Tonsillitis is called inflammation of the palatine tonsils. It occurs due to the fact that bacteria or viruses enter the lymphoid tissue. At a time when inflammation begins to progress, the focus expands to the entire body. Accordingly, soft tissues are affected.
Distinguish between acute and chronic forms. The first is popularly called angina. The chronic form is generally an ordinary infectious disease that can give complications to various organs. In the article, we will consider what can provoke the described disease, what symptoms you should know, and also how to be treated.

Description of tonsillitis
Acute tonsillitis is an infectious disease. It affects the tonsils, usually palatine. Often this disease is the result of a viral or bacterial infection. In adults, the symptoms are the same: sore throat and bad breath. If you look at the oral cavity, you can see the palatine tonsils, which are quite enlarged in size. They have a loose surface, and purulenttraffic jams. The tonsils, due to their large size, completely cover the lumen of the pharynx.
These organs are necessary in order to protect a person from various infections that enter through the mouth. The tonsils should be called the first barrier to all microbes that can enter the body. When the immune system is unable to cope with the attack of disease-causing objects, the tonsils begin to become inflamed. Accordingly, an acute disease is provoked, and after a while a chronic one appears.

Is there a possibility of infection?
It should be noted that acute tonsillitis is highly contagious. Especially if its origin is bacterial or infectious. Then in 100% of cases the patient can infect a he althy one. The same must be said about viral sore throat. If the pathogen is able to be transmitted from one person to another, then, accordingly, the disease is also able to pass. Only allergic sore throat can be considered non-contagious. In this case, the person is completely safe for the people around him.
Susceptibility to disease varies from person to person. Thus, acute tonsillitis in one patient may be manifested by a high temperature, and in another - only by unpleasant sensations in the throat. All this depends on the local immunity of the tonsils. Accordingly, the lower it is, the higher the risk that a person will have severe symptoms.
The incubation period lasts from several hours to four days. The complexity of the disease depends on how severely the tissues are affected. The deeper they are inflamed, the longerdisease will progress. The ICD code for acute tonsillitis is 10 and 9. If we talk about more detailed coding, then this is J03, 034.0, respectively.

Causes of disease
It is necessary to highlight a list of factors that contribute to the development of the disease. First of all, pathogenic microorganisms should be noted. It can be pneumococci, herpes virus, chlamydia, streptococci and so on.
Stress, overwork, some allergens, hypothermia, reduced immunity, problems with mucous membranes, as well as increased susceptibility to specific pathogens have a special effect. The basis for the disease can be any allergic reactions that not only cause pathology, but also provoke the occurrence of complications.
Acute tonsillitis
How does the disease manifest itself? As mentioned above, acute tonsillitis is an infectious disease that affects the palatine tonsils. However, in addition to this, it can also affect the tongue, laryngeal and nasopharyngeal zones.
It has already been clarified that the ICD-10 code for acute tonsillitis is J03. The international association spelled out the special characteristics of this disease. We are talking about an increase in temperature to 39 degrees, the presence of chills, pain in the head, as well as in the throat, which are very noticeable when swallowing. There may be discomfort in the muscles and joints.
If treated incorrectly or completely ignored medical remedies, this disease can easily cause severe complications, as well asit can become chronic. This suggests that a person may constantly experience exacerbations.

Chronic type tonsillitis
Due to chronic tonsillitis, there are constant inflammatory processes on the tonsils. The disease is either in remission or relapse. The symptoms of the described disease sometimes go almost unnoticed. In addition, it should be noted that chronic pathology can cause the development of a large number of pathological changes in the body. At the same time, they can affect all human systems. Sometimes there are depressions, menstrual problems, encephalopathy, and so on.
As already mentioned, the ICD-10 code for acute tonsillitis is J03. There is an official classification.
Distinguish between primary and secondary disease. The first affects the palatine tonsils. In this case, the provoking factor is hypothermia of the body. Also, pathology can occur due to reduced immunity and many other features. Secondary is the disease that appeared due to any primary. In this case, tonsillitis will be a complication or symptom.
If we talk about localization, then there is inflammation in the lacunae, in the lymphoid, lymphadenoid, and connective tissues.
Distinguish catarrhal angina, follicular, lacunar and necrotic. They differ in symptoms and causes. The most severe is the necrotic form, the mildest is the catarrhal form.

