, explaining by phone what exactly the matter is, and then neurologists will come to you.
Before the doctors arrive, the patient should lie so that his head is high, about 35 degrees. You need to put something under your head.
The patient must breathe freely, for this it is necessary to free him from the belt and tight clothing. Ventilate the area thoroughly.
In case of nausea or vomiting, turn the victim's head to one side. It is necessary to use a basin, and after vomiting, the patient's mouth must be thoroughly cleaned ofvomit.

Write down your blood pressure monitor readings to show them to your doctor. If the patient's pressure is increased, then it is necessary to give him medicine in order to reduce it, if there is no medicine, then the patient will be helped by a bottle of hot water placed at his feet. The temperature of the water must be such that it does not leave burns.
If you find the first symptoms of a stroke, you need to provide psychological support to the patient, do not panic. Of course, you yourself will not be able to determine whether it is an ischemic or stem stroke, doctors can do this upon arrival at the hospital.
After the arrival of the ambulance, you need to tell the doctor all the symptoms that you observed while waiting for the ambulance. We must remember: the sooner you provide first aid, the more successful the patient's rehabilitation will be.