Symptoms of the disease
Symptoms of this disease are prescribed in the corresponding section of the ICD-10. Acute tonsillitis is accompanied by pain in the head as well as in the body. There is malaise, problems with the throat, swelling of the tonsils, and also the tongue. Sometimes ulcers and plaque may occur. Symptoms include abdominal pain and a rash may appear. Most often, the disease begins in the throat and, if left untreated, it descends further.
Pain with tonsillitis is completely different when compared with SARS or the flu. The tonsils become so inflamed even with a slight indisposition that it is difficult for a person not only to eat, but also just to talk. The temperature can rise to 39-40 degrees, and purulent plugs are also formed.
Chronic indicators
We examined the symptoms of acute tonsillitis, but how does the chronic one manifest itself? In general, the manifestations are the same, but they are more easily expressed. There is no pain or fever. There may be slight discomfort when swallowing. Sometimes there is a strong perspiration, as well as bad breath. The general condition of the body is normal. There may be aches, rashes that are not treated, kidney pain, problems with the cardiovascular system.

When a doctor examines the throat, in the presence of tonsillitis, he will notice that there is swelling of the mucosa. If you palpate, then the ear and cervical lymph nodes will be slightly enlarged and bring discomfort. Usually,an adult should visit a specialist, collect an anamnesis, take a smear. The latter is necessary in order to determine sensitivity to antibiotics. You should also pass a mandatory blood and urine test, visit a cardiologist, urologist, do an ECG and, if necessary, ultrasound of the kidneys. It should be noted that, as a rule, it is quite easy to diagnose acute tonsillitis in an adult.

Treatment in adults
Tonsillitis is often treated only on an outpatient basis. Only in severe cases should the patient be hospitalized. A diet is prescribed, which should be aimed at eliminating beriberi, if any. Drinking plenty of water is essential for detoxification.
With tonsillitis, antiseptics can be prescribed: “Bioparox”, “Proposol” and so on. If the tonsils are in poor condition, special preparations for lubrication are often prescribed. Lugol can serve as an example. If needed, the doctor may prescribe antiviral medications. Most often, they are necessary in order to support the functioning of the immune system. However, if you take these drugs on your own, you can cause great harm to the body. That is why the dosage and the medication itself should be selected only by a doctor.
Choice of antibiotics
Antibiotics are prescribed only for severe acute tonsillitis. They are necessary so that the body can quickly cope with the pathogen, respectively, to bring the healing process closer. However, you need to understand that antibiotics will be useful only ifif the disease is viral. This is due to the fact that bacteria very easily get used to these drugs. In order to determine which drug is needed, a swab should be taken to identify the pathogen.
How to treat?
You can gargle. It should be done on your own. It is allowed to use medical solutions. We are talking about “Chlorhexidine”, “Furacilin”, “Yudin” and so on.
If you do not want to use the described drugs, you can pay attention to the usual s alt. It will also help with angina (acute tonsillitis). Add half a teaspoon to a glass. Water should be at room temperature. Next you need to stir. If you wish, you can put soda in the same amount. Then rinsing will give a better effect. Irrigate the throat as often as possible.
It is allowed to use celandine. It should be poured with boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes. The solution should be warm, it can be heated.
Propolis extract is also good for symptom relief. In acute tonsillitis in a child, it is most often used. It is able to work as an antiseptic, and it also cleans the tonsils from plaque. In addition, propolis anesthetizes the affected area.
Physiotherapy and Surgery
You can carry out UHF, laser, ultraviolet therapy, as well as phonophoresis. Often inhalations are done in a hospital setting. These methods can only be used with basic therapy. They are not capable of treating acute tonsillitis on their own.
In the event thatIf a person experiences constant relapses of a chronic disease, then doctors usually prescribe surgery. It is especially useful if tonsillitis causes complications in the heart, kidneys or joints